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Through rigorous training, dedication and sacrifice the wrestling legend Jill Monroe built a superb body compact in design for maximum thrust and tightly muscled for extensive applied strength.
Her over the shoulder lift and carries are legend.
So is her victory total.
Her real strength emanated from where it always does with great champions; the human mind.

If you were fortunate enough to watch Jill compete in the 1990s, I’m sure you’ll agree that every time she stepped on to the mats in the privacy of your thoughts, you expected her to win. I know that I did. In fact not only did I expect her to win, I expected her to dominate. When she faced a newbie at a South Florida wrestling club, won but was submitted several times, I was shocked.
That day did she bring her A game?
Jill primarily wrestled in England with TPC run by a great guy named Phil who I was a long-time customer for. Some of her contemporaries that she engaged and mostly defeated were Jeanne Hunter, Terri Vixen, Naomi Starr, Rose Devlin, Sasha and body builders Christine Marshall and Angel Cruz.
The star body builder Ziggy was another matter.
When I read that she would face the New Zealand princess and domination master, Lisa Marie this was one of the few times I wondered if Jill would win. When it began, it was an erotic match for the ages.
Here is what one customer had to say about Jill. “Jill Monroe is an icon in the female wrestling world. She managed to combine a wonderfully athletic yet sexy and feminine physique with a fierce competitive spirit yet with a girl next door sweetness. Her many fans consider her to be the best ever and Scotland’s greatest export.
TPC-Video.com was lucky enough to have discovered Jill Monroe and to have made many videos with her. It was a sad day for fans of female wrestling when Jill decided to retire.”
Her demeanor was typically low key with an intriguing Cheshire cat grin like she was in on a secret. She enjoyed a wide variety of wrestling styles but seemed to be at her best with vice like head locks and excruciating body scissors. I agree that she was an exceptional Scotland import.
At Female Competition International one of our many goals is to promote our great global female wrestling industry, attract corporations for advertising revenue and while doing so keep an eye on how our female population is being treated around the globe.
In terms of having access to equal opportunities, how do women fare in Scotland? Let’s please travel there.
The sound information source educationscotland.gov provides us with some history. “Traditionally, prior to World War I, women were kept out of public life, and the roles of married women were confined to the domestic sphere. Suffragists simply wanted votes for women on the same terms as men.
Legislation was totally male dominated.
Elsie Inglis (1864-1917), among many others, was appalled at the injustices, and became a founder member of the Scottish Women’s Suffragette Federation in 1906. Determined to be a doctor, she could only qualify when the degree finally became available for women. Flora Drummond, a postmistress, was imprisoned nine times for her activities as one of the more militant leaders of the Women’s Social and Political Union.
Much change in Scotland came about through the war effort: women could prove their worth by joining the Women’s Land Army or Voluntary Aid Detachments. Many worked in munitions factories (they were known as ‘munitionettes’), in engineering, driving buses or ambulances, and as nurses at home or at the front.”
Progress has been made in this scenic progressive society but a peel at what is occurring in modern times cautions us that more progress needs to be made. Here is what the world respected amnesty.org.uk shares. “Do we really need a day to support women and give special attention to their issues? This is Scotland, after all, not Iran or China or Afghanistan. Has feminism not done the job already? Statistics suggest the answer is “No” and, until there is a balance in government representation, number of female CEOs, pay, respect for labor, and a complete reduction in violence against women statistics, Amnesty Scotland will speak out on International Women’s Day.
While we may be making progress in some areas, we’re still a long way from equality. Numbers of women in positions of power in politics and business are growing but at a slow pace. According to the Equal Opportunities Commission 2008 report, it will take up to 200 years for women to be equally represented in Parliament, for example.
However, this is not just about women in government or female CEOs, and far from an issue solely concerning other countries. We’ve got a serious problem affecting the everyday lives of countless women right here at home:
“Every 10 minutes an incident of domestic violence is recorded in Scotland.”
“At least one in five women in Scotland will experience domestic violence in their lifetime.”
“One in three teenage girls in a relationship suffers an unwanted sexual act.”
“In a 2005 study of young people’s attitudes, one in five young men believe that women often ‘provoke violence'”
During a recent Amnesty group talk by White Ribbon Scotland, we learned the root of this systemic abuse is an attitude of male entitlement that is nurtured from a very young age. Not all children who witness violence become violent, but the ones who do have learned it.”
Thank you amnesty.org.uk. The world will continue to watch. Scotland is a special country and we’re all confident through great leadership that they can do better.
It’s great when we can use the female wrestling industry to bring important societal issues out in the open.
Jill Monroe was certainly an example of what doing better exemplifies.
There is so much than can be said about Jill. Some of my personal favorites were when she grappled with a true journey level gamer in Rose Devlin. Time and time again the sexy American Rose tried her best and just as often The Scottish wonder controlled, sat on and dominated her. It was erotic and energetic.
As fans we were so used to seeing her compete over and over that it was as though it would last forever. Unfortunately it never does. Certainly a reminder that life is about the present and expressing appreciation is about the now.
Thank you Jill Monroe.
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Some may find other women’s wrestling sites erotic in nature. If you are offended by depictions of women wrestling in erotic situations, please exercise caution in visiting women’s wrestling sites.
Femcompetitor.com subscribes to fciwomenswrestling.com news source. No affiliation.
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, TPC-Video.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, educationscotland.gov, amnesty.org.uk, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, https://femcompetitor.com, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons