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Advice is always easier to listen to from the experienced who have traveled the road you hope to with supreme success.
Given the wonderful variety of beautiful women who are becoming more comfortable with their gorgeous curves and the more acceptance of it in society, the next step for these shapely princesses is to become models.
Ms. Tabria Majors who has achieved supreme success as a curvy model loves to share advice and encouragement to the nicely curved hopeful.
Please enjoy this video while it lasts.
Tabria Majors How To Become a Plus Size Model
It also helps to be represented by an effective modeling agency. Tabria is represented by Natural Model Management.
Let’s meet them.
At naturalmodelsla.com they smile, “Bradford Willcox and Katie H. Willcox founded Natural Model Management in 2011. Katie has been a top plus model for over a decade, giving her tremendous insight into the elusive industry.
Katie and Bradford were inspired to open Natural Model Management after seeing a shift in the public’s preference for models that represent health and an attainable reality for the average woman. Natural’s mission is to let models be healthy and happy, while providing them with an opportunity to work as a model at their natural body shape and size.
At Natural Models, an environment that encourages personal health is provided. Models are encouraged to find a healthy weight for their bodies through acts of self-care and love such as exercise and eating well because we know you look your best when you are healthy!
Many of the models have become involved with Healthy is the New Skinny, a company that Katie and Bradford founded, to teach women self-love and healthy body image.”
Tabria clearly has made the most of that encouragement. She has impressed one of the industry elite who knows a beautiful model when they see one in Sports Illustrated.
The longtime media icon smiles about their decision to select Tabria. At si.com they share, “For the first time ever, we held an open casting call to find our next big star. After receiving thousands of Instagram submissions from women around the world, we invited 35 finalists to SI’s Brooklyn offices for an in-person interview and photo shoot. From there, it wasn’t easy, but we narrowed down the list our Top 15, who made history during Miami Swim Week as they walked the runway in SI’s first branded swimwear show.
So how about we get to know your Top 15 a little better? Next up is Nashville babe Tabria Majors!”
And some thought Nashville is just about music.
It does still have a major influence. Tabria graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Music degree in the music industry.
At the energetic and informative site galoremag.com they wanted to know more about Tabria and spoke to her regarding many subjects including what she would like to see more of in the modeling industry.
Tabria mused, “I always want to see more inclusion in the modeling industry. I want curve and plus models on billboards, in high fashion campaigns, in store front banners, in commercials, on magazine covers, etc. I would also like to see more accessibility for plus size fashion. It’s very difficult to find brick and mortar stores that carry plus size.”
It’s often best to lead by example.
Tabria has accumulated more than 350,000 followers on her Instagram account.
On her Twitter, she is very socially conscious. It’s an engaging read.
She is also a co-host of an iTunes podcast named The Thick. She has modeled for Forever 21’s website and participated in many Magazine editorial photoshoots.
If you are a gorgeous shapely girl, hopefully you have been encouraged by Tabria’s example. We would like to provide you with more encouragement.
Considering Plus Sized Modeling?
Are you plus size and wondering if you have a chance in the modeling world? If so than you have come to the right place. Until recently, plus sized women were unwelcome in the modeling world. However, recently, plus size women around the world have been embracing their bodies and have even began their entrance into the modeling world. Shows around the globe such as Americas and Britain’s Next Top model have just recently began to allow plus size models to enter into modeling competitions originally dominated by size zero models. If you are looking for more information on this type of modeling, then this article is for you. The article will discuss what plus size modeling is and how it came to be accepted, as well as some popular magazines. By the end of this article you will realize that your dreams of becoming a plus size model are definitely within reach!
A plus size model is an individual who models plus sized clothing and other accessories. They are also known as full-figured models, extended sized models, and outsized models. They primarily model for plus size clothing companies but may also engage in photo shoots for stock photography, cosmetics, household products, footwear, and watches. These models are held to the same expectations as regular models. They are generally expected to be over 5’9, have good skin, well-proportioned bodies, as well as a good bone structure. The only difference between regular and plus modeling is that plus sized women have larger bust, waist, and hip measurements than regular models. They also engage in similar work as smaller models. They may be expected to model for advertisements, magazines, fashion shows, and commercials.
Plus modeling is becoming an increasingly popular phenomenon. This is because the world is seeing more plus sized individuals. The more plus sized individuals there are in the world, the larger the demand for plus sized clothing. Thus, more plus models are being needed for advertising and selling plus sized clothes.
One of the first magazines to devote publications to plus size women was called ‘Big Beautiful Woman magazine’. Its publications ran from 1979 until 1995, selling clothes to plus size consumers. Another magazine devoted to large women, titled Mode magazine, was launched in 1997. The best thing about this magazine was that it often attached quotes to the models photographs that related to self-esteem. Today, magazines such as LouLou and Vogue hold annual plus size fashion editions to help in raising the confidence of plus size women.
Plus sized modeling is becoming very popular in an increasingly plus size world. The best thing about this type of modeling is that it is increasing the self-esteem of plus size women. Instead of hanging their heads in shame, many plus size women are now beginning to embrace their beautiful curves. If you are plus sized and have an interest in modeling, your dreams are within reach! Start your search for a local modeling agency and start your dream career today!
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OPENING PHOTO CREDIT fciwomenswrestling.com femcompetitor.com article, Sports Illustrated photo credit
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