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Bumps and bruises, up and downs, challenges and bad fortune are some of the cake mix ingredients of life that can derail and destroy us or make us more determined to overcome and succeed.
The latter is described as building character.
Character is the ability to carry out a good resolution long after the excitement of the moment has passed.….Cavett Robert
Please meet CrossFit beauty Stacie Tovar.
Training out of Omaha, Nebraska, Stacie is a Professional CrossFit Athlete, CrossFit Coach, and successful Entrepreneur.
She is no stranger to having setbacks and faced with the challenging of overcoming them.
The popular fitness industry site breakingmuscle.com reports, “This year, Stacie is hoping to turn 2014’s disappointments into 2015’s successes.
Last year, Stacie went in to CrossFit Games North Central Regionals strong and ready. The five-time CrossFit Games competitor knew what she was getting into – or she thought she did. She was ready for everything – except the punishing handstand walk that led to non-podium finishes for many of the other CrossFit Games hopefuls last year, as well.”
In 2013 the health information site shape.com spoke to another challenge. “Despite nursing a lingering shoulder injury this season, 28-year-old Stacie Tovar managed to secure a second place finish at the 2013 North Central Regional.”
The resistance that you fight physically in the gym and the resistance that you fight in life can only build a strong character.…..Arnold Schwarzenegger
Stacie bounced back to success and a brief look at her story shared at her website stacietovar.com helps to understand why. “I grew up your typical Midwestern, country girl in a small agricultural community of 700 people in North East, Nebraska. As the second oldest, I was raised helping out on my family’s farm alongside two sisters, Michelle & Kelli, & brother, Steve. We were always an active family growing up so outside of the normal sibling rivalry & farm chores, I stayed busy playing sports.
As a kid, I was always inherently athletic so I often bested the boys in my class in most activities. In high school I was a multi-sport athlete & a standout in volleyball & track. I received several offers to run track in college, but instead accepted a scholarship to play collegiate volleyball for the University of Nebraska at Omaha. In 2008, almost 2 years after graduating from college & leaving competitive sports behind, I was convinced by my boyfriend (now husband) to give CrossFit a try. My first workout was nothing short of unforgettable.”

Character may be manifested in the great moments, but it is made in the small ones………….Phillips Brooks
Stacie did what many understand who are willing to take risks for what they love. You can’t play it safe. Stacie left a nice corporate job to pursue her dream and when you look at a few of her accomplishments, her risk has beautifully payed off.
2014 – 3rd Place Individual East Coast Championships
2014 – 1st Place Team East Coast Championships (S. Tovar, E. Akinwale, R. Froning, C. Spealler)
2014 – 1st Place Garage Games Battle in the Bluffs
2014 – 6th Place CrossFit Games North Central Regional
2014 – 1st Place Crush Games
2014 – 4th Place Granite Games
2014 – 1st Place Team CrossFit Team Series (S.Tovar, E. Bridgers, B. Smith, S. Panchik)
2015 – 2nd Place Team WODAPALOOZA (S. Tovar, M. Vollmer, J. Zambruno)
2015 – 4th Place Individual East Coast Championships
2015 – 5th Place Team East Coast Championships (S. Tovar, E. Akinwale, R. Froning, C. Spealler)
2015 – 3rd Place CrossFit Games Central Regional
2015 – 11th Place CrossFit Games Final
2015 – 1st Place Team CrossFit Team Series (S.Tovar, E. Bridgers, B. Smith, P. Tremblay)
I think we would all agree that is very impressive.
Hard work spotlights the character of people: some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses, and some don’t turn up at all.…..Sam Ewing
Stacie certainly has her legion of fans, her fitness community information source livewellnebraska.com being one of them. They smile, “Stacie Tovar, a former UNO volleyball standout and now a 5-time CrossFit Games athlete, assists in coaching a CrossFit class at CrossFit Omaha, 8938 L St. in Omaha.
Stacie Tovar, a nationally recognized CrossFit athlete out of Omaha, is lending her fitness expertise to The World-Herald as a blogger for the newspaper’s health and fitness website, livewellnebraska.com. She will share advice monthly on everything exercise and nutrition.
Tovar, originally from Humphrey, Nebraska, first burst onto the fitness scene as a collegiate volleyball player at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. Two years after graduating, she took up CrossFit and competed in the CrossFit Games for the first time in 2009. The annual fitness competition in California is sponsored by Reebok and draws a live audience of more than 25,000 people.”
The more fans the better.
She’s electronic fan favorite, too, with nearly 200,000 combined followers on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
One sign of character is overcoming obstacles and another is helping others to overcome their major life challenges. To that effect Stacie is involved in an important charitable cause with a creative name.
Barbells for Boobs is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to the early detection of breast cancer, with an emphasis on women and men under the age of 40. Every day, one less woman, one less man, one less athlete is amongst us. Her group’s goal is ensure that everyone gets access to detection services.
There is a timeless expression by Mr. Billy Graham, an American evangelical Christian evangelist, ordained as a Southern Baptist minister, who rose to celebrity status in 1949 reaching a core constituency of middle-class, moderately conservative Protestants.
In his six decades of television, Mr. Graham is principally known for hosting the annual Billy Graham Crusades, which he began in 1947, until he concluded in 2005.
He was one quoted as saying, “When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost.”
Human beings are flawed. We all know that. But we can still try and learn from our mistakes and during adversity try and stay by our important principles.
Stacie admonishes at her site, “I want to motivate women & men alike to be a better version of themselves. I want to inspire others to appreciate their efforts as CrossFit athletes & most of all, embrace the outcome of their hard work. I encourage everybody that comes in contact with CrossFit to take pride in their labors & enjoy the journey to health & fitness. For me it comes down to one thing: How do you want to be remembered?”
Fem Competitor Magazine is confident Stacie will continue to surpass long-term goals and achieve great accomplishments. Not only does she have a wealth of enthusiasm and passion for life but much wisdom for such a young age.
Stacie is already legend in the CrossFit world.
Now she will continue to be remembered in the dignified female submission grappling global community as well.
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