fciwomenswrestling.cm article shefit.com photo credit
Typically when you read that a product is one size fits all, you might wonder how can that be and soon, it can’t possibly be.
The human body is so different among people and the mind as well thus it’s hard to fathom that one singular approach works perfectly to each and every individual’s happiness.
This is the challenge that many find with certain corporations to religions to Communist countries. One school of thought and one way of doing things can’t possibly work for everyone.
So having said that, when watching Shefit company owner Sara Moylen (Sara Marie) pitch the venture capitalists of the television series Shark Tank about her adjustable bra that is manufactured to fit virtually all sized women, we had to see this to believe it.

Let’s put on Sara’s adjustable bra and jog over to her website to meet her.
At shefit.com she introduces, “As a health and fitness advocate for as long as she can remember, founder and CEO, Sara Marie, lives the life of a quintessential power house – with accomplishments ranging from Miss Michigan Teen USA and Mrs. Michigan America to a 3rd place world PRO finish at the WBBF and a current IFBB Bikini Pro. Sara has made being successful an art. She’s been featured in many fitness, pageant, and business magazines, such as: Oxygen, Success, and Pageantry. And has appeared as a model and a contributor in many additional publications.
On top of her high-profile victories and being the founder and CEO of Shefit Inc., Sara is also a full time wife and mother to a beautiful family. Pursuing life with passion and tenacity, her success in business, beauty, and health is meant to serve a much larger purpose—and that’s to be a solid example to her four daughters. In everything she does, she hopes to set the standard of what it means to be a strong, beautiful trailblazer for her girls.

With her dedication to making women feel empowered and inspired, Sara has no plans to slow down. Our Ultimate Sports Bra is only the beginning of what you’ll see and experience here at Shefit. We can’t wait to support you along your active journey!”
That’s a great start but we specifically want to her about Sara and her company’s story.
“It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that every woman is different and so is her body. That said, how are all women expected to fit into the same, generic bra sizes? Here’s the answer: It’s not going to happen! It’s completely unrealistic.
And that’s what makes Shefit stand apart from the rest. The uniqueness of every woman and her body is at the core of our creation process. We were founded on those exact principles, born from a true necessity – our founder was frustrated and depressed, wearing multiple bras at one time and modifying them with clips and bands… that first version HAD to have looked like the Frankenstein of sports bras!
But, over time, we’ve come up with a magnificent product geared toward supporting every woman of every size and fitness level. Whether you work out multiple times a day or jog a couple times a week, managing excessive bounce is something every active woman faces—regardless of cup size! And let’s be real: Taming the tatas can be a serious struggle. In fact, if you’re anything like us, excessive bounce can even limit the intensity of your workouts, which isn’t ok!
As frustration and insecurities grew from our unfulfilling workouts, so did the determination to figure out a solution to this issue. That’s when the quest to create the perfect sports bra began. With a touch of hot glue, a needle & thread, scissors and several sports bras that didn’t fit right, Sara Marie, the founder and CEO of Shefit Inc., concocted the first Shefit sports bra. Although it looked funky, the homemade sports bra was a remarkable success! (I mean, here we are 10 years later—and with a much cuter version!)
The day the Shefit sports bra was born was the day that proved it’s not impossible to have a superior bra that fits perfectly and offers excellent, high impact support. The size of your breasts should never define your fitness goals—It’s the 21st century, ladies! May your workout gear never let you feel self-conscious again!
A bra finally exists that transcends the confines of the traditional sports bra. Hallelujah! The Shefit high-impact sports bra has revolutionized the way support is supposed to function and feel; because a poorly fitting bra shouldn’t be the thing that stops you from living the active lifestyle you want to live.

Once you make the switch, we’re certain the Shefit sports bra will be your new breast friend. We can’t wait to support you!”
Sounds inspiring and believable.
Let’s get a little more support (yes pun intended).
They continue, “We at Shefit are incredibly proud of the support of Dr. Brad Bengtson.
He has written landmark textbooks, book chapters, and reviewed journal articles and lectures globally about his work. Dr. Bengtson is a patent holder of eight medical device patents.
In recognition of his research and his passion for his patients, their families, and the community they live in, The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery has awarded Dr. Bengtson two prestigious awards for Best Annual Research.
Additionally, he is an educator, an innovator, and a proud endorser of the Shefit Ultimate Sports Bra. Dr. Bengston strongly believes that the Shefit bra has a great mix of scientific strength, structural support, and comfortable compression for women.
“Shefit is a uniquely designed sports bra with patented adjustability for maximum support. We have scientifically studied the Shefit design, and it allows even recent postoperative breast patient’s increased early mobility, activity with significantly improved comfort.
I have seen, first hand, significantly less pain and discomfort, improved stability and support, along with a much faster return to functional activity in my patients who have benefited from using the Shefit sports bra.”…Dr. Brad Bengtson, MD, FACS
Very convincing.
Anyone who has watched Shark Tank knows that it takes a lot of convincing based upon sales, the ability to scale globally and product quality to make even one Shark consider investing in your product.

Daymond Garfield John is an American businessman, investor, television personality, author and motivational speaker.
He is also a Shark who decided to invest in Sara’s product.
As reported at gazettereview.com, “Since being funded by Daymond John, SHEFIT has been worn by several celebrities, including Olympian Val Smith. The company has been featured on the television program The Doctors, as well as the Today Show. Not much time has passed since the airing of the episode, but it seems like SHEFIT’s modest following is growing.”
Shefit has higher goals as well.
As found on their Facebook, “Shefit is also committed to encouraging and supporting a community of women and girls as they discover & capitalize on their outer power and inner strength.”
Now that is one plan that can certainly fit all.
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