fciwomenswrestling2.com Femcompetitor.com, grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com fcielitecompetitor.com Johannes-Plenio-pexels.com
Any beautiful French woman named Sandrine stirs long passed memories of one of my favorite female tennis players from the 1990’s named Sandrine Testud.
It was an annual ritual waiting for summer to begin its decline with wonderful anticipation because I knew the US Open major tennis tournament was approaching. I looked forward to the commentary by Johnny Mac and the inside scuttlebutt from Mary Carillo when it was on USA Network night and day for 5 days a week for almost two weeks.
It was heaven.
There were so many firecracker matches.
There were also so many beautiful female tennis players in short skirts who I wished were competitive female wrestlers as well.
None more than Sandrine Testud.
She was statuesque, young, tanned and absolutely gorgeous with all of her baby fat and nice thighs. Oh I loved Sandrine. The only problem at that stage of her career was that I had to salivate quickly because she was usually knocked out in the first round.
Later she would concentrate on her fitness and become more stealth in form and as a result her baby fat began to decline and her rankings began to rise, thus she was out on the courts into the later rounds but with a different shape, it wasn’t quite the same anymore. I wished her well but a part of me was sad to see my baby fat version of sweet Sandrine gone forever.
It’s a strong life lesson to always enjoy the moments and smell the flowers because it’s permanently gone so quickly.
She retired in 2005 and I’m happy to hear that today’s Sandrine almost 20 years later from her USA Network days is a mother of two and very happy with her new life.
With sincerity, good for her.
Where does the time go?
What prompted Sandrine’s sensuous memory was when Femcompetitor Magazine had the good fortune to come across the sensational FBB wrestler Sandrine from Montpellier, France. She’s been around from some time but hasn’t wrestled much in the United States so she might be off the radar a little.
Have you heard of her?
If you haven’t, it’s time that you did.
Her coming out party this side of the Atlantic was when she wrestled at Robin’s tournament in Southern California and one of her matches was against the beautiful, sultry late Stormee Knights.
The reviewer expressed, “French FBB Sandrine takes on Stormee Knights at Robin’s Live Event in Hollywood. Sandrine should have been matched up with someone like Helen Von Mott, but a day prior to the event she had a knee injury while wrestling a man. This match was scheduled to end either in 20 minutes or when 3 submissions were scored by either wrestler (whichever happens first). Well, this match happened to be the fastest 3 submissions has ever been scored in any of Robin’s Live Events!”
While she didn’t wrestle Helen, as of this writing you can get a good look at her stretching with Helen online at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LM7CF9QjZc
Helen is very impressed with her and expressed at WB270, “I met Sandrine at one of Suzie’s tournaments down in LA and could not have been more impressed. Not only was the woman DROP DEAD GORGEOUS, she was intelligent, sweet, honorable, honest, funny, and had some of the best wrestling technique I’ve ever seen in a competitive body builder. She is very strong (obviously), and has also trained in the Russian grappling art of Sambo. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone quite like Sandrine. If I hadn’t met her myself I would say that she was too good to be true.”
Yes Sandrine is good and that’s true. Here is what a happy customer who enjoyed a session with her had to say.
“Sandrine is very friendly and pretty and has an amazing body!
I thoroughly enjoyed our session although I realized within minutes that Sandrine was not only stronger than me, but a far superior wrestler. We had a semi competitive session and she totally destroyed and then dominated me. Sandrine’s scissor holds are truly tortuous and that is at about 25% of her strength.
She has a very strong upper body and to top it off she has training in jiu jitsu along with additional grappling and kick boxing skills. In other words, this sensuous woman can kick ass big time. Rounding it all off, she has a playful personality and likes to let you know that she is controlling you and there is nothing you can do about it except submit.
I lost every fall, changed sweat soaked shirts 4 times and Sandrine never even broke a sweat. I highly recommend Sandrine and can’t wait to wrestle with her again. A great experience with a charming lady, and ooh la la, cherie, the accent comes at no extra charge.”
Sounds like sweaty fun.
Well, now that you are dried off, why don’t we visit Montpellier, France?
Montpellier is a city in southern France. It is the capital of the Languedoc-Roussillon region, as well as the Hérault department. Montpellier is the 8th largest city of France, and is also the fastest growing city in the country over the past 25 years.
Nearly one third of the population is made of students from the multiple universities in the city.
Located on the south coast of France on the Mediterranean Sea, it is the third-largest French city on the Mediterranean coast after Marseille and Nice.
The Montpellier Tourist Office is very friendly and shares, “Montpellier is the ideal place to stay and take advantage of the seashore and the many hidden treasures of the Languedoc-Roussillon region. Discover major UNESCO World Heritage Sites, scenic villages and landscapes and vast natural areas such as the Camargue marshland, and the Cévennes and Pyrénées mountains.”
The travel site respected around the globe, lonelyplanet.com agrees. “It’s often overlooked in favor of southern France’s better-known cities, but in its own graceful, easy-going way, Montpellier is every bit the equal of Marseille and Nice. With its elegant buildings, grand hôtels particuliers (private mansions) and stately boulevards, it’s a quietly stylish metropolis with a hint of Barcelona about its old quarter and shady backstreets.”
They further add with all the students there that’s its young at heart.
The population surged in the 1960s when many French settlers left independent Algeria and settled there, and it’s now one of southern France’s most multicultural cities.
Growing up in the San Francisco Bay Area I love the beach thus as we visit Sandrine’s turf, the nice informative site golanguedoc.com takes us to the surf.
“There are a number of Montpellier beaches to choose from. Probably the closest beaches near Montpellier, France are at Pavalas and Carnon, approximately 12 km from the city center in the direction of the airport.
Some of the best beaches Montpellier has to offer are to be found to the North East of the city, close to Le Grande Motte. The Montpellier beaches at Carnon and La Grande Motte itself, are much more popular. The beaches here are sheltered and have golden sand. Whilst La-Grande Motte might not be everyone’s cup of tea, with its pyramid hotels and modern housing suburbs, there is no denying that beach at Point Zero Plage, situated in the center of La Grande Motte, is absolutely stunning and certainly in my opinion the best beach, Montpellier has to offer. It is perfect for kids and adults alike. There is also plenty to do after the beach as well. You can take your pick of restaurants and bars along the front.”
So if you ever visit France and want to session with Sandrine, look at all of the enjoyable vacation options you have as well.
If the French FBB Wrestler Sandrine is new to you, her resume and mixed wrestling participation is worth exploring further.
Please remember, when a gorgeous French woman is named Sandrine, there is a high probability that she will bless you with some of the best memories of your life.
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OPENING PHOTO fciwomenswrestling2.com Femcompetitor.com, grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com fcielitecompetitor.com Johannes-Plenio-pexels.com
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.
Read more: http://www.lonelyplanet.com/france/languedoc-roussillon/montpellier#ixzz3qIs7ds8D