fciwomenswrestling.com article, Wikimedia photo
In the snail mail days, the gentlemen at Flamingo Wrestling worked better than a Swiss Watch. I would walk to the post office at lunch time and mail my order on Monday and by next Monday it dutifully and beautifully arrived in my metal mail box.
With many other wrestling companies during the 1990’s, it’s like waiting on a bad economy to improve. You know that one day it’s going to happen.
You just hope it happens within your lifetime.
Flamingo was great at something else as well.
They introduced us to some of the sexiest girl next door type amateur wrestlers of all time. Adriana, now known as Keri; Julie Ginther also known as Julie Squeeze; Jennie Vaughn, the little buttery jobber who grew up and likes to punch; Alexis the beautiful Mid-Western trash talker from Model Fight; and Christine Fetzer the sexy fem muscle goddess to name a few.
So many female stars cut their baby teeth at Flamingo.
One of my favorites that they turned me on to was Julie Ginther’s buddy from environmental heaven; the Oregon beauty formerly named Nikki Anderson and now known as Sammy Squeeze.
Sammy was around 19 years old, cute as a button and fresh as an Oregon stream. Understandably early on she struggled, in one match getting woman handled by Angelina. She wrestled her friend Julie Ginther so I can’t say much about that one since it was a sister fight. I thought Sammy grew up when she completely surprised Jennie Vaughn who expressed shock that she was about to get submitted. Sammy loved to do some trash talking too.
Here is how the match was described by the management at Flamingo, “Jennie is an incredibly hot blonde and at 5′ 6″ & 137 lbs., she is a little bigger than her opponent, Nikki, who stands 5′ 4″ and weighed in at 117 lbs. During this part of the match the action got fierce. With the action back and forth both women tried hard to get the submission. Finally a brutal pair of body scissors seemed to do the trick.”
You can purchase the match at http://clips4sale.com/wrestling-all-real-by-flamingo
Oh those were the good old days.
When I saw that she would be on Femwin’s card in a Los Angeles event a few years back, I had to choice but to put some gas in the car, take Highway 5 and head down to the sunny south land.
We had a blast cutting up and Sammy was a laugh a minute. At one point she tired of my trash talking and invited me to get in the ring and wrestle her for real. I would have done it of course, and won with ease, but as a writer I didn’t want to hurt one of my fingers so I declined.
Hey I did arm wrestle Julie who thought she would defeat me. Not so fast babe!
Didn’t they say the pen is mightier than the sword?
After watching Sammy wrestle in all of those full bathing suits at Flamingo I begged her to at least once wear a full bathing suit. When she came walking out of that dressing room, she was so hot that Smokey The Bear came running into the Dojo half dressed with a water hose, minus his hat and wet honey around his nose.
Sorry Bear Buddy. Wrong smoke signals.
She would wrestle super sexy Dia Zerva who is great to hang out with in person.
I would tease her about her days at Flamingo and she replied, “Hey I wuz just a kid.”
While Flamingo helped shape our sexy girl on the grappling mats, the beautiful state of Oregon certainly contributed to her fresh look, internal makeup and approach.
Since we just provided you with a hidden gem about our experience with Sammy in Tinsel Town, why don’t we share a hidden gem about her home state of Oregon.
Did you realize that there was a Niagara Falls in Oregon? Well there certainly is. The respected travel source portlandhikersfieldguide.org describes this paradise. “Niagara Falls is located in the Coast Range of Oregon. This is an easy 1 mile hike through a predominantly Douglas-Fir forest to a beautiful view of two 100+ foot waterfalls. The trail follows a small unnamed creek through lush foliage crossing several wooden bridges, past somewhat less spectacular Pheasant Creek Falls to a picnic table at the viewpoint at the trails end. Niagara Creek takes a 115 ft. plunge over a basalt escarpment. Though the stream does flow year-round, winter and early spring are the best time of year to visit this waterfall.”
Despite the well-known name and despite its close location to Salem, Oregon; few people have even heard of this spectacular hideaway in Siuslaw National Forest.
If you ever are up that way, you should check it out.
We haven’t seen much of Sammy these days on the wrestling mats and that increases our determination to attract corporations to Female Competition websites for advertising revenue so we can try and entice some of the exciting beautiful girls like Sammy back to the mats.
Ultimately most of life’s challenges come down to money.
For you reading this, our hope is that you support future events that are in the planning stages. It will take a collective effort to bring fully competitive women’s wrestling back to fruition.
As of this February 2015 writing, how many events in America have you seen in the last two years? Apart from Doommaidens and Femwin, not a lot. Femwrestle in Germany has events. Monica’s Wrestling Studio in England has her share. Unfortunately Honey at London Wrestling Studios has closed down so that she could further her education and career.
It will take a collective effort and seeing ourselves as one industry for women’s submission wrestling to expand in the United States.
I enjoyed watching Sammy from a distance at Flamingo but trust me (and Smokey The Bear can vouch for this); she is far sexier and hotter in real life.
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Some may find other women’s wrestling sites erotic in nature. If you are offended by depictions of women wrestling in erotic situations, please exercise caution in visiting women’s wrestling sites.
Femcompetitor.com subscribes to fciwomenswrestling.com news source, no affiliation.
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, https://femcompetitor.com, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.