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December 31, 2023,
It is okay to put yourself first.
Some of the time.
Alright, most of the time.
Your children excluded. They always come first.
One of the most important aspects of your life, that arguably should come first, much of the time, is your personal fitness program.
Physical fitness is a state of health and well-being and, more specifically, the ability to perform aspects of sports, occupations and daily activities. Physical fitness is generally achieved through proper nutrition, moderate-vigorous physical exercise, and sufficient rest along with a formal recovery plan.
As you can see, it is fairly comprehensive. Just going for a walk in the evening after work, is better than nothing, but it is not a physical fitness program.
Before the Industrial Revolution, fitness was defined as the capacity to carry out the day’s activities without undue fatigue or lethargy. However, with automation and changes in lifestyles, physical fitness is now considered a measure of the body’s ability to function efficiently and effectively in work and leisure activities, to be healthy, to resist hypokinetic diseases, improve immune system and to meet emergency situations.
A comprehensive fitness program tailored to an individual typically focuses on one or more specific skills, and on age, or health-related needs such as bone health.
Many sources also cite mental, social and emotional health as an important part of overall fitness. This is often presented in textbooks as a triangle made up of three points, which represent physical, emotional, and mental fitness.
Along with the physical health benefits of fitness, it has also been shown to have a positive impact on mental health as well by assisting in treating anxiety and depression.
If you currently do not have one, you should develop one.
The benefits of a personal fitness program are incredible, from feeling better to being able to do more, is just the starting place.
There is no need to delay or remotely feel guilty about putting yourself first because there is a recent survey that shows, if you do so?
You will not be alone.
Check this out and above all, please keep working out.

2024 Fitness Survey Findings: Workouts are “Me Time,” as People Set Boundaries from Work; Interest in Strength Training Continues to Grow
News provided by
28 Dec, 2023, 13:43 ET
Survey adds 36% would give up social media forever to lose 10 pounds
CHANHASSEN, Minn., Dec. 28, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — With 2024 nearly here, Life Time (NYSE: LTH), the nation’s premier heathy lifestyle brand, has compiled the results from its 2024 annual consumer health and wellness survey. Among nearly 3,000 respondents, notable findings included:
- At a time when people are blending their personal and professional lives more than ever, workouts are considered sacred “me time,” with 2% of respondents saying they avoid all work emails and calls during exercise, and nearly 90% reporting they rarely, if ever, work while working out.
- Interest in strength training continues to grow into 2024. In fact, building muscle is the number one goal for 2024 (35.9%) – an increase of more than 3% from last year. Weight loss and moving more each day follow in order of response.
- Nearly two-thirds (64%) say they will prioritize their health and wellbeing more in 2024 than in 2023 – a 29% increase from the year prior. The top reason cited is to be able to keep doing things they love for as long as possible. More people are focusing on being able to live longer, healthier lives (51%), versus simply looking better (9%).
“Through our annual survey, we always look forward to gather a glimpse of the consumer mindset and attitudes toward health and wellness,” said Life Time President and Chief Operating Officer Jeff Zwiefel. “Personal health is our best defense to live longer and perform better both physically and mentally and Life Time is unwavering in our approaches to meet members where they are, helping them to live healthy, happy and fulfilled lives via our best places, programs, performers and experiences.”
Survey respondents addressed 17 questions about their health, exercise habits, workouts and other fun insights:
Preferred method of workout recovery:
- 35% said a good night of sleep does the trick.
- 33.4% hit the sauna or cold plunge.
- 19.7% get in a good post-workout stretch.
- 9.4% look to a massage as their preferred recovery.
People’s workout routines break down like this:
- 50.8% have an equal mix of cardio and strength training.
- 18.2% admit their workouts were mostly cardio focused.
- 15.6% focused solely on strength training.
Other notable responses:
- 36% of people would give up social media forever in exchange for losing 10 pounds. Nearly 6% of respondents would give up sex.
- 45% said they exercise 4-5 times during a typical week.
- 62.4% said they typically spend 1-2 hours at their health club when they visit.
- 45% admit to never stretching, or only for a few minutes per week.
- 36.2% said they take multivitamins as their top supplement, followed by protein powder (23.6%).
- 30% of respondents said Dwayne Johnson would be their top pick for a pickleball partner, followed by Jennifer Lopez at 22%.
Regardless of health and wellness goal or objective in 2024, Life Time features more programs and services for those 90 days old to 90 years old than any other – from strength training to Dynamic Personal Training and Dynamic Stretch, to pickleball, tennis, cycle, Pilates, yoga and small-and large-group training, and athletic events you’ll find it all here. For those on the go, Life Time also offers a digital membership with access to on-demand classes, coaching and wellness content.
About Life Time®
Life Time (NYSE: LTH) empowers people to live healthy, happy lives through its portfolio of more than 170 athletic country clubs across the United States and Canada. The Company’s healthy way of life communities and ecosystem address all aspects of healthy living, healthy aging and healthy entertainment for people 90 days to 90+ years old. Supported by a team of more than 37,000 dedicated professionals, Life Time is committed to providing the best programs and experiences through its clubs, iconic athletic events and comprehensive digital platforms.
SOURCE Life Time, Inc.
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NOTE: Very important, whenever you are engaging in a new exercise or sport for the first time, please consult with your physician first.