fciwomenswrestling.com article, https://femcompetitor.com photo
One school of thought is that life experiences expand when you as a person are willing to open up your mind to new ideas that force you to take risks and leave your comfort zone.
This is artfully and powerfully on display in the 2014 introspective masterpiece entitled Wild starring Reese Witherspoon.

Wild is an American biographical survival drama film directed by Jean-Marc Vallée. The screenplay by Nick Hornby is based on Cheryl Strayed‘s 2012 memoir Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail. The film stars Reese Witherspoon as Strayed, alongside Laura Dern (as Strayed’s mother), with Thomas Sadoski, Michiel Huisman and Gaby Hoffmann among several others in supporting roles. The film premiered at the Telluride Film Festival on August 29, 2014, and was released theatrically on December 3, 2014, in North America.
In another exceptional interview found at the New York Times, the reviewer shares, “In 1995 Ms. Strayed, then 26 years old, set out on a 1,100-mile hike along the Pacific Crest Trail, a 2,650-mile ribbon of dirt and rock that runs from Mexico to Canada through California, Oregon and Washington. She had never hiked before but believed the hardships of a relatively simple idea — a walk in the woods from A to B — would help her find her way out of the “sick mire” her life had become. A few years earlier her mother had died rapidly of cancer at age 45. Her marriage had collapsed under her own adulterous ways. She’d fallen into a world of scuzzy mattresses and heroin use.”
Ultimately that journey out of her comfort zone has led Ms. Strayed to fame and fortune including writing a best-selling book that spent 87 weeks on the New York Times best seller list and rubbing shoulders with the Hollywood elite and the nice pay check that keeps on giving.
Most important were the positive changes that occurred when Ms. Strayed was forced to analyze and change her once self-destructive behavior.
For all of the years that we have written about Penny Barber and had dinner with her (Japanese restaurant San Jose…yummy), we have fallen truly, deeply and madly in love with her, Savage Garden style.
Our curvy Princess is a solid female wrestler from the San Francisco Bay Area and she has tried many, many, many things but engaging in mixed wrestling as a Session Provider has not been one of them.
Until now.

She states that she has found mixed wrestling to be fun and erotic and appears to enjoy doing so. You can contact her regarding sessions at:
See what happens when you are willing to take risks, learn new things and leave your comfort zone?
Penny is very charming and three times is a charm so we’ve written about her, well……three times.
Penny Barber, Wrestling Her Way To The Top – FEMCOMPETITOR …
Penny Barber Is The Epitome of A Fun, Competitive Wrestler!
Penny Barber, Pampered Wrestler Going To Disneyland!
If you have been a Penny Barber fan and are used to seeing her in a certain light, we have a wonderful surprise for you where you can watch her wrestle competitively against big name San Francisco stars in newly released matches at http://grapplingstars.com/
Let’s review a few of them here.

We were there and this is one sexy match. As usual, Penny talks up a storm. She’s never met a quip she couldn’t massage or a fun verbal jab that she couldn’t throw and she throws plenty FeFe’s way who finally smiles and asks Penny does she ever shut up? Penny smiles and responds words to the effect, “You have to shut me up.”
Can FeFe shut Penny up? She didn’t in a previous match and now in the re-match it seems Penny is going to have her way with gorgeous, curvy FeFe again.
FeFe has the most beautiful thick shapely thighs that we have ever seen. This Femcompetitor Magazine writer has had an erotic session of wrestling with her. Penny is a curvy, sexy mom with wonderful baby fat. In this intense match between two shapely, gorgeous girls, it was impossible to take our eyes off this one.
Penny Barber vs Rain DeGrey S.F. Event
This is one of the first matches for Penny and she has her hands full with tall, slender and a very determined Rain DeGrey.

Here is the producer’s description. “Penny Barber vs Rain DeGrey, San Francisco East Bay Event. Penny Barber has emerged as one of the top wrestling stars in Nor Cal. Here she takes on a very tough Rain DeGrey who comes into this match very confident. It turns into a ground war in front of a live audience with lots of intense action. Two very sexy girls in all out grappling action.”
We were there and we’re certain you’ll enjoy this Dojo domination.

One day Division rankings will be common place at FCI cooperative sites. Discussions are under way and structural elements are being put in place.
Having said that, Daisy Ducati is a Division One fighter. Why? Because she’s defeated upper echelon female warriors like Cheyenne Jewel and Minxy Li.
Penny has evolved to defeat the people that she is expected to, but according to our research has not broken through and defeated a Division One female wrestler.
She has a chance to do so here.

Here is the producer’s description. “Penny has come a long way since her early days with a local company in Oakland, California. Being a mother with all of that beautiful baby fat she is truly one super sexy, curvy woman with a fun personality. She is a legit great grappler now, but has she come far enough in taking on a national star and former runway model in gorgeous Daisy? Lots of scissors and pain as one girl begins to dominate in this exciting San Jose war.”
Penny is Isamar’s protégé. It seems like virtually every pretty San Francisco female grappler is Isamar’s wrestling child. Isamar is by far is one of the best recruiter’s in the nation. For Penny to take her on is a tall order but our shapely princess is not one to back down from a good fem vs fem fight.

Here is the producer’s match description. “Beautiful, shapely Penny is up against it facing the San Jose champion, Isamar Gutierrez. The only advantage that our super cute chatter box has is that Isamar is sick that day and is really struggling. As usual with this San Jose producer, its an erotic ground war up close. Does Penny stand a chance?”
These are the rarely or unseen matches of Penny Barber. They are a treat. If you would like to purchase them, please go to the Grappling Stars website and click on their video store at the top.
Once you get to their store, simply place Penny’s name in the search box and her matches will appear.
Please enjoy. Please reward Penny. She’s gone Wild and stepped outside of her comfort zone.
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Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.