grapplingstars.com, femcompetitor.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, fcielitecompetitor.com fciwomenswrestling2.com articles, pexels.com Cedric-Lim-Ah-Tock.
Perfectly sculpted pear shaped bodies, thick vibrant hair, coal bright eyes and energy that could fuel power plants are the hallmark of beautiful Brazilian Fitness Models.
The vibrant stars also commonly possess another invaluable marketing, public relations skillset.
They are exceptional at making use of the media.
It must be in the culture and environment they were nourished in.
A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people.…..Mahatma Gandhi
Another refreshing Brazilian Princess who is in exceptional shape and wrestles as well is Sao Paulo’s and Santos Brazil’s own Monica Martin.
Speaking about Monica, at the informative site amg-lite.net they report, “She has become the first Brazilian Bodybuilder female, to receive a Pro Card of the IFBB(the main world federation for this sport).
Monica has been involved in many other sports throughout her life: Cycling, Ballet, Martial Arts, Gymnastics among others this activities set her physical base, she started lifting weights in 1986 as part of her training, it took many years for her decide to take on competitive Bodybuilding it was in 1994 when she successfully competed for the first time wining every: State, Inter-State, Regionals and Nationals amateurs Bodybuilding championships, South-American and Ibero-American championships.”
Monica is a very impressive girl.
Her accolades are exalted from various industries. The passionate site modelsobserver.com shares, “Without question, when the word Bodybuilding is mentioned, Monica Martin’s name is not too far behind. A world’s famous professional bodybuilder, South American Champion, Monica is well known for wearing unique outfits during her routines and her sensuality gathers more and more fans to her webcam.”
You see what we mean? And we mean what we say. Monica is great at marketing herself and her brand.
Femcompetitor Magazine loves a gorgeous girl who loves to talk about many things including herself. Please go for it.
At her energetic site monicamartin.net she smiles, “Well, my name is Monica Martin, I’m a fitness model/IFBB Pro Female Bodybuilder from Brazil.
I began bodybuilding as a teenager, and I was the first girl from my country to become IFBB Pro bodybuilder.
Next to bodybuilding I have done sports like Martial Arts, Cycling, Gymnastics and Ballet; among others those activities set my physical base.”
Here we go again. A wrestler who is a former dancer. I think you can understand why we feel the two industries have a future partnership. It’s a cultural shift and merger.
Culture is the widening of the mind and of the spirit.…….Jawaharlal Nehru
Monica has wrestled on many occasions and is well-known for wrestling with female submission wrestling mogul Sybil Starr’s production fantasyfightgirls.com. Femcompetitor Magazine had the honor of meeting and watching Sybil compete at Jackpin’s 2008 masterpiece convention.
The princess is humble but not shy. She continues, “I became very popular in the bodybuilding world because my exotic looks and aesthetic feminine physique combined with my eccentric routines on stage and a ripped condition all over of the year, it opened the doors for me to entered the spotlight of the Bodybuilding media, appearing in specialized magazines like Flex, MuscleMag, MDevelopment, Women’s Physique World, Ironman , TV shows in Brazil (SBT, Globo) and US(TLC-Miami Ink) also in specialized websites as you can see my work spread all over of the internet till today.”
Okay, we are hot and bothered, so to cool us off, why don’t we travel to Brazil and peek into Monica’s roots.
Monica spent most of her youth in Santos, Brazil.
Have you heard of it? Let’s experience a little of her culture.
Santos is a municipality in the São Paulo state of Brazil, founded in 1546 by the Portuguese nobleman Brás Cubas. It is partially located on the island of São Vicente, which harbors both the city of Santos and the city of São Vicente, and partially on the mainland.
It is the main city in the metropolitan region of Baixada Santista. The population is 433,966.
There is also a football memorial, dedicated to the city’s greatest players, which includes Pelé, who played for Santos Futebol Clube. Its beachfront garden, 5,834 yards in length, figures in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest beachfront garden in the world.
Aren’t you impressed? We sure are.
We have been writing about these sensational Brazilian girls so much that we have often written about Sao Paulo especially since it’s a region where the sexy girls far outnumber the males.
So if you wanted to take a James Bond type Brazilian Princess out to dinner and a nice hotel stay (good for you); what is one of the most wonderful hotels in Sao Paulo that you could take her to?
We’ve heard of a very unique hotel. What is it called you ask?
Well, Hotel Unique.
They eloquently introduce themselves to us at hotelunique.com, “Visually stunning architecture crafted by Ruy Ohtake. Elegant, contemporary design from João Armentano. Landscaping brought to life by Gilberto Elkis. Innovative gastronomy and drinks presented by Chef Emmanuel Bassoleil at spectacularly sexy Skye.
Hotel Unique is a living, breathing part of the city of São Paulo, a place where architecture, art, design, fashion, gastronomy, music and exquisite service are at the heart of a groundbreaking hotel culture that delights and inspires each of our guests.”
Featuring custom furniture, the minimalist rooms offer city breath taking metro views.
If Monica was there, she would take some great pictures.
At her site she gushes, “For many years I have been working with great photographers all over the world. Over the years I have built up a huge collection of pictures that can be viewed completely in my member’s areas.
Here you can find a preview of the type of shoots that can be found on my site. The gallery section is huge: about 2.5BGB of pictures in hundreds of galleries!
I take great pride in the quality of the pictures: whether it’s the outfits, the photographers, the locations, or the theme of the shoot: everything should come together to create the hottest yet classiest pictures ever. And I keep that standard by delivering new high quality pics every month and make my gallery section grow bigger and bigger.”
Bigger is absolutely better.
You can contact her at monica@monicamartin.net
I sense we all love it in life when someone makes our job easier.
Monica Martin is an Internet Princess, globally acclaimed fitness sensation and body builder who can wrestle as well.
She is a cultural phenomenon.
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Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.