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It’s a very sweet and loving thing when a daughter gives her parents a ride but refuses to drop them off anywhere before the next stop. She means well.
It’s something Megan Batoon would do for her parents and dropping them off prematurely is out of the question especially since the ride is in a helicopter.
Just hope that they are not afraid of heights.
Megan doesn’t seem to be afraid of anything.
Have you heard of her?

As the world of inside sports is slowly combining the talents of dance, cheer, singing and grappling on the same performance card, you should get to know Megan.
She is the ultimate entertainer with some spice and soul.
People tend to forget that celebrities are human beings. We live our lives. We try to do what we love, which is music. And to share it with everyone in our job usually is to entertain and to make people forget their troubles.…..Gloria Estefan
The widely respected informative and educational dance site dancespirit.com introduces Megan, “Twenty-three-year-old hip-hop choreographer Megan Batoon is taking the internet by storm.
Her YouTube channel boasts over 200,000 sub-scribers and 10.5 million views, thanks to the impeccable musicality and flair for humor that make her videos so addictive.
The Florida native first started making waves in 2011, when her choreography for the former Collaboration Kids Dance crew took home first place at Prelude South Urban Dance Competition—sending the all-female crew to Hip Hop International in Las Vegas.
In 2012, hip-hop company/competition World of Dance hired Batoon to host its online news show, #WODWeekly, and Batoon has since been featured as a guest performer and teacher on the WOD tour.”
Wow that’s both entertaining and impressive.
The enjoyable and well researched site famousbirthdays.com reports more about this super sexy accomplished actress, writer and dancer. “She creates video blogs, comedy sketches, and choreography videos for her hundreds of thousands of subscribers on her self-titled YouTube channel.”
Okay we’re convinced. We’re going to watch some of Megan’s videos and share our thoughts with you.
She has a sense of humor with hip hop flavor….. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AruqZikF7A4
Most of the dancers we’ve reviewed entertain with their choreography on stage and in studios but Megan takes it a step further by blending her dance with short stories on film.
The other aspect that is phenomenal is her traffic. Most other dancers, even the high profile ones have traffic on their videos under 10,000. Megan’s numbers on YouTube can be over 1,000,000 views.
You guys should check out her videos. The girl is big time creative!!
Once again the group at dancespirit.com can’t get enough of her or stop gushing over her. They shout, “Here at DS, we’re all about female hip-hoppers. There’s just something so empowering about watching women get down, hit hard and prove that strong can be the new sexy. (Also, we’re straight-up thrilled about the trend of b-girl minis dominating the scene.)
This November, we introduced you to one of our favorite young women of hip hop. Megan Batoon—one of the 13 dance-makers who made it onto our “Hot Young Choreographers” list—embodies everything we love about this genre. Her movement has all the power of “masculine hip hop,” but it’s not exactly the same kind of power. It is #GirlPower.”
I learned how important it is to entertain people and give them a reason to come and watch you play……..Elvis Presley
What keeps Megan motivated?
In her interview with thedrum.com she provides some insight. “A lot of times I still can’t believe it. Seeing that something I did or said could affect people in such a positive way that I have yet to meet from around the world proved I could change people’s lives is mind blowing. Knowing I was able to put a smile on someone in Australia’s face from watching a video of me in my apartment is mind blowing and only makes me want to keep doing what I do.”
Megan is from the vibrant city of Jacksonville, Florida.
Jacksonville is the largest city by population in Florida, and the largest city by area in the contiguous United States.
Did you know that?
It is the county seat of Duval County, with an estimated population of 853,382 in 2014. It is the principal city in the Jacksonville metropolitan area, with a population of 1,345,596 in 2010.
Since Megan dazzles us with hip hop dance among other intrigues, how is the night life in Jacksonville?
The entertaining site 10best.com raves, “Jacksonville’s nightlife is an eclectic blend of fashionable elegance and hipster cool, ranging from the beaches to downtown.”
Another electric site axs.com adds, “The nightlife in Florida’s largest city is not boring at all, it’s just more low-key.
The low-key nightlife is a turn on to some partiers, as they will not have to deal with stuck-up bouncers or pretentious crowds. Partiers in Jacksonville can go out on a night on the town and be themselves, and that is especially true to the dance clubs in the city.
The nightclub business in Jacksonville is booming, and there are some dance clubs that you should not miss out on. Here are the best dance clubs in Jacksonville where you can dance the night away in Florida’s northernmost big city.”
That’s a refreshing change.
Then again, everything associated with Megan seems to be upbeat, innovative, creative, energetic and yes, refreshing.
I hope to keep entertaining in some way until I can’t physically entertain any longer. It’s what I was born to do, and I love this profession.….Bette Midler
Like the young female grappling population that is exploding across the United States, the world of dance is led by young tireless and bright creative minds like Megan Batoon.
When the thought of two worlds colliding is envisioned, the image conjured up is often one of explosion and destruction.
As the world of dance, grappling and inside female sports collide, led by gorgeous stars like Megan, no doubt expect another big bang; one of explosion and creation.
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Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.