fciwomenswrestling.com, femcompetitor.com article, marieforleo.com photo credit
Setting aside every other female tennis player in the world, as though you had never seen them play, after watching Serena Williams play someone for the very first time, a voice inside of you would say, she is clearly the best in the world.
Watching the mesmerizing actress Elizabeth Taylor perform in her youth, without ever seeing any other actress, internally you just knew that she had to be one of the most beautiful actresses that has ever existed.
You know what?
This is not a new concept or phenomenon.
Mr. James Bryant Conant was an American chemist, a transformative President of Harvard University, and the first U.S. Ambassador to West Germany. Mr. Conant obtained a PhD in Chemistry from Harvard in 1916.
He was once quoted as expressing, “Each honest calling, each walk of life, has its own elite, its own aristocracy based on excellence of performance.”
May we have your attention please?
There are a ton of Life Coaches out there.
We should know since we have written about and featured so many of them.
So when we came across the picture of Marie Forleo our first thoughts turned to how absolutely bright, brilliant and gorgeous she looks.

But there was more.
Her passion, enthusiasm and most important clarity in purpose is so immediately obvious and contagious.
When she speaks it is like you have never heard what she has just expressed ever before but on some levels you know that you have. Don’t all life coaches kind of say the same things to motivate us?
It’s not what you say, it’s is how you say it and Marie says it in such a way that it sounds incredibly original.
Sometimes it is, especially when she uses words like figureoutable.
If it is not in the dictionary then by golly it should be.
As far as rubbing shoulders with the rich, media powerful and famous, for any top notch Life Coach that is a bare minimum requirement. Yes she has sat on the sofa and mind melded with royalty like Oprah and Tony Robbins.

What sets her apart, and we can’t say this enough, is her vibrancy, passion and clarity of speaking.
You get it the first time you hear her.
Marie Forleo is an American life coach, motivational speaker, author and web television host of Marie TV. Among other ventures she is the owner of Marie Forleo International, B-School and MarieTV.
Ms. Forleo, who was raised in New Jersey, graduated from Seton Hall University with a degree in business finance in 1997.
We would like for you to meet her in her own words.
At marieforleo.com she illuminates, “A born-and-raised Jersey girl with nothing more than passion, a laptop and a dream, I’m proud to have created a socially conscious digital empire that touches millions.
Through our award-winning show MarieTV, world-class online training programs, a book in 16 languages and an audience in 195 countries, I help people like you dream big and back it up with meaningful action to create results.
For as long as I can remember, I’ve been insatiably curious about human potential. I wanted to know, what exactly is it that makes people genuinely happy, successful and creatively fulfilled? Why do some people struggle while others find a way to thrive, often despite the most challenging circumstances?
I was also passionate about a multitude of seemingly unconnected things: writing, hip-hop, psychology, entrepreneurship, creativity, spirituality, fitness and philanthropy, just to name a few.”
See what we mean? That was very easy to digest and as tasty and filling as it was, we want more.
With enthusiasm she adds, “From the non-stop frenzy working on the floor of the NYSE, to the well-heeled halls of Conde Nast publishing, to choreographing hip-hop on MTV and being one of the world’s first Nike Elite Dance Athletes, to penning an international bestseller, to founding a digital education company named in the Inc. 500, I’m undeniable proof that traditional rules were made to be broken.
That includes your unique set of gifts, your personality, your sense of humor and most importantly, your heart. I believe that whether you run your own business or not, a creative and entrepreneurial approach is critical to fully blossom in the modern world and to experience the happiness and fulfillment you deserve.”
After reading that we decided to check out some of her videos and her vibrant and clear message resonates so well on tape.
She has many effective products to sell but offers some free content to get you started.
Through her free content, her paid online training programs and anything else she might offer, Marie is in this to make a difference.
What a difference her day makes.
One day at a time.
Here is what one reviewer, Nathalie Lussier had to say about her. “I’ve taken my fair share of online programs, and nothing compares to Marie Forleo B-School. Everyone in the program is ultra supportive of one another, and there even seems to have developed a B-School economy, with many people becoming partners or providers of services and products to each other.
There are a lot of online programs “padded” with extra videos and content to make them appear more valuable. That’s not the case with B-school, and the training videos are short enough to be watchable and digestible.”
Ms. Lussier is the founder of a tech startup called AmbitionAlly, where she creates tools designed to fast track an entrepreneur’s online business success.
At a publication that is a leader in knowing and showcasing successful people, Forbes Magazine, shares, “Marie Forleo is a marketing and lifestyle expert and a bestselling author. Through her popular website, marieforleo.com, she reaches over 190,000 readers in 191 countries worldwide. She also leads dynamic training programs that teach individuals to succeed in business and life.”
We would add that we loved her thinking about helping all of us to build a life that we truly love. A life that is one of a kind, unique and brilliantly tailored for each one of us.
That really electrified us here.
Whether you’re starting or growing your business or looking to make a big change in your personal life, Marie can help you reach the highest levels of your creative potential and tap into the deepest wisdom within you.
The epitome of praises comes from the media mogul Ms. Winfrey herself who described Marie as a thought leader for the next generation.
We would expand that to every generation.
Our strong suggestion is to visit her website. Your visit will be a memorable and enjoyable one.

Marie is smart, funny, inspiring and also very authentic.
It will be easy to tell that she is one of the best Life Coaches in the business no matter how many you have read about, seen or come in contact with before.
She seems to make everything possible and figureoutable.
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OPENING PHOTO marieforleo.com photo credit