fciwomenswrestling.com article, WB270 photo
Steel double locked doors that contain within an inventory of tightly taped large boxes filled with painful memories, unrecoverable losses, missed opportunities and tragedy should never be opened by strangers.
When you speak with the super star submission wrestler Maria Queen and she openly speaks about having experienced extensive tragedy in her life in Brazil but made a decision not to go into detail about it; you let it go at that. Maybe another time. Perhaps in private; in a session or hanging out at an elegant restaurant in Las Vegas, but not here.
During and after conversing with Maria it’s easy to feel that you could be friends for life. She’s that honest, frank, sweet and special.

During Femwin’s April 2015 VIP event, there was going to be another video shoot in the back room and having the kind heart that she does, Maria volunteered to let us use her portable wrestling mats. We walked to her car together and she had them neatly wrapped inside.
Clearly she has done this before.
In the competitive sports world she has accomplished much. She expresses, “I am offering session wrestling in USA, actually. I have fight BJJ professionally and I am comfortable with grappling and submission: semi-competitive, and competitive. I am used to BJJ/wrestling with much larger/heavier opponents. I love to BJJ/wrestling/Boxing and being very friendly.”
Her previous customers clearly think the world of this global Fem Competitor.
“Maria Queen is one of the best competitive wrestlers I’ve ever had a session with. I am 5’10”, 215lbs, in good shape and tough and she totally kicked my butt, winning falls about 75% of the time, and I was giving my all and she is about half my size. Really amazing. Add to that she is beautiful, very friendly and not a clock watcher and she is highly recommended.”
Another satisfied customer offered this kudo.
“Maria is the total package- incredibly sexy and extremely skilled. I weigh almost 60 lbs. more than her and I have a background in wrestling and some Jiu-jitsu, but Maria has been training (and competing) most of her life in Jiu-jitsu and MMA. I tend to only session with girls that can give me a competitive match and Maria is one of the best ever. We also did some semi-comp boxing and I found out that this girl packs a punch! Although she is totally tough she is also very sweet, a good communicator and not a clock watcher. Highly recommended!”
Having met her personally, this writer agrees completely.
She’s making a great name in the industry as well having wrestled New York star VeVe Lane and in an upcoming video you will see her take on industry giant Cheyenne Jewel at Femwin’s site.
I wuz there. It wuz gooooooood!
Here is how VeVe describes their match. “VeVe and Maria have never met before, and neither one knows fully what to expect from the other… but each wrestler knows she’s facing a skilled opponent! Both ladies are tough competitors, virtually equal in size, with many years of training and experience. Now they put each other to the test!
Tense and athletic, with pressing bodies, tight pressure, reversals, skillful maneuvering, and one lady emerging as the victor. Most submissions wins.”
Brazil has certainly provided the world with beautiful women like Maria. Why don’t we travel there now?
Question for you. What is the largest city in Brazil?
Rio de Janeiro most likely comes to mind. Please read on.
The interesting site riodejaneiro.com educates us. “Rio is the second largest city in Brazil and the state capital of Rio de Janeiro. The city is best known for its beaches, carnivals, football, music and its well preserved tropical forests. Commonly known just as Rio and once a Portuguese colony, it was also the capital of Brazil for nearly two centuries during the 1800s.”
Okay, it’s the second largest city. Let’s visit the largest city in Brazil.
The nonspecific term “Grande São Paulo” (“Greater São Paulo“) covers a multitude of definitions. The legally defined Região Metropolitana de São Paulo consists of 39 municipalities in total and a population of 21.1 million inhabitants (as of 2014 National Census).
Brazil has its own fashion identity. Many very talented Brazilian designers show every season at Sao Paulo and Rio fashion weeks…..Gisele Bundchen
I love lonelyplanet.com’s first-hand experience in this masterful but less spoken of Brazilian city. “São Paulo is a monster. Enormous, intimidating and, at first glance at least, no great beauty. It’s a difficult city for the traveler to master and one that may not seem worth the sweat. Even the most partisan paulistano – resident of São Paulo city – will rail about the smog, the traffic, the crumbling sidewalks and the gaping divide between poor and rich.
But in the same breath they’ll tell you they’d never live anywhere else.”
Who better than the New York Times to wear a different set of glasses and say something similar with Eastern flair. “A city of high-rises and traffic jams in a country of rain forests and beaches, São Paulo, South America’s biggest metropolis, is a Brazilian freak of nature, except without the nature. But the city’s flaws — high prices, street crime, incessant drizzle — are no match for its strengths — artistic and business energy, relentless night life. Sometimes, it even manages to turn its flaws into assets”
São Paulo is considered the most multicultural city in Brazil and one of the most diverse in the world. Since 1870 to 2010, approximately 2.3 million immigrants arrived in the state, from all parts of the world. Currently, it is the city with the largest populations of ethnic Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Spanish, Lebanese and Arab outside of their respective countries.
I first came to Brazil in the Sixties. Then I started coming back every year since touring most of the country. I grew to love it, the people, the music. I thought this is where I belong. I’ve been living in Brazil for the past 23 years. I call it my stress-free country……Dionne Warwick
This might surprise you. When many think of Brazil and the rain forests, they imagine hot sweltering days and nights with soaked T-Shirts and flop sweat.
In Sao Paulo, not so.
Due to the altitude of the city, there are few hot nights in São Paulo even in the summer months, with minimum temperatures rarely exceeding 21 °C (69 °F). In winter, however, the strong inflow of cold fronts accompanied by excessive cloudiness and polar air cause very low temperatures, even in the afternoon.
São Paulo is also known for its rapidly changing weather.
Locals say that all four seasons can be experienced in one day. In the morning, when winds blow from the ocean, the weather can be cool or sometimes even cold. When the sun hits its peak, the weather can be extremely dry and hot. When the sun sets, the cold wind comes back bringing cool temperatures. This phenomenon happens usually in the winter.
Here at Femcompetitor Magazine we love to travel for fun but as you can imagine, Sao Paulo is such a sweeping city that we would have to write a novel. The music, dance, food, restaurants, arts and recreation are smoking hot and saucy fun.
Maria is most likely to have a stellar career as she is currently on the rise to super stardom that we are confident that we will be writing about her again. First the beans and flavored Brazilian rice, Bolinho de arroz if you will. The next Maria based article we will travel for fun.
We had so much fun conversing with Maria at the event that we longed for more insight. She stated that her love for Jiu-jitsu is like therapy. It also helped her work through her traumatic times in Brazil. She always dreamed of coming to America and boy are we glad to have her.
Blessed with talent, a wealthy martial arts armory, an enjoyable personality, exotic sex appeal and a hunger for adventure, it’s an understatement to express…….
Maria Queen is just beginning her reign.

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Some may find other women’s wrestling sites erotic in nature. If you are offended by depictions of women wrestling in erotic situations, please exercise caution in visiting women’s wrestling sites.
Femcompetitor.com subscribes to fciwomenswrestling.com news source, no affiliation.
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, https://femcompetitor.com, WB270.com, dwwgalaxy.com, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.