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Sao Paulo is a city that’s always the star of the story.
Lonely Planet, the premiere travel site that we love to quote had this to say about this Brazilian mega metropolis. “São Paulo is a monster. Enormous, intimidating and, at first glance at least, no great beauty. It’s a difficult city for the traveler to master and one that may not seem worth the sweat. Even the most partisan Paulistano – resident of São Paulo city – will rail about the smog, the traffic, the crumbling sidewalks and the gaping divide between poor and rich.
But in the same breath they’ll tell you they’d never live anywhere else.”
This dates back all the way to the 1965 and earlier.
São Paulo, Sociedade Anônima is a 1965 Brazilian drama film written and directed by Luis Sérgio Person.

The film stars Walmor Chagas as Carlos, a middle class man from São Paulo during the development of the automotive industry in the late 1950s, and follows him as he has an existential crisis amidst the industrialization process. The film was selected as the Brazilian entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 38th Academy Awards.
It was a fascinating character study in a mental and emotional meltdown but as fascinating as the film was, Sao Paulo was just as fascinating then and still is today.
Give her credit, sometimes there is someone who is even more beautiful or fascinating than Sao Paulo and that’s Maria Mendes.
“True elegance for me is the manifestation of an independent mind.”…Isabella Rossellini
Please don’t take our word for it. The well-respected and enjoyable shapely model industry site plusmodelstoday.com glows, “Maria Luiza Mendes always amazes as her career continues take off. This curvy natural beauty from Sao Paulo, Brazil has worked for many top brands like Phael and Duzani to name a few. Maria is becoming a very well-known name in the industry.
Ms. Mendes has a natural affinity for lingerie and swimwear but is just as effective modeling other genres. Maria Mendes has worked mainly in Brazil for brands like Morisco, Intimus Fashion, Valfrance, Miss Spighel, Duzani, and Sacada Fashion.”
That my friends is a very impressive resume.
This Sao Paulo curvy model is breathtaking. Just look at her. Isn’t she an elegant masterpiece?
And you know what? As impressive as that was, our Sao Paulo Princess continues to soar. Please keep an eye out for her. She seems to just be getting started.
We’re thankful to Brazil for leading the way in showcasing sensuous shapely models on the runway and promoting their brands.
There is a certain vibe in Brazil where Curvy Models are flourishing.
“Elegance is usually confused with superficiality, fashion, lack of depth. This is a serious mistake: human beings need to have elegance in their actions and in their posture because this word is synonymous with good taste, amiability, equilibrium and harmony.”… Paulo Coelho
We invite you to enjoy the thoughts of a visiting speaker who speaks about a certain curvy mindset that seems to primarily be found in Brazil.
Please enjoy.
Plus Size: Feeling Good in Brazil
By John Powell
In Brazil, we are told, vanity, as an excessive pride in one’s appearance, is not viewed as a negative attribute. All the people, men as well as women, are expected to go to great lengths to look good. As a result of the tremendous pressure to look slim, beautiful and young, Brazilian women were reported in 2014 to spend eleven times as much on beauty products as British women. Yet even in this society which worships the youthful figure, there are women who want their sisters who are no longer young and slim, to feel beautiful and sexually attractive without the need to have a tantalizingly elusive body form, or undergoing surgery.
Cosmetic plastic surgery is big business in Brazil. It is reported to be the world leader for both buttocks reshaping and tummy tucks, and when it comes to the number of breast alterations it is second only to the USA. It is not surprising that such unnecessary trauma and expense has provoked a reaction and there are Brazilian women trying to move in a different direction. Pioneers such as Darcy Toledo and Jane Walter have founded a photography business called the Nude Agency to help every woman find her own natural beauty.
Nude Agency employs an all-female team of 10 photographers, make-up artists and fashion designers. It offers ordinary women the chance to feel like a top fashion model for a day, and gain a portfolio of professionally taken sensual photographs. The women can choose to be fully clothed, but most prefer to wear just lingerie, which they can pick from a large range that the agency provides. Some opt to dispense with the lingerie. Clients are helped to select the most flattering outfits, and find the right poses and lighting.
At first, clients were more interested in obtaining sexy pictures for their partners, but soon the majority of women came for their own delectation. Clients claim a boost in self-esteem, feeling better about themselves and feeling like a professional model. The service is not cheap with prices ranging from $440 up to over $1800, depending on the number of photographs to be taken. Customers can also chose to have a mocked-up fashion magazine, or a calendar. By comparison, surgery is much more expensive, may produce no longer-lasting effect and is not without risk. The proof of the photographic approach is in the growing demand that has attracted other similar enterprises to spring up since Nude Agency was founded in 2006.
What is good for Brazil can be good for women everywhere. Perhaps a new human right has been discovered: the right of every woman to be treated as a fashion model for a day. If this is what it takes to give every woman the self-esteem to be confident in her natural body shape, it is a right to be treasured.
Ladies of discerning taste and voluptuous proportions who would like to share the glamour and prestige of high-quality silk dresses hand-made in Vietnam, an ancient home of silk production, can learn more from: http://www.curvesofsilk.wordpress.com and http://www.etsy.com/shop/curvesofsilk
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OPENING PHOTO FOUND pinterest.com megamodelbrasil-com photo
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/John_Powell/921287
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9032662
- Model at Mega Model Brasil
- Works at Curvy Models
- Works at Modelo Plus Size
- Former Model at Curvy Models
- Worked at Model
- Lives in São Paulo, Brazil
- In a relationship
- From São Paulo, Brazil