fciwomenswrestling.com article, wikimedia photo
Here’s a news flash. There’s Justice in England.

Can I ask you a question?
Does it make you a bad person if you like to see a beautiful girl lose a wrestling match as much as you would like to see her win one? I never knew that feeling bad, could feel so good.
I must admit, I’ve grown addicted to watching Justice of LWS struggling in grappling warfare.
Man she is one sexy girl.
As the master of Soul, Luther Ingram, so smoothly said, if loving her is wrong, I don’t wanna be right. I mean, if being right means not watching Justice, I’d rather be ah wrong, than ah right.
It wasn’t always that way.
For example, in her LWS tribe, Justice is not Sable, Venom or Mystique. Hey, even though they could do a great action film together, she’s not Thunder either. When I first saw her, I loved her solid feminine thighs (from a professional stand point) and somewhat unpredictable match initiation. Hands and fingers spread out, ready to pounce. Very girlie.
To be honest, I initially saw her as just another MMA wanna be, permanent middle packer, fantasy session chick on the widely traveled go everywhere, go nowhere tour.
Nicely packaged London eye candy minus the store front window.
Not anymore. This baby girl is clearly improving and her expanding resume cries out loud, I’m a big girl now!
She’s wrestled Ultra Violet, Luna, Safa Warda, Miss Squeeze, Mystique (twice), Honey, T Wrecks, Ivy, Laken and other tough UK gladiators.
I purchased her match against Chicago’s Safa at londwrestlingstudios.co.uk and I’m telling you, she had Safa on the ropes at least twice. The Windy City War Princess (https://femcompetitor.com/?p=2371 Safa Warda, Wrestler, Model, Windy City War Princess) even admitted she was tired so when Justice had a body scissors made to order by the wall, I thought to myself, a good squeeze DWW style would have ended this thing. Justice let her off the hook.
Maybe in time.
I need to get this off of my chest. I’ve been feeling this way for a long time. Can I say what I really think? Can we talk? (Eye brows gently raised) Please?
Apparently I’m not alone. Here is what one of the leading female wrestling companies had to say about her at www.londonwrestlingstudio.co.uk. “An energetic wrestler with a playfully competitive streak, JUSTICE is not a fan of losing and will fight to the end. She especially enjoys holding her opponents in submissions whilst they squirm until their bodies fall still with futile struggle and they are forced to rethink their next move.
Try not to be trapped in her crushing legs, as JUSTICE has developed some innovative moves to grip her opponents in surprising holds, as well as having the flexibility to sometimes slip out of a pin, just when you think you’ve got her.”
In observing Justice in battle, she seems to love the ground wars, fighting by lying flat on her back, beautiful shapely legs thrust out, trying to gain control of her potential victim as she often does.
She’s got courage too. Give her that.
I mean it’s one thing to face the formidable Mystique once; a warrior elite who smiles during her matches in part because she virtually never loses (https://femcompetitor.com/?p=2196 Mystique LWS Wrestler, Already Great…… And Getting Better). Our UK maiden Justice faced her twice. Talk about building your street creds and rising star rep. That was ballsy…….I mean cheeky.
I had to go back and review both matches by looking at their bikini briefs (emotionally detached) to see if the attire was different.
They were.
One match is found at Female Wrestling Zone and the other can be purchased at Femwin.
Do you want to know the truth?
Halfway through this article, I think I’m falling madly in love. I can’t help myself.
I love truth and now I seem to have mad love for Justice. Truth and Justice; it’s the American way.
More research is necessary. Everyone has a secret life. What is this UK Kitty into and up to? What does she do away from the mats? Before our sweet baby goes beddy-bye, does this baby girl wear a baby doll?
Like hoofs furiously in flight, pounding down a cobblestone street on a starless, dark London night, questions abound.
British Paparazzi, DO your job mate!
Okay (opening a large stamped envelope with Justice’s photograph on the cover in a baby doll). Great. She loves cycling. That explains the beautiful athletic thighs (must be viewed from a professional angle only, but temporarily up close is acceptable).
For myself and I suspect many others as well; when I think of London I think of music, fashion, beautiful girls like Justice and great watering holes filled with boisterous chatter but I seldom thought about cycling around this great city.
I have always struggled to achieve excellence. One thing that cycling has taught me is that if you can achieve something without a struggle it’s not going to be satisfying.…….Greg LeMond
Can we do that now?
There is quite a cycling culture there. The fantastic foundation and information source Wikipedia takes control of the handle bars. “Cycling in London is a popular mode of transport and leisure activity within the capital city of the United Kingdom.
The growth in cycling can partly be attributed to the launch in 2010 by Transport for London (TfL) of the Barclays Cycle Hire system throughout the city’s center, which by 2013 was attracting a monthly ridership of approximately 500,000, peaking at a million rides in July of that year.
In 2011 around 2.5 per cent of all commutes to work in London were by bike.
Plans to construct twelve “Cycle Superhighway” routes were announced in 2008, connecting inner and outer London, as well as providing cycle zones around urban centers.”
Deborah Moggach, an English writer, has written seventeen novels including The Ex-Wives, Tulip Fever, These Foolish Things and Heartbreak Hotel. She states, “Once you start cycling, the city opens up for you. No longer are you fighting it, hot and frustrated; no longer are you at the mercy of bus drivers, roadworks, decisions made by others and over which you have no control. Believe me; once you’ve tasted this freedom, you’re hooked.”
Did you realize that? I sure didn’t. Let’s meet a couple of the cycling enthusiasts.
One such group is London Cycling Campaign, lcc.org.uk, and here is their mission. “We are a 12,000-strong membership charity, making sure that everyone who cycles, or wants to cycle, has a voice in Greater London.”
In their common need for spokes, they have another biking partner who spoke as well.
The London Cycling Club had this to say. “The London Cycling Club is a volunteer-based non-profit organization for recreational bicycling based in London, Ontario, Canada. We have been in operation since 1971. We value the health, lifestyle and social aspects of cycling.”
Hey? (Speaking in a whisper) Do you think that if I joined one of these clubs that I could get Justice to……….
Wait, why are you looking at me like that?
Fine. I’ll let you finish that sentence. I just wanted to see what was on your mind.
Oh well. I’ll just go ahead and finish the thought myself.
Before you glared at me so unapprovingly with a stiff upper lip, I was going to ask, (sigh and pause)……. do you think that if I joined one of those clubs that I could get Justice to go bike riding with me? Introduce me to Sable so we can dance? Have Honey sit on my lap and take a picture with me? Give me a recommendation so that Medusa can color my hair, savage burnt orange? Influence Minxy Li to have lunch with me?
Hey, wait a minute. I already had lunch with Minxy Li in San Jose who firmly told me to stop name dropping!
For those of you reading this; please, please, pleeeeeeeez, don’t let Minxy know that I dropped her name. Okay? The lunch thing is just between the two of us. You and me. I wouldn’t want Minxy to be annoyed with me “again”. Look. She’s a walking conglomerate.
- Sessiongirls: http://sessiongirls.com/component/comprofiler/userprofile/Minxy%20Li
- Minxy’s Wish List: http://www.amazon.co.uk/registry/wishlist/KA0HQCYFSJ6D/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_ws_TYqXqb1480XKA
- Minxy Li on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzyc6_DzWKXCrDLBB39qKMA/videos
- on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/minxy.li
- on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Minxy_Li
Me? I’m just a shoeless country boy from Bryan College Station Texas who got let into California when the entry standards were low and the rent wuz cheap.
Don’t tell Luna, Laken, Ultra Violet or any of those other LWS Tweety Tweets. Okay? That’s just between us. Otherwise my head could be on a Minxy platter.
Let’s see, my memory gets a little shaky here but I think Minxy said in Britain when it comes to name dropping that they don’t give a………help me out here. What’s another name for a rodent’s butt? I think the second word rhymed with grass or glass?
Oh well, (smiling large, eyebrows gently raised) ANYWAY…….
I know why you might have thought something erotic about the Justice mid-sentence break and apparently my gray weather sweetheart is reading your mind too. She can feel your eyes burning holes into that computer screen. Have you noticed that in many of Justice’s matches that she wears two tops? Like the one with Karmen. Yeah, check it out. She does. Our cutie is bursting with sex appeal. She’s got so much going on above, that she has to tie the top straps twice.
Talk about strapping it on at the big top.
So look. The next time you are in London, you should make a day of it. First, cycle around the city. The great site www.visitlondon.com says, “Cycling around London is a great way to save money on transport costs, explore the capital and get some exercise at the same time.
Huge improvements have been made to London’s cycling network over the last few years, with more cycle lanes, driver awareness campaigns and extensions to the Barclays Cycle Hire Scheme. With the right safety precautions, cycling is a unique way to experience and enjoy the city.”
You might want to check them out.
Then, visit London Wrestling Studios, see where you can shower and ask for a session with Justice. Afterwards you can take in a nice lunch at a London eatery or watch some great women’s wrestling if you time the events right.
Forgive me. I know the average FCI article is about 1,000 words and here we sit at over 1,900. This chick is driving me crazy. Would you say I’m obsessed with Justice? Is there hope for me?
Look, when you’re madly in love with a sultry British Lass, you have a first class ticket on the midnight express to Crazy Town. I know you think I’m delirious and I am. So, if you don’t believe anything I have said in this tear stained love fest, please believe this.
Justice can be a great star if she chooses to be. She’s gorgeous, athletic, has charisma and is backed by an experienced, solid support team. The sky is the limit if she chooses to continue to train and compete. From someone who has been around the business for over twenty years, keep an eye on this girl.
(Big sigh) Whew! There. I’m glad I said it. (Moderate sigh) I feel better. Truly.
Soooooo, now I’m gonna go home, turn on my computer and watch Justice wrestle in three bras and two pairs of underwear. In a tough LWS match, you never know when you’ll need a spare.
When you’re in love you do crazeeee things. I’m in love with the thought of being in love. You know what I mean?
Traveling to London is climbing up on my “to do” list. Hoping to session with Justice has been added as well. You can understand why. In terms of her wrestling (70’s background music)…….
If loving her is wrong, I don’t want to be right.
~ ~ ~
Some may find other women’s wrestling sites erotic in nature. If you are offended by depictions of women wrestling in erotic situations, please exercise caution in visiting women’s wrestling sites.
Femcompetitor.com subscribes to fciwomenswrestling.com news source, no affiliation.
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, https://femcompetitor.com, www.londonwrestlingstudio.co.uk, www.londoncyclist.co.uk, www.visitlondon.com, lcc.org.uk, www.londoncyclingclub.ca, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.