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July 22, 2019,
Happiness appears to be a well-defined term but it can be as broad as a Texas desert landscape and sometimes as elusive as trying to catch a speedy lizard racing across one.
What describes happiness for one person may spell absolute misery for another.
And here’s the thing. It is constantly shifting. What makes you completely happy at 17 could thoroughly embarrass you at 50.
We know of a young man who worked as a waiter at a teenage hang out restaurant at 17. Wouldn’t want to be anyplace else in the world. Couldn’t wait to go to work. The teenage girls who came in for fun times, snacks and girlfriend celebrations were amazing.
That was 17. The best memories of his life.
That was teenage perfection.
Having said all of that, would he really want that same job at say, 50 years old?
Probably not. That might be miserable and embarrassing.
Happiness can be about location too.
We’ve seen documentaries on West Texas. We are from East Texas, Bryan-College Station near the Louisiana border to be exact. Both are located in Texas and do possess many similarities accept West Texas is far less populated and very wide open and rugged.
There is a lot of adobe there. After all, it is very close to the great sun baked land of Mexico.
It is a small community made up primarily of ranches and families that all essentially know each other and more importantly, trust one another.
The food is hearty and farm fresh and really, really good.
It is a place where some children leave, go to college but often come back. Especially to visit. Please sit down and have a large meal with family.
Sometimes they come back to live too.
As one local said, you don’t have a lot but you get three square meals a day, the open range is your office, the animals are your pets, friends and yes, sometimes dinner, but you feel something far more often than not.
You are happy. Very happy.
There is a lot to be said for hard work, simplicity, good fresh food and a community of family and friends.
Since we’ve done it for far too long, it sure beats the misery of working in an office cubicle, in a room with no windows and managers breathing down your neck all day with false smiles and an electronic dagger.
Don’t you eyeball me.
Probably few places in the world buy into the concept that we can create our own happiness more than West Texas.
There is a profound ability to connect to the wide open space. A strange yet powerful quiet beauty. A clear and constant communication.

It dwarfs you and reminds you how small you are. Smaller than an ant.
Very humbling.
It doesn’t have to be limited to that region. We who live elsewhere can create our own lifestyle which can make us happy as well. Especially once we leave the cubicle.
There are certain common denominators consistent with both happiness and your lifestyle.
In all fairness, a lot of it is attitude.
There are some people who are so optimistic and positive that they would not even complain of a hostile work environment in a company comprised of one.
The first step to happiness and a better lifestyle is, no matter your situation, how do you make it more palatable, specifically designed for you?
No matter where you live, getting some hard and creative exercise is critical.
We knew of someone in our circle that had a lousy diet, but he engaged so heavily in sports that it protected his health. Masked his dietary problem so to speak. Once he stopped playing and got a little older, his health collapsed.
“Follow your dreams, work hard, practice and persevere. Make sure you eat a variety of foods, get plenty of exercise and maintain a healthy lifestyle.”…Sasha Cohen
Participating in a regular exercise program can never be understated. Virtually everyone feels so much better after doing so. No matter your age, your body always needs it.
Following a Fitness Coach might be a good suggestion.
We have lots of choices in terms of Fitness Coaches for you to approach at approximately 100 articles. You should check it out: https://femcompetitor.com/fitness-beauties/
Thinking of West Texas, you should really think about eating a variety of foods from restaurants of different cultures.
Because of the proliferation of so many travel and foodie programs, the types of cuisines that you can sample is mind blowing and incredibly delicious.
Take your time. Research them. Especially if you live in or near a large city.
So much of the key in avoiding certain diseases is to reduce eating candy, fast foods and drinking sugary sodas.
Even if you eat meat, blended in with these different exotic and good old fashioned American cuisines, with exercise, you can still probably stay very healthy and really enjoy yourself.
Have fun with your food and friends and just don’t limit yourself to chain run hamburgers, chicken, pizza and sandwiches.
Branch out. It will make you more joyful.
No matter your lifestyle.
The interesting thing about lifestyle, which you can create, if it has a strong purpose, the sacrifices become far more tolerable since you see the rewards and end game in the distance.
With the power of the internet and worldwide web, female entrepreneurs are growing at an incredible pace. The downside can be the lifestyle.
Forbes Magazine shares, “As an entrepreneur, loneliness is even more acute, since starting a business thrusts you into a fast-paced and sometimes stressful leadership role. Entrepreneurship is all about striking out on your own, working long hours, and being responsible for the success of your business. But, it is also isolating, and even more so for first-timers who miss collegial work environments (2016 study) and leaders (HBR).”
Since we are traveling that entrepreneurial road ourselves, after working for over two decades in an office, so much of what they are saying is true. For the first five years, we easily worked 7 days a week.
It is lonely. Very isolating.
It can be depressing.
It can be demoralizing.
You have to keep going because if you do reach the other side of the street, get to the light at the end of the tunnel as it were, you will be so satisfied and happy with your new lifestyle.
As a leader.
As someone who, instead of following worn pathways, you begin to blaze a trail for others to follow. It is a very different experience than the 9-5 gig, watching the clock move with its hands stuck in molasses.
That, our friends, is not happiness.
We decided to create a new lifestyle.
You can too.
There are many revealing aspects to living in Texas. It is different down there. In West Texas there is a strong sense of happiness. Broad and wide.
It is a lifestyle that they created when a very rugged and unforgiving land blessed them.
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