fciwomenswrestling.com article, yoga journal kathrynbudig.com photo credit
In a beautiful and magical field of flowers it is so hard for one petal to stand out.

However, if one single flower can stand out, they garner and command our attention and admiration.
In the Yoga and Fitness field, there are beautiful flowers a plenty.
It is so hard for even the brightest and shiniest to stand out.
We have found such a flower that does stand out.
Her name is Kathryn Budig and she is one of the most brilliant flowers among the brilliant.
Please come closer.
At kathrynbudig.com they praise bold and bright, “Kathryn Budig is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher and author known for her accessibility, humor, and ability to empower her students through her message, “aim true.” She is a warrior for self-acceptance, honesty, and helping her students and readers find true balance. The Kansas native graduated from the University of Virginia with a double degree in English and Drama before moving to Los Angeles, where she trained under the tutelage of Maty Ezraty and Chuck Miller.
With over a decade of experience in her field, she served as the yoga contributor to Women’s Health magazine for 5 years, writes weekly for Yoga Journal, and serves on the Yahoo! Health advisory board as well as contributing regular recipes. She’s a sponsored athlete in Under Armour’s “I WILL WHAT I WANT” campaign and the founder of her animal project, Poses for Paws. She is the creator of the Aim True Yoga DVD produced by Gaiam, author of The Women’s Health Big Book of Yoga, and will be releasing her second book, Aim True, March 29th, through William Morrow; an imprint of Harper Collins.
You can practice with Kathryn around the world at workshops, festivals, and conferences, or save yourself the plane ticket by practicing with her weekly online at Yogaglo.com”
See what we mean? She is so bright and beautiful we are still trying to catch our breath.

She stands out in the minds of others as well.
A global giant Gaiam are crazy about her. That promote her at gaiam.com, “Kathryn Budig’s passion for yoga is infectious – you’ll feel it every time you practice with her Aim True Yoga DVD that helps focus your energy and intention resulting in a stronger, leaner body in no time. The first segment, Beginners Practice, is an easy-to-follow 25-minute Vinyasa flow practice. Authentic Flow is the next 45-minute segment in which she helps you push your practice to the next level to torch calories and increase your flexibility. The last ten minutes is her Five Favorite Poses workshop in which you’ll be guided through popular poses, step-by-step.”
Who is Gaiam? Let’s meet them. We love their electronic style.
“Gaiam is a leading lifestyle brand with a mission to make yoga, fitness, and well-being accessible to all. Gaiam brands include Gaiam, focused on yoga and fitness; Gaiam Restore, focused on wellness; SPRI focused on fitness, and its eco-travel business, Natural Habitat Adventures. With a wide distribution network that consists of approximately 38,000 retail doors, 18,000 store within stores, 5,000 category management locations, and e-commerce, GAIAM is dedicated to making yoga, fitness and wellness accessible to all.
Our Name
Gaiam (pronounced “guy-um”), is a fusion of the words “Gaia” and “I am.” Gaia, mother Earth, was honored on the Isle of Crete in ancient Greece 5,000 years ago by the Minoan civilization. This civilization valued education, art, science, recreation, and the environment and believed that the Earth was directly connected to its existence and daily life. The concept of Gaia stems from the ancient philosophy that the Earth is a living entity. At Gaiam, we believe that all of the Earth’s living matter, air, oceans and land form an interconnected system that can be seen as a single entity. The word Gaiam represents planetary awareness, preservation and support of the interconnectivity of all living things. By nurturing, protecting and respecting our planet, its natural resources and its inhabitants, we enrich our own lives and those of future generations.”
We have watched their channel on cable and talk about an array of bright healthy flowers that stand out.
Very impressive.
A flower that never lets the grass grow under her feet, Kathryn has more to offer. She smiles, “I just completed the first chunk of my book tour celebrating my 2nd book, Aim True. It’s a lifestyle book that fuses yoga, meditation, cooking, partnership and philosophy all under the umbrella of what it means to aim true.
My philosophy was inspired by the Greek goddess Artemis, the huntress and goddess of the moon. She is always depicted with her quiver of arrows and bow in hand, so I decided to take the traditional dancing warrior yoga sequence and give it an aim-true spin: adding archery in the upper body.”
Good points all.
Here is a video of Kathryn on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDPHl5fYFlU
If you are thinking of giving Yoga a try, with Kathryn you’ve come to the right place.
If you are just getting started, what are some essentials for your new Yoga Program?
We have a wonderful visiting writer with some flowers bright suggestions. Please enjoy.
Yoga Essentials – A Checklist
Yoga has been booming in popularity for years now. Offering a way to connect with yourself through exercise and relaxation. However, if you are new to the world of yoga it can get confusing. While many instructors will give you a list of what you will need, and what to expect. Some might not, which will still leave you with the question; what exactly do you need to practice yoga?
Well, with this yoga essentials checklist you no longer have to worry. Simply print it out, and bring it along on your yoga shopping spree. If you’d like to make it an even easier shopping trip, look around the store. There is everything that is a must-have with yoga, and many more accessories that will help to make it much easier.
* First and foremost you need to get at least a couple yoga outfits. While it is a common misconception, that normal workout wear is fine. They can often times be too cumbersome and loose to practice yoga, without having to worry about adjusting your clothes. Most yoga workout wear is snug-fitting, and meant to help you achieve inner peace without worrying about your clothes.
There are shorts, tops, pants, and even capris that are produced for yoga. Giving you a wide variety of clothing to choose from. The one key to selecting the perfect yoga outfit, is by keeping the weather in mind. Chances are, if it is snowing outside you don’t want to be caught wearing shorts. However, yoga pants will last throughout the year.
* Second, you have your yoga mat. Whether it is a Tai inspired mat or your standard issued yoga mat. They can be found almost anywhere these days, and are affordable for any budget. Some yoga mats have even been made to be somewhat sticky, which will keep the risk of slipping at a minimum. Try going organic! One of the major players in yoga, is living with the world. Giving you more reason to go green.
* The third essential item you must have for yoga, is a few props. Depending on what your instructor plans for the day. It wouldn’t be wise to be caught unprepared. From bolsters to meditation stands, there are a lot of props and accessories that are essential for yoga classes. They can be found almost anywhere, from online yoga specialty shops like this one to local shops. However, be mindful of quality. Chances are, if it is too cheaply priced you aren’t going to get the amount of use out of them that you’d want.
* The fourth essential yoga item is the yoga bag. Giving you the ability to keep all of your yoga essentials in check. There is nothing worse, than your yoga mat falling into a pile of mud before your lesson. Keep them all in one snug place, all with a little additional style.
* Meditation cushions, while an accessory can help with your yoga practices. Giving you the ability to attune yourself from within. There is nothing worse than a sore bottom on the floor, when you are trying to reach inner peace.
* Yoga dvds to keep your lessons going. Can’t make your appointment this week for yoga class? No problem! You’ve got a couple yoga dvds meant to keep you in the yoga mind set. They are essential for any yoga practitioner, especially those who are short on time.
* Foam blocks, while they would be considered props. Are by far one of the highest priority props for yoga. Thus giving them a spot on the essentials checklist. They can be found separately, or in yoga essential kits.
* A yoga strap is your friend! They are utilized frequently throughout a yoga class, or at home on your own. Much like the foam blocks, they can be found both in a kit or stand alone.
* The yoga ball and hand pump. While they can be found separately, they usually come as a pair. It will give you a leg-up at your class, when you come prepared with these two fantastic yoga essentials.
There are countless amounts of yoga items available. Which means that we have only begun to touch the basics on the yoga essentials checklist. There will always be something that you need or want with yoga lessons. Whether it be on the list or not, it is always a good idea to ask your instructor if you aren’t sure what you will need. Chances are, they will have an in-depth list of anything they require. Which will give you the ability to purchase your own, rather than utilizing their hand-outs.
Remember with all yoga items, you should try to go green. Many companies such as this one, will offer both an organic and non-organic version of all of these must-haves. Which will help you to keep our earth clean of chemicals, without having to skip a beat in your yoga lessons. Last but not least, the most essential yoga item is yourself. Keeping your body clean and free of chemicals and in tip-top shape, is by far the most important thing for yoga.
The three popular types of yoga you may have heard of are hatha yoga, power yoga and bikram yoga. Hatha yoga is the style of yoga most practiced today. It is what you will think of when you think of yoga in general. Power yoga is a more aerobic-style yoga, with an emphasis on cardio. Bikram yoga is a style of yoga performed in a heated room to accelerate detoxification. Universal Yoga sells everything you need to practice these and other forms of yoga, pilates and meditation including yoga pants, yoga mats, athletic apparel [http://www.universalyoga.com/yogaclothes.html], yoga blankets, yoga music, meditation accessories, uplifting apparel and yoga gear [http://www.universalyoga.com].
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OPENING PHOTO CREDIT, yoga journal kathrynbudig.com photo credit
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