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Mr. Stephen Covey was an American educator, author, businessman, and keynote speaker. His most popular book was The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.

Given his great success in life, when he spoke, people listened.
Regarding a person’s mission in life he was once quoted as saying, “A mission statement is not something you write overnight… But fundamentally, your mission statement becomes your constitution, the solid expression of your vision and values. It becomes the criterion by which you measure everything else in your life.”
Kat Green is a female professional wrestler currently working on the National Wrestling Alliance promotions, specifically the NWA Wrestling Revolution.

Examining the life and accomplishments of our beautiful Indie wrestling star Kat Green, she states that her mission in life is “To travel the world and change people’s perspective of women’s wrestling.”
That is a lofty and worthy global ambition.
How she is going about it is intriguing.
“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.”….. Maya Angelou
Researching Kat’s videos reveals a wrestling style of adaptation.
In watching many of the Indie girls perform, it’s often an aerial display of grand athletic proportions.
Kat’s performances seem more like Wilfredo Benitez.
Born in 1958, Wilfred Benítez is a Puerto Rican former professional boxer and the youngest world champion in the sport’s history. Earning his first of three career world titles in separate weight divisions at the age of seventeen, he is best remembered as a skilled and aggressive fighter with exceptional defensive abilities.
The operative word is defensive.
It was fascinating to watch him be as aggressive or as passive as the fighter he was engaging with successful results.
Kat can be very low key in her style as she was facing Serena Mercury outdoors or extremely energetic as she is in her rivalry with the blonde bombshell Barbi Hayden.
She admits her wrestling style is more like that of a Texas brawler and she’s not big on the high flying theatrics though she can with her patented Missile Drop Kick.
The informative Indie site alconjoshi.blogspot.com sings her praises. “Kat Green is a name that you women’s wrestling fans should know. If you don’t know her, you will. Kat wrestles primarily for NWA Wrestling Revolution and her opponents have included: Jordynne Grace, Liberty, Serena Mercury, and Kacee Carlisle, as well as a number of male counterparts. Kat made her debut on March 22, 2013 v Jordynne Grace.”
Though very competitive, as a youth she did not play sports in high school. She did run track and play soccer in middle school.
Kat is newer to the Indie game and is steadily building up her resume. Thanks to promotions like Shimmer, Shine, ROH and others, the opportunities for women to wrestle is increasing.
“In short, you can’t let the deadline define the mission. The mission has to define the duration.”… Richard Holbrooke
Kat was born in San Francisco and given the myriads of female submission wrestlers that Femcompetitor Magazine has written about that reside there, let’s travel to the region where Kat most recently lived and feels culturally a part of.
She expresses that she is a Budweiser kind of girl and loves pizza.
Welcome to McAllen, Texas.
McAllen is the twenty first most populous city in Texas and the largest city in Hidalgo County, Texas.
It is located at the southern tip of Texas in the Rio Grande Valley.
It is in the Rio Grande, across from the Mexican city of Reynosa, and is about 70 miles west of South Padre Island and the Gulf of Mexico.
The 2012 estimates put the city’s population at 140,717 and the McAllen–Edinburg–Mission metropolitan area at 804,934. It is ranked the sixth largest metropolitan area by population in the state of Texas. The Reynosa–McAllen Metropolitan Area counts a population of nearly 1.5 million.
The fantastic travel site lonelyplanet.com provides the sunshine. “McAllen is not just near the Mexican border, it is also near a natural border. To the east are the lush green lands of the Rio Grande Valley, with its farms, palm trees and fast-growing population. To the west is the beginning of the Chihuahuan Desert, where the land becomes more barren due to the increasingly arid climate.
McAllen is the center of two Texas industries: grapefruits and Winter Texans. The former are picked when ripe and juicy, the latter are, well, ripe. Highlight of the season for many is the huge Texas Square Dance Jamboree held each February.”
The Monitor is the Largest and leading Newspaper in South Texas and has an announcement to make. On March 2, 2016 they beamed, “We know it’s pretty great to live in McAllen but it sure is nice to get national recognition by being named this week among the top 100 “Best Places to Live in the USA,” by U.S. News & World Report.
The magazine on Wednesday morning announced that McAllen is ranked No. 89 — one of only six Texas cities to make the list. Austin is No. 2; Houston is 17; Dallas/Fort Worth is 21; San Antonio is 23; and El Paso is 71.
We were the only Rio Grande Valley city named and ranked one notch above Chicago and just edged out New Orleans and Miami.”
That’s very impressive.
As fans we are very impressed with Kat. She is beautiful, young and very bright and has made a decision, at least for now, to pursue women’s wrestling.
“My entire mission in life is to help women take over the world. Not by force (the route so many men have taken since the beginning of time), but with compassion, perseverance, and love.”… Kevyn Aucoin
Kat loves the Indie scene and looks forward to traveling to Japan and Australia.
When she makes that happen, get ready world. In a thoughtful, dynamic and energetic way, Kat has the ability to change people’s perspective of women’s wrestling.
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Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.