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Good feelings abound when a beautiful person gets what they deserve in life.
The young Australian beauty Kara Webb is gaining attention worldwide for her exceptional accomplishments in the world of CrossFit and no one deserves it more.
Dedicate yourself to the good you deserve and desire for yourself. Give yourself peace of mind. You deserve to be happy. You deserve delight.…Hannah Arendt
In a 2015 article, the energetic site www.floelite.com shares, “Second place ain’t all that bad when it comes to competing against the quarter-thousand who participated in the 2015 CrossFit Open.25-year-old Kara Webb is back in action, staking her claim near the top of the leaderboard, next in line to Annie Thorisdottir. And this (second place) after being out with an injury she suffered at the 2014 CrossFit Games.”
She has been affectionately dubbed The Fittest Gal in Australia after placing number 1 at the Wollongong CrossFit Regional Games.
This is an incredible feat given that 30 men, 30 women, and 20 teams from Australia will advance to the Regionals and joining them will be the top 10 men, women and teams from the Asian region.
The health industry site fitnessinthecity.com.au underscores the magnitude of Kara’s victory evaluating, “The stakes are high. Few make it to the Games, and even fewer make it back.”
Through hard work, sacrifice and dedication, Kara made it back to the top after suffering a compressed nerve that ran from her cervical spine down her left arm. It was sudden and extremely aggressive.
She had to avoid training for an entire week along with receiving treatment and lots of anti-inflammatories.
Anyone who has been through something similar to that knows its hard entire to rehabilitate and return to a normal life, let alone rise again and raise yourself to one of the highest levels in the CrossFit world.
Kara speaks to her CrossFit philosophy at myshopify.com. “”I have been a Cross Fitter and CrossFit lover since February 2011, coach since October 2011, and have been lucky enough to participate as an individual competitor in the CrossFit Games in 2012, 2013, and 2014.
This wonderful sport drew me in instantly as I searched for the feeling of accomplishment. Each and every day I would turn up to CrossFit Roar and learn new skills, make mistakes, overcome those mistakes, become fitter and stronger, all with the support of the community that formed within the chalk laden walls.
Four years later and I am still as in love with CrossFit as I was in my first honeymoon year. With time, some great programming, a good set of eyes on me, and millions of mistakes I have learnt what works and what doesn’t work when trying to be a more proficient Cross Fitter.
More is not always more and quality will always trump quantity. I believe the true and original ideologies of a simple, high intensity, and varied CrossFit program with the assistance of some accessory exercises can not only maintain a balanced lifestyle, eliminating long unnecessary days or multiple sessions in the gym but will also provide an ideal environment for progression towards your training goals.”
Hmm, she’s young, beautiful, in perfect shape, intelligent and wise too.
….Marilyn Monroe
One of the aspects to Kara’s story that Femcompetitor Magazine was moved by and enjoyed was the support of Kara’s family and friends. Not only does she appear to have a fantastic career but a wonderful private life filled with love and social happiness.
Let’s travel to Kara’s home of Brisbane, Australia.
Brisbane is the capital and most populous city in the Australian state of Queensland, and the third most populous city in Australia. Brisbane’s metropolitan area has a population of 2.3 million.
Today, Brisbane is well known for its distinct Queenslander architecture which forms much of the city’s built heritage. It also receives attention for its damaging flood events, most notably in 1974 and 2011.
The city is a popular tourist destination, serving as a gateway for visitors to the state of Queensland, particularly to the Gold Coast and the Sunshine Coast, popular resort towns immediately south and north of Brisbane, respectively. Several large cultural, international and sporting events have been held at Brisbane, including the 1982 Commonwealth Games, World Expo ’88, the final Goodwill Games in 2001, and the 2014 G-20.
The official site australia.com introduces us to some fun. “Combine art and outdoor adventure in Brisbane, where South Bank’s cultural institutions and restaurants meet riverside gardens and a lagoon. Take a paddle steamer or ferry down the Brisbane River, abseil Kangaroo Point cliffs and bike ride through the City Botanic Gardens. Day trip to Moreton Island or add Noosa, the Sunshine Coast and the Gold Coast hinterland to your itinerary.”
A guilty pleasure, Brisbane is known for having some great donuts. Salted caramel cinnamon or Nutella – whatever the flavor, tourists and Brisbanites love the area’s donuts.
The globally admired travel site lonelyplanet.com adds, “Australia’s most underrated city? Booming Brisbane is an energetic river town on the way up, with an edgy arts scene, pumping nightlife, and great coffee and restaurants. Lush parks and historic buildings complete the picture, all folded into the elbows of the meandering Brisbane River.
The weather is brilliant and so are the bodies. Fit-looking locals get up early to go jogging, swimming, cycling, kayaking or rock climbing, or just to walk the dog. And when it’s too hot outside, Brisbane’s subcultural undercurrents run cool and deep, with bookshops, globally inspired restaurants, cafes, bars and band rooms aplenty.”
If you love tennis, in January, the Brisbane International is a prelude to one of the four majors, the Australian Open in Sydney.
Ah, Australia. So much to go for.
The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for…….Maureen Dowd
Well since the above respected source mentioned brilliant bodies that gives us a legitimate reason to admit our appreciation for Kara’s beautiful strong thighs. What a work of art.
The world of the Fem Competitor is expanding. From dignified female grappling, to dance, fitness and CrossFit, modern women like Kara are accomplishing great things and garnering global admiration.
Like so many other beauties, Kara accomplished it the old fashioned way.
She earned it.
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