fciwomenswrestling.com femcompetitor.com, fcielitecompetitor.com pexels.com Sebastian-Voortman-photo.
What if you knew that you had lived before?
How you lived, who you loved, how you died and today?
Your killer is still alive.
This was the premise for the 1975 uncomfortable and mesmerizing film, The Reincarnation of Peter Proud, distributed by Cinerama Releasing Corporation starring Michael Sarrazin, Margot Kidder and Jennifer O’ Neil.

The film begins with a professor at a California college, Dr. Peter Proud, who begins to have recurring nightmarish dreams about a past life and events. Deeply troubled he visits a sleep lab or dream institute to have his dreams tested.
Tested they are except there is one huge problem.
They are not registering as dreams.
Reincarnation can be terrifying especially if an untimely death is the inevitable outcome in the final chapter.
As of this writing the film appears to be online.
When watching the sexy shapely Indie super star Kacee Carlisle wrestle and snarl her way from one boisterous crowd to another, images of the 1970’s star Sandy Partlow keep reoccurring. Sandy was shapely and snarled her way through one stadium after another as well.

The two women truly are very similar.
Kacee Carlisle has wrestled throughout the independent circuit for many promotions including Women Superstars Uncensored, National Wrestling League, World Xtreme Wrestling, and the National Wrestling Alliance (NWA). She has held the NWA World Women’s Championship one time and is the current Queen of VALKYRIE.
Ms. Carlisle grew up in Washington D.C. where she ran for her high school team. Kacee also lived in Manassas, Virginia, where she worked as an office manager. Her interests include animals, traveling, and photography.
This is the new electronic world not available in the 1970’s and Kacee seems to a master at making great use of it.
She introduces us to herself at her very colorful and marketing friendly website kaceecarlisle.com. “Welcome to my official website! I’m so excited to have a permanent online home that is accessible to everybody without the worry of usernames, “friend” requests, or any other restrictions! I truly hope your visit is an enjoyable one.”
It’s reported that Kacee Carlisle began watching wrestling at the age of eight, fell in love with the sport, and decided immediately that she too would one day be a professional wrestler. Kacee broke into the wrestling business in 1998 as a manager affiliated with wrestler Shorty Smalls.
Kacee has worked hard to earn the respect of both her peers and the fans, becoming known as one of the most traveled, hardest-hitting and toughest women in the ring today. Kacee’s signature style of old school roughness combined with a touch of femininity makes her easily recognizable to fans and opponents alike.
To date, Kacee has wrestled in 18 different states and has held numerous championship titles along the way, most notably the prestigious NWA Women’s World Title.
Over the past several years Kacee has been voted the Wrestler of the Year for several promotions, wrestling news websites and fan polls.
Did you notice how OLD SCHOOL was inserted? Visions of Sandy Partlow.
The reviews at the exceptional pro wrestling site cagematch.net are often revealing. They seem to see the same thing.
One reviewer expresses, “The Queen of the NWA (and most of the indies.) Her look recalls the lady brawlers of yesteryear. She’s not here to win bra and panties matches, she’s here to FIGHT. And fight she does.”
Sandy Partlow was one of the ring’s best brawlers to ever wear lipstick. Well, lipstick optional.
Another reviewer agrees, “One very dangerous lady. Ms. Carlisle is capable of putting a beating on almost anyone. She has the weight but not the height, her power is very good and she knows how to work the ring. She likes the ground and pound type of fight and most would be wise not to get suckered into that type of contest.”
Sandy Partlow had the weight but not the height. She was listed at 5ft, 1 inch.
Though as of this writing, living in sophisticated San Francisco, Kacee is from Sturgis, South Dakota.
Why don’t we ride a motorcycle there and visit?
Sturgis is a city in Meade County, South Dakota, United States. The population was 6,627 as of the 2010 census.
The town is named after General Samuel D. Sturgis. Sturgis is famous for being the location of one of the largest annual motorcycle events in the world, which is held annually on the first full week of August. Motorcycle enthusiasts from around the world flock to this usually sleepy town during the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. Sturgis is also famous for hosting the 1996 edition of WCW Hog Wild.
The well-traveled group lonelyplanet.com has ventured to virtually everywhere including Sturgis. They add color to Kacee’s village. “Fast food, Christian iconography and billboards for ribald biker bars featuring dolled-up models are just some of the cacophony of images of this tacky small town on I-90 (exits 30 and 32).
Things get even louder for the annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in early August, when around 500,000 riders, fans and curious onlookers take over the town. Temporary campsites are set up and motels across the region un-muffle their rates”
As Femcompetitor Magazine reviewed Kacee’s online video matches there was a well, recurring theme. Kacee wins and roughs up opponent. It happens over and over that no matter how much she is losing at one point, you know that she is going to come from behind and body slam, face plant and just plain old whip her opponent into submission, just like……
In the unsettling film previously described, Dr. Proud couldn’t help but look into the void and follow the pathway to his destiny filled with meaningful revelations, cherished love and deep pain.

At some point in life, many of us have to look into the void and travel the path to our destiny that we tried so hard to avoid.
The good news for Kacee is that the story of Sandy Partlow is mostly a very good one. We fans will always cherish Sandy’s memories and she has a permanent place in lady pro lore as one of the rough and tumble greats.
Kacee Carlisle is traveling a road to her destiny as well.
It is a pathway that we are certain will have her remembered as one the most elite shapely, rough and tumble female wrestlers to ever set foot in the ring.
Just like……..
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Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.
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