fciwomenswrestling.com, femcompetitor.com article, London photo via pexels.com artist Chris Schippers
Leave it to British entertainment to produce and quietly seduce our emotions with films better than advertised.
One such film that caught many quietly and happily by surprise was the now classic The Remains of the Day.

The Remains of the Day is a 1993 British-American drama film adapted from the 1989 novel of the same name by Kazuo Ishiguro. It was directed by James Ivory and produced by Ismail Merchant, Mike Nichols and John Calley. It stars Anthony Hopkins as Stevens and Emma Thompson as Miss Kenton with James Fox, Christopher Reeve, and Hugh Grant.
The film was nominated for eight Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Actor (Hopkins) and Best Actress (Thompson). Hopkins won the BAFTA Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role.
The British Film Institute ranked The Remains of the Day the 64th greatest British film of the 20th century.
You see, we knew it would be a classic destined for the celluloid library.
The story goes in 1950s post-war Britain, Stevens, the butler of Darlington Hall, receives a letter from Miss Kenton, a recently divorced former work colleague employed as the housekeeper some twenty years earlier.
Lord Darlington has died a broken man, his reputation destroyed after he was exposed as a Nazi sympathizer, and his stately country manor has been sold to a retired United States Congressman, Mr. Lewis. Stevens is granted permission to borrow his Daimler, and he sets off to the West Country to meet Miss Kenton.
The slowly developing relationship between the butler (Anthony Hopkins) and the housekeeper (Emma Thompson) is a sad tale of what could have been if people act upon what they want to and even should do.
From time to time Femcompetitor Magazine searches the libraries of our great global competitive female submission wrestling industry and here we travel to England again for what already in our minds is a classic match that may not be appreciated for what it is.
The match involves the established Czech company fighter in Alkaia who regularly competes against her teammates in the Czech Republic vs Jade of England who primarily has wrestled in fantasy and semi-competitive matches in London and in many ways could be considered a company fighter herself since she primarily wrestles within her group.

Before purchasing the video we fully expected the nicely feminine muscled Alkaia to easily dispatch of Jade.
Alkaia has wrestled many matches in front of a live audience at the great Femwrestle Events in Germany while Jade recently ventured there to take on Orsi.

Here is the producers match description at the Submission Room.
This is Match #1 from the latest live (Christmas) event from the London Submission Room, held on December 9th 2017 and it kicks off with an amazing submissions-only match between guest wrestler Alkaia (from ALPHACATZ in Czech Republic), and one of the Submission Room’s more experienced wrestlers, Jade. One look at Alkaia and you can see she is solid muscle, and so it’s clear that Jade is in for a tough match. But Jade isn’t going to be intimidated by the Czech and fans of Jade know she has won matches in the past against much larger wrestlers.
London Submission Room owner, Pippa the Ripper, introduces the two wrestlers and Jade and Alkaia get to their knees and start. This quickly turns into an intense match with both wrestlers having to draw on all of their experience. As you would expect from an experienced wrestler Jade’s defense is good, making it difficult for Alkaia to lock on.
However, Alkaia is clearly the stronger and at one point, she shows just how strong she is by literally powering out of a head-lock that looked like it was going to be a certain point for Jade and with the point denied, it’s Jade who now finds herself in Alkaia’s clutches. It’s about two-thirds through the match before the first submission is won, but the match is far from over. This was a great start to the Christmas live event.
Here is the review from Femcompetitor Magazine. https://femcompetitor.com/
There is great anticipation in the air as two beautiful girls are about to face one another from two very different and dynamic parts of the world.
Jade from England and Alkaia from the scenic Czech Republic.
Both women look gorgeous as Jade is sensuously clad in a burnt orange full bathing suit and Alkaia flexes her gorgeous female muscle in black briefs and a sexy sea blue sports bra.
As the two combatants kneel to the floor, they are cautioned by Pippa to stay in the middle of the mats as there is concrete surround the padded squared circle.
Potential ouch.
As they begin to engage, what is a little surprising is the Jade is the aggressor and doesnt appear to be intimidated at all. In fact during the early skirmishes she is the one positioned on top.
Soon Alkaias higher skill level begins to take over and so does she as she finds herself on top of Jade in a sitting position, clasping the British girls arms, ready to pull Jade to the side for a crunching body scissors or possible smother.
Fortunately for Jade, since this is in England, she is the home team so to speak, and the crowd begins to cheer for her, Come on Jade.
Alkaia does indeed pull Jade forward for the side body scissors but cant quite close the deal.
Jade appears to be very determined and doesnt submit. This struggle ensues for some time before Alkaia mounts her from behind and up top.
What is intriguing is that as many times as weve watched Alkaia fight and even chronicled her matches, generally she is very astute at closing the deal but just cant seem to here.
Minutes go by and she is in position to do so, but Jade seems to have an answer for every possible hold.
When you purchase the match, you’ll been enticed by the closeness of the very erotic ground struggle that literally is a nail biter right down to the end.
This is a classic, even if it is not fully appreciated yet.
A classic is a book that doesn’t have to be written again. W. E. B. Du Bois
While we agree with Mr. Du Bois that a magnificent novel does not have to be written twice but with a quietly great match like the one between Jade and Alkaia, we sure hope a future rematch is in store.
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OPENING London photo via pexels.com artist Chris Schippers