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February 6, 2020,
At what point is it too early to start talking about and salivating over ice cream?
We say at no point. It is always a good time to talk about ice cream.
And eat it too.
When is it a good time to Skream for ice cream?
The owner of the well-received and popular no-sugar ice cream comfort food, I Skream seems to feel anytime is a great time to Skream for I Skream ice cream.
Apparently her ice cream is so delicious that hopefully she is Skreaming all the way to the bank and back home too.
We want a closer look at this unique ice cream, even though right now it is February and fairly chilly outside. Well just take it inside where it is warm.

At iskream.com here is their story.
I Skream was founded in 2011 by Susan Patrick in Milford, CT and the concept is simple.
I Skreams mantra is never take a bite of mediocre ice cream. Susan created because she had four small children and wanted to make them something that was absolutely delicious but NOT full of sugar. She already owned and operated the Walnut Beach Creamery in Milford, CT which made its own ice cream full of delicious cream and real fruit and Susan is an ice cream fanatic, so she knew she wanted something that tasted just as good but without added sugar. It wasnt easy.
At the time, 2011, all no sugar added ice creams were sweetened with artificial sweeteners and a lot of health experts were warning about their dangers. Stevia was something new. The plant, originating from South America, has a bright green leaf that looks a lot like mint but if you pick a leaf and put it in your mouth theres an explosion of sweetness. The best part is stevia doesnt make your blood sugars rise. This was something natural and sweet. It was perfect
Not so fast! Stevia leaf for all its wonderful attributes has a strong aftertaste. Some say it taste a little like black licorice. It took two years of experimenting and taste testing in her Connecticut creamery before Susan had an ice cream that tasted creamy and sweet but without the aftertaste and, best of all, without the added sugars.
Weve heard about Stevia. Susan seems to swear by it and not at it, so we want to learn a little more.
Stevia is a sweetener and sugar substitute derived from the leaves of the plant species Stevia rebaudiana, native to Brazil and Paraguay.

This is very important.
The active compounds are steviol glycosides, which have 30 to 150 times the sweetness of sugar, are heat-stable, pH-stable, and not fermentable.
The body does not metabolize the glycosides in stevia, so it contains zero calories like some artificial sweeteners. Stevia’s taste has a slower onset and longer duration than that of sugar, and some of its extracts may have a bitter or licorice-like aftertaste at high concentrations.
If you love the taste of licorice, and we do, then you will savor the after taste.
The legal status of stevia as a food additive or dietary supplement varies from country to country. In the United States, high-purity stevia glycoside extracts have been generally recognized as safe (GRAS) since 2008, and are allowed in food products, but stevia leaf and crude extracts do not have GRAS or Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for use in food.
The European Union approved stevia additives in 2011, while in Japan stevia has been widely used as a sweetener for decades.
At the respected site healthline.com they surmise, Stevia is a nonnutritive sweetener. This means it has almost no calories. If youre trying to lose weight, this aspect may be appealing.
However, to date, research is inconclusive. The impact of nonnutritive sweetener on an individuals health may depend on the amount that is consumed, as well as the time of day its consumed. If you have diabetes, stevia may help keep your blood sugar levels in check.
The way that we look at it, the key is how much you consume.
Balance in anything that we consume is important.
As far as we know, no sweetener is perfect for your health. Honey seems to be very good but it cant be processed in all product forms.
As far as I Skream is concerned, they actually have a Nutritionist who works with them.
Their team shares, Alyssa Lavy, MS,RD,CDN is a registered dietitian who believes that food should be satisfying, nourishing and delicious. Alyssa received her Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science from George Washington University and her Master of Science in Nutrition and Exercise Physiology from Columbia University. Alyssa is also an ACSM Certified Personal Trainer and has a lot of experience answering your questions. Please give Alyssa at least 24 hours to get back to you.
Very good to know.
We now feel that we have permission to Skream for ice cream in February.
Were happy that a female entrepreneur like Susan has successfully answered the call of all, with an insatiable sweet tooth, crying out for delicious ice cream year round.
Please read on.

I*SKREAM Joins the Ranks of Women Owned Businesses with Its No-Sugar-Added Decadent Tasting Ice Cream Bars Now Available Online
MILFORD, Conn., Feb. 6, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — I*SKREAM chocolate covered Ice Cream Bars now available on-line. It joins the 4 out of 10 businesses owned by women in the U.S. I*SKREAM reflects a growing trend of women wanting to start & own their own companies and have control over their lives and how those lives impact others.
Founder, Susan Patrick, started I*SKREAM with the mission to create a no-sugar-added ice cream she could serve to her four children. Sweetened with stevia, I*SKREAM offers seven flavors on-line starting February 1, 2020. “I wanted to return to work after having my children,” says founder, Susan Patrick. “However, my passion was in making something I could feel happy to give to them, but I also made it for anyone who wants or needs to reduce their sugar. I love stevia because it’s been used for centuries and is 100 percent natural and safe.”
It took over two years to create a taste in her chocolate-covered bars that was decadent but with only 140 170 calories and 3-4 grams of sugar. That’s why Susan calls the bars a SUPERTREAT®. Owning the company also gave her the power to demand amazing inclusions like fresh banana puree, organic cocoa nib, pure bourbon vanilla and nutmeg. “Starting this company is hard but it also gave me control and flexibility,” says Susan.
Susan Patrick is available to talk about I*SKREAM bars but also talk about the benefits of being a female entrepreneur.
I*SKREAM® is available on-line starting February 1, 2020. Contact us at 233817@email4pr.com https://iskream.com/ for samples and more information about our unique product. To order online visit www.iskream.com.
Susan Patrick, President, ISKREAM, INC. https://iskream.com/
203-980-7008, 233817@email4pr.com
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Opening photo fciwomenswrestling.com femcompetitor.com, fcielitecompetitor.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com, grapplingstars.com mentatdgt-pexels.com-photo-credit.
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