fciwomenswrestling.com article, Wikimedia photo
Goldie is a golden name for a red hot girl who gets what she wants.
In Robert Southey’s classic tale of her namesake, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, our heroine found the door to the bear’s home open and helped herself to some porridge.
I was a great reader of fairy tales. I tried to read the entire fairy tale section of the library…..…….Beverly Cleary
When I first met the hot female submission wrestler Goldie back in 2008 at Jackpin’s Women’s Wrestling Convention in San Diego, she was standing side by side with super sexy Pandora, the former gymnast from Chicago and boy oh boy, I’ve never seen two more beautiful women occupy the same space in my life.
These are two girls who know how to get what they want.
It was on a Saturday night and for a bargain price of $20, we adoring fans had a chance to watch some additional wrestling beyond the daytime event which also included the talented Julie Ginther, Grace of Virago and others.
Goldie would engage Pandora in an erotic ground war and at one point Pandora had her in a tough sexy hold and Goldie asked all of us in the audience, words to the effect, if we were enjoying our booty shot.
Yes Goldie, very much so. Booty shots at Women’s Wrestling Conventions are always welcome.
Jackpin’s 2008 Convention – San Diego at night
Goldie has mainly plied her wrestling trade in the fantasy world and is one busy little bear. She has easily wrestled in over 50 fantasy matches with various companies around the world including APL of Portugal.
It’s when she makes a decision to step onto the mats in real competition that things get interesting and unpredictable.
Enter Shauna Ryanne.
She met Shauna in a match at Femwin and in the early going it was a ground war struggle but at one point Shauna secured her in a joint lock and cranked and……..YEOW!!!!
All of the bears in the forests of Southern California were awakened, spilling porridge everywhere.
The FvF industry leader Femwin describes the match saying, “Lots of cries of pain and some injuries in this match which we’re sure Goldie will never forget! She was certainly afraid of Shauna’s legs by the end! Incredibly, this was Shauna’s first competitive wrestling match ever, at least against a girl!”
Goldie made it clear that she didn’t come there to get injured. Understandable. She seemed a little tired due to previously wrestling another fully competitive match in which she won easily.
Goldie is easy on the eyes and easy to write about. She’s the type of girl you’d love to get in a bear hug.
Here is how our fun loving cubby describes herself. “I have worked for companies like Steel Kittens, Double Trouble, California Wildcats etc. I have been a model for the last 13 years. I like working out taking my dogs for long walks. I also like going to motor cycle events and wearing tiny outfits, laying in my garden in the nude for that all over tanned look. I also do wrestling sessions which I enjoy. It pays well and helps keep me fit.”
Here is what her fortunate satisfied customers had to say about the beautifully tanned maiden.
“She is absolutely beautiful! And has a personality that immediately puts you at ease. We had a semi-competitive/fantasy session and she was quick to pick up on what I enjoyed most and worked those scenarios in as we went. She is not a clock watcher and allowed the phone to roll over to voice mail twice during our hour. She has a wonderful setup for sessions, with some of the nicest mats I’ve experienced in a session. A definite recommend!!”
Let’s here from one more bear buddy.
“Goldie has nice place to wrestle and she is even more beautiful than her photos. She is the one of the nicest persons I have ever seen. I had a semi competitive session against her. I thought having a size of 5’10” and 160 would help me a lot to win, but I was totally wrong. At first the match seemed to be even but she wore me out pretty quick and then got the lead of the match.”
Goldie sessions out of Frazier Park, California. Goldie loves motorcycles along with her buddy Tanya Danielle so why don’t you hop on and let Goldie glide you there.
Wikipedia announces that Frazier Park is an unincorporated community in Kern County, California. It is 5 miles west of Lebec, at an elevation of 4,639 feet (1,414 m). It is one of the Mountain Communities of the Tejon Pass. The population was 2,691 in the 2010 census, up from 2,348 in 2000.
Thanks Wikipedia. Hmm mountain community. That raises the often asked question. Does a bear eat porridge in the woods? If so, is it done door open or closed?
The informative travel site trails.com adds, “Nearby Mount Pinos, which is the highest peak in the area at 8,831 feet, receives the most natural snowfall in Southern California and is a popular Southern California location for cross-country and back-country skiing in the winter and mountain biking and hiking in the summer. Outdoor enthusiasts will find a number of campgrounds in the area that offer close proximity to miles of hiking and biking trails.”
The parks there are not only bear friendly but pet friendly as well.
I began to believe the fairy tales: You know, how we’re all out there looking for our magical missing half.….Michael Bergin
If you have the desire to session with Goldie, based upon everything that we heard it will be a fairytale come true. She’s beautiful, fun, energetic, friendly and professional and if you’re good…..
She just might read you a fairytale.
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Some may find other women’s wrestling sites erotic in nature. If you are offended by depictions of women wrestling in erotic situations, please exercise caution in visiting women’s wrestling sites.
Femcompetitor.com subscribes to fciwomenswrestling.com news source, no affiliation.
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, https://femcompetitor.com, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.