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DWW’s Susanne exhibited an adventurous spirit that begs to be imitated and admired.
Projecting a keen sense of adventure, the German wrestler Susanne who was prominent on the fully competitive submission wrestling scene in the late 1990’s and early 2000 decade traveled extensively in search of her next wrestling conquest.
Looking back on her lengthy, varied and widely respected wrestling career, Susanne fit a nomadic profile as she seemed to have no allegiance to one wrestling company but created friendships with many.
The German princess had an unusual erotic appeal in that she was very feminine and exhibited a softer physique as opposed to the firm muscle toned body builder look. Her voice was very soft and her spirit, even when in intense competition, respectful and cooperative.
Sometimes when she spoke, you could barely hear her. I was constantly replaying and turning up the volume to find out what she said. I must admit it was a turn on.

Initially I perceived she was one more in a long line of effective DWW maidens since she seemed to spend so much time there. Some of that no doubt was based upon the first time I watched her wrestle inside an enclosed room against a much younger wrestler and I was a little taken aback by how thin she was.
If you’ve had the chance to see her compete when her matches were close she tends to engage in an extensive ground struggle favoring grapevines, body scissors, head locks and the tendency to sit on her foe when she has the upper hand.
Having said that, her matches can often be described as a tale of two cities.
When Susanne is in control, her high skill level is very apparent. She tends to take a very patient approach in carefully maneuvering and imposing herself to wear her opponent down. She loves try and trap you in her head and leg scissors until there is no room for escape.
Her resume includes some well-known names like DWW’s Melanie and Clara along with European stars Puma, Jana, Ann, Romana and the Belgian champion Nadege. She takes on all comers including those newer to the game in Nicole and Joanna.
It was when Susanne traveled to the colonies that things unfolded in an unexpected way.
She would wrestle at a South Florida club and meet and American named Toni who seemed to wrestle in the north east but certainly was not a national household name. Given her DWW experience and skill level I expected Susanne to win easily but once the match started I was a little puzzled why it was taking so long for her to get the match under control?
The two girls continued to circle each other and attempted to gain control in the standing position but to no avail. Finally TPC’s stalwart Rose in her role as a referee requested that they engage while on their knees. That’s when Toni slowly began to take control and once she did began to completely dominate Susanne scoring one submission after another including a very erotic one with Susanne pinned on her back and Toni controlling her extended leg and then releasing it almost with an air of disdain.
After facing Toni, Susanne’s troubles were not over as she would soon face another American named Lee Ann with even worst results. I remember when I watched this match years ago I was so stunned that it stayed lodged in my memory for some time. You can purchase the match at TPC’s website under the title TPC6-00.
It’s odd. I know this should be a highlight reel of Susanne’s greatest matches but because of her slow grinding style, even when she won at times while it was always interesting and erotic; still admittedly in some ways fairly hard to remember.
It was her few loses that tend to standout because they were so lopsided. As the matches progressed, Susanne became even more feminine and seemed to resign herself to being dominated often clutching her conqueror in a caressing manner.
When DWW produced a seniors vs juniors event, Susanne drew another tall maiden in youthful Clara. Once again the match started slowly but as it began to flow, Clara began to completely woman handle her. In the words of the DWW leaders, “The last match, not in the series, was a private match between experienced German Susanne and DWW’s Clara. Both girls are very slim in the bust, and quite strong. Although Susanne is very experienced and had clearly won all her recent matches when she was appearing for other producers (apparently they missed her two South Florida maulings), she finds that the level of wrestling skill demanded at DWW is much higher. Clara shows no pity or respect for the older German woman and crushes her with some great head scissors!”
Even he seems to get excited about Susanne getting dominated.
Please don’t think the less of me but I must admit so did I.
I could provide you with a description of what happened when she faced Beatrice Goffin’s razor sharp lawnmower we all know as Nadege but I think I’ll spare you that one. I won’t even say what happened to her after she provided Nadege with breakfast, lunch, dinner and a dark German beer.
You want to know anyway? Okay.
She would face another dynamo named Anne. Hey? I’m not going to tell you what happened. I won’t reduce myself to that. Stop asking! I won’t be bullied! I refuse!
I’ll let the ref tell you about it instead.
“Probably the most heating fight of the cool blonde! Sitting on her opponent, trying to push her back on Anne’s upper body over and over again she tries to make her give. The most adorable form of a schoolgirl pin to my opinion! To be honest, my neutral standing as a referee (me: like we really believe that) I lost for a few moments here for shouting at Susanne to continue this lovely movement. But it was not successful for a very long time because Anne is a small devil and she uses a dammed deadly and hard scissor very often in this fight which makes the mat to a north German hell for Susanne. So this was a very attractive fight with a very hard and brutal and clear ending.”
Hmm. Maybe it’s just me but it seems like he enjoyed watching her get totally dominated also.
Let’s pause for a second because I want to set the record straight.
I loved watching Susanne win as well.
When she traveled to England, complete with a mini tournament in her honor she did very well against the dark haired beauty Laura, the aggressive Lucy and the new girl Sabrina.
Not only did I love watching Susanne wrestle I respected her gentle and sweet spirit. I think the challenge for Susanne as her matches wore on is that she had not developed the muscles in her arms and torso thus at some point despite her great skill level, they consistently betrayed her.
Since it appears that Susanne was not officially a DWW girl, she apparently is not listed in their Hall of Fame or girl’s database. Given her extensive victories and great sportsmanship, I truly believe she should be, thus the tribute here.
I hope Susanne has a little sense of humor. I’d love to be professional but at times some of the more erotic wrestlers like Susanne get the best of me.
I think we would all agree that part of what creates a more meaningful life experience is our desire to explore and experience new things. Given Susanne’s sense of adventure and nomadic endeavors, her body of work displays a wrestling career to be truly admired, appreciated and enjoyed throughout time.
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