fciwomenswrestling.com article, fightpulse.com photo
Power was not her greatest asset so when the now retired French tennis star Natalie Tauziat kept the ball in play, waiting for the right opportunity to come into the net, patience was her greatest virtue.
She was the runner-up in women’s singles at the 1998 Wimbledon Championships. Her career-high singles ranking was third in 2000. She currently coaches Canadian tennis player Bianca Andreescu.
The female sports world can learn much from her patient style of play.
Many of our beautiful female submission grapplers have learned the patience game well.
Patience can be regarded as a decision-making problem: eat up all the grain today or plant it in the earth and wait for it to multiply.
Our industry stars are great decision makers on the mats.
“The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.”… Leo Tolstoy
Two matches come to mind.
When the San Francisco-San Jose super star Isamar Gutierrez wrestles, especially an opponent that she is favored to defeat, she still exercises patience instead of immediately trying to go in for the knockout punch.

She demonstrated that well when she faced the gorgeous shapely brunette in Bella Rossi.
Here is the match description. “Bella is having a tough day and wants to take it out on Isamar. Whenever a student wants to take on the teacher, things can get rough. Isamar is an interesting case study in that even when she thoroughly thrashes someone, which by the way, she is about to do to Bella here, she doesn’t hurt them but strategically and methodically dominates them. The gorgeous, feminine, shapely Bella has no answers for Isamar’s onslaught. The longer the match goes on, the more submissive Bella seems to become and melts into Isamar’s arms. Lots of leg struggle and smothers in a very competitive match with beautiful Bella sighing “I Give”.
Isamar’s patient methodology is very effective.
Another match in patience is when the two gorgeous Amazons Anika and Lucrecia meet at Fight Pulse.

Here is the match description. “The battle of heavyweights is finally here! It’s time to find out who our #1 heavyweight is and decide the rankings!
Lucrecia and Anika are both determined to do their best to get this important win, which results in an intense wrestling match. In FW-49 there are pins, body and head scissors and even at one point in the match a double-scissor hold, with both wrestlers locking their legs around their opponents’ necks at the same time.
If you enjoy watching competitive female wrestling between big powerful women, – they are both over 6? (over 183 cm), with a combined weight of over 400 pounds (185 kg), – then this match is for you!”
We purchased this match and enjoyed the tactical strategies involved by the winner to extract a well-earned victory. It was a sublime demonstration of patience personified.
Are you patient in life in your effort to achieve your goals both on the female sports battlefield and your everyday endeavors?
We have a fantastic visiting writer who is happy to provide some proven suggestions on how you can develop more patience.
5 Practical Tips To Developing Patience

By Rhodri Jones
When going after any goal or dream, developing patience is a real must.
I’m very much a goal orientated kind of person, but I have to admit maintaining patience can sometimes prove a challenge.
When I set myself any goals, I go all out to achieve them, however when things don’t go to plan or I fall behind with my schedule then I really have to work hard to keep my patience in check.
I have to say I’ve improved hugely from where I used to be, but it’s fair to say that I’m still very much a work in progress.
But what exactly is patience?
Well, the dictionary definition of patience is ‘the bearing of provocation, annoyance, misfortune, or pain, without complaint, loss of temper, irritation, or the like.’
Patience is often referred to as being a virtue, and despite my difficulties at controlling it on occasions, it’s something I couldn’t agree with more.
It is such a quality to possess, but unfortunately it’s something the majority of us very seldom practice.
When difficulties arise, the majority of people immediately quit and search for a simpler more straight forward path, with a hope of avoiding pain and struggle that comes with any worthwhile and meaningful goal and desire.
But it is only by overcoming adversity and pain that we forge and develop our character.
Impatience deprives us of all these kinds of life changing and character defining experiences
Practicing patience brings with it many virtues that will greatly impact both your life and the wider world.
Patience is that quality to hang on in there when things seem hopeless and impossible.
Patience is the ability to distance yourself from instant gratification and allow things to come to you at the right time and in the right way.
Patience is about accepting what is, and trusting that no matter what, you’re always on course to reach your destination.
Patience demonstrates a maturity and a roundedness in a person
Patience cultivates strong and binding relationships whether in marriage, family or community.
So as you can see its virtues are numerous, but how do we go about developing patience?
Below are 5 developing patience tips that you can start applying in your life today.
Firstly, it’s important to realize that no one is perfect.
Everyone has flaws, including you.
We need to learn except ourselves and others for the individuals we all are. Every one of us is on that never-ending journey of growth and development. That journey would be so much easier and enjoyable if we showed patience and compassion to each other.
Secondly, develop a life philosophy that is centered on your true values and beliefs.
Living life in this way will avoid an instant gratification response and instead enable you to approach each and every situation in a more measured and considered way.
Every choice you make has a consequence or another way of saying it is every cause has an effect. The question you need to ask yourself is whether you act now and settle for what you get, or do you bide your time to get what you truly want?
Thirdly, live in the present moment.
Dwelling on your mistakes and failures in your past, and worrying and fearing for your future robs you of your true power.
It’s vital that you understand that we are all creating what we call our ‘tomorrow’, our future today. Doubt, fear and worry zaps you of all your power to create a better life for yourself.
Also another important thing to remember is that when you live out of the present moment, dwelling on your past and worrying about your future, you are cutting off all the help and guidance the universe readily provides you to accomplish your most heart-felt goals and desires.
Fourthly, Face up to your fears.
Confronting your biggest fears head on will eventually make them disappear.
“The fears you don’t face control you. The fears you face, you move beyond,” Dr Wayne Dyer.
Even the most successful people in the world experience fear, but the difference is that rather of avoiding or running away from their fears, they face up to them and take action.
Finally, don’t force things to happen.
You must understand that all things come to those who wait. You must be patient!!!
The Universe or source energy that connects us all will bring to us everything we need to achieve our goals at the right time and in the right way.
The people we meet or the situations or circumstances we are confronted with are all the workings of the Universe, leading us expertly through life toward our most sought after desires. Have faith and trust that the Universe is always there supporting and guiding you to what you want.
Release all doubts, fears and anxieties and soon everything you desire will be yours guaranteed!
As I mentioned at the beginning, being patient has never really been one of my strengths.
I’d always get frustrated and agitated when something didn’t go to plan, or a goal wasn’t achieved. But after a great deal of study and self-discovery things are slowly improving.
Developing patience is integral to goal achievement. It’s a key requirement to aligning your thoughts and actions with that of your desires and that of the Universe which serves you.
Developing patience [http://www.secrets-2-success.com/perseverence/] is a key requirement to reaching your goals. The road to success is often challenging and requires patience and perseverance to keep moving forward. Go here [http://www.secrets-2-success.com/goal-setting-strategies-that-are-guaranteed-to-work/] to discover effective ways to realize your goals and live the life you desire a lot quicker and easier.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Rhodri_Jones/385226
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6919433