fciwomenswrestlng.com article, https://femcompetitor.com photo
For the new world of women’s wrestling to come to fruition some of the key ingredients that must occur are cooperation and maintaining good relations.

The new world as Female Competition International (FCI) see’s it is that the Female Submission Wrestlers will engage with the Female Freestyle Wrestlers who have graduated from the great WCWA programs in title fights at the Dojo in dignified attire where family and friends can attend.
The present as research seems to indicate is that for women to wrestle professionally, they either have to engage in eroticism, violent often bloody combat in an MMA cage or ply their trade in the current Lady Pro world of over the top characters or divas.
As individuals or groups sometimes in our dealings with one another, issues may arise that make it challenging to get along. Given what may be at stake, what are some steps that all of can take to look at the larger picture and take steps to ensure positive outcomes.

Mr. Robert Chen, the owner of embracepossibility.com in his article How to Get Along with Almost Anyone (it’s easier than you think), offers some exceptional suggestions.
1. Make the other person feel significant
No one likes to feel small and most conflicts occur when you make others feel uinimportant whether you intend to or not. If you think back to situations that make you angry or frustrated, it mostly likely stemmed from someone disrespecting or dismissing you. Road rage is a perfect example of this.
The key to getting along with almost anyone is to avoid actions that diminish others and replace them with actions that build up others.
Here are some behaviors that break down relationships:
- Acting annoyed, rolling your eyes, sighing audibly or sucking your teeth.
- Being disrespectful with your words or actions by not paying attention to someone who is speaking to you, using a condescending or patronizing tone, raising your voice or being unresponsive.
- Undermining others, speaking negatively of others, unfairly criticizing the other person’s attributes, actions and efforts or sabotaging someone’s project or reputation.
Now that you know what behaviors to avoid, you can strengthen you relationships with these actions:
Pay Attention Fully
When you interact with someone, give them your undivided attention. Don’t look around to see what else is going on or check your phone or watch. Take time to listen and respond accordingly to show you’re engaged. Make the other person feel like they’re the most important person you’re meeting with that year.
Get Insatiably Curious
Nothing will make someone light up more brightly than showing genuine interest in them. Be curious and ask specific questions based on what you hear. The more questions you ask, the better the interaction will go but keep in mind that you must be sincere. If you try to fake it, people can tell. Express real enthusiasm to be with this person.
Elevate Appropriately
When possible, show that you consider the other person remarkable. You can highlight the great work that they’re doing, compliment them on specific past achievements or let them know how grateful you are to spend time with them. Find opportunities to speak highly of this person to others as often as you honestly can. One trap to avoid is making others feel more important by putting yourself down. This is never helpful so it’s critical that you lift others up in a way that respects everyone including you.
It’s not hard to get along with others.
Make them feel important by showing them that you value their time, knowledge and experience. A good rule of thumb is to treat others like you would the CEO of your company, President of your country or someone you truly admire. Think about how you would act if you met with these individuals.
I’m sure you would probably:
- give them your full attention and all the time in the world,
- be curious about their lives and
- find opportunities to compliment them and their work.
If you act this way with all your relationships, you’ll see some great results.
Those were some outstanding suggestions from Mr. Chen.
Underscoring the significance of this, a recent survey reveals millions of people in the UK do not have a single friend and one in five feel unloved, according to a survey published by the relationship charity Relate.
One in 10 people questioned said they did not have a close friend, amounting to an estimated 4.7 million people in the UK may be leading a very lonely existence.
On an individual level, research also indicates there is a strong correlation between possessing good health and maintain healthy relationships.
In a well written article by counselingassociateshome.com, they cite that the Department of Health and Human Services issued a 68 page report that married people are happier, live longer, drink less, and even have few doctor’s appointments than unmarried folks.
The Mayo Clinic cites statistics that happily married people live longer than singles and have lower rates of diseases including cancer and heart failure. Not only did increased levels of happiness significantly improve longevity, but these couples, acting as a team, also became better equipped to defray the stressors in life that may be detrimental to your health.
Using an MRI scanner it may be seen that sections of the brain that produce powerful neurotransmitters that affects pleasure, happiness and well-being are activated when people are experiencing feelings of love.
Adults who feel they are useful to their family and friends are less likely to suffer from chronic illness and have lower mortality rates.
Divorce can damage one’s physical health so dramatically that the person never recovers according to a study in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior. Divorced people have 20 percent more chronic health conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer, than married people. They also have 23 percent more mobility limitations.
The higher a person rates their feelings of loneliness the more likely they are to develop cognitive problems, with the loneliest twice as likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease.
We live in exciting times where so much can be accomplished and place us in a position to change the future of dignified women’s wrestling.

Whether it’s on an individual or group level, creating and sustaining positive relationships has measurable benefits.
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Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, https://femcompetitor.com, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.