fciwomenswrestling.com article, fightpulse.com photo
Spectacular in her ability to tactically decimate, physically over power and mentally outlast; Diana of the Czech Republic and Fight Pulse company fame is the perfect wrestling teacher.
Her wrestling tells a story even when she doesn’t say a word.
Here is her lesson book.
Do as she does and not as she says because she truly doesn’t say much but her wrestling carries a big Judo stick.
“I will remain active in judo.”…Ryoko Tani
Yes Diana is a skilled grappler and MMA wrestler and it shows in her matches where she takes on some of our industry’s biggest names.

Her resume includes battling Alice of Poland, Mara of Hungary, Scorpion of England, Suzie of Hungary, Karina of Russia, Lucrecia of the Czech Republic and Great Britain’s Kassidy, and America’s VeVe Lane to name a few.
If you are a female athlete interested in grappling and you want a formidable arsenal, please watch some of Diana’s videos because learning basic Judo would help you immensely.
Here are two matches at industry leader Fight Pulse where Diana highlights her Judo prowess.
FW-17: Diana vs Xena (sgpin-only match)

“FW-17 is a competitive schoolgirl-pin-only wrestling match between Diana (5′ 9″, 154 lbs.) and Xena (5′ 11″, 161 lbs.) wearing Judo Gis. It was produced as a result of a custom request by one of our valuable customers. Submissions are not allowed and only forward or reverse schoolgirl pins are counted as points.
There is no doubt that this is Xena’s toughest match to date, as she is facing our top wrestler, Diana, in her most comfortable outfit – a Judo Gi. The effort put forward by Xena is spectacular. Unfortunately, it is not enough. Diana decisively takes the match in her hands with an amazing number of tight schoolgirl pins – both front or reverse. Xena loses control of her aggression, and in one of the rounds even land an unintentional kick to Diana’s face. But this only distract Diana for a split second from her merciless onslaught.

If you like the schoolgirl pin hold, and if you love seeing one woman dominating another despite the latter’s best effort, this is the video you will not regret watching.”
Here is Diana’s Judo masterpiece.
NC-06: Diana demonstrates Judo techniques
“Diana, as some of you already know, is a black belt Judoka. She has been practicing Judo since she was 12 – for 11 years now. In this long (36 minutes) video, which we filmed on one of our customers’ request, Diana talks us through the various Judo techniques – grappling techniques (katame-waza), chokes (shime-waza), throws (nage-waza), and combined techniques, and demonstrates them on the male victim, Marek. If you are a fan of beautiful skilled Judokas in gis practicing Judo, you will love this video. Every hold, choke or throw is named, described and demonstrated – most until victim’s tap out – with attention to detail. Some are very hard for the male victim, especially considering that he is not physically or technically prepared for the task.”
For those of you who want to get into the competitive female grappling game and desire to learn Judo, we have an exceptional guest writer ready to provide you with some important tips.
Please enjoy.
Judo – 8 Things All Judokas Need
All Judokas must have a good forward throw. Throws such as Harai Goshi, Ippon Seoi Nage, Tai otoshi and Uchimata are techniques that you must know how to execute. Having the ability to turn for a forwards technique results in your opponent either going over for Ippon or sets them up for a backwards technique. I encourage you to consistently work on turning and using your hips as one of the hardest aspects of Judo is to turn in for a throw.
Backward throws such as Osoto gari, Ouch gari and Ko soto gari are just as important as forward throws. This is due to the fact that when attempting a forwards throw your opponent may lean backwards giving you an opening for a backwards technique. By having a backwards and forwards attack in your repertoire will keep your opponent guessing resulting in you controlling the fight and eventually throwing for Ippon.
Ashiwaza is essential to not only controlling the match, but throwing people too. Good Ashiwaza is usually used to set up a major technique (a combination) or unsettle an opponent who is in the Jigotai position or walking backwards.
Ashiwaza techniques that you should know are attacks such as De ashi harai, Ouchi gari and Ko uchi gari. By mastering these techniques and attacking regularly with them will unsettle your opponent and stop them moving where they want to move.
The ground game in Judo is very fast, technical and smooth. It is important to have 1-3 techniques that you can transition into once the fight hits the mat. Although there are many great grappling arts out there (such as BJJ and Sambo), I highly recommend spending your time drilling Judo specific transitions such as turnovers as well as submission attacks such as Sankaku Jime, Juji Gatame and Koshi Jime.
When practicing or competing in Judo you will soon come across a player who has a throw you cannot stop. The best way to stop someone attacking you is by not letting them grip you in the first place. Therefore you must learn a variety of grip breaks. Grip breaks must become second nature so it is important to drill them over and over again. There are many ways an opponent can grip you and it is important you cover all bases. Different grips include traditional, double sleeve, double lapel, top grip, two on one and cross guard and it is important you know at least 2 ways to break each grip.
You must have a plan when you fight. Whether in randori or in a competition you must have a plan. Your plan should cover aspects of the game including what you want to do as well as what your opponent might do.
It doesn’t matter what level Judoka you are you must have a high level of cardiovascular fitness. Speed power and high anaerobic levels are all fundamental aspects of competitive Judo. It is important that you follow a good Judo specific fitness and conditioning program if you want to succeed on the mat
You must have the ability to learn and adapt. Judo is a very humbling sport and you will find there is always someone who can beat you, whether it is in Tachi Waza or Ne waza there is someone somewhere who is better than you. Judo is all about improving you skills and becoming an overall better Judoka- on an off the mat.
By having an open mind you will not only improve quickly but you will also stay in the sport a lot longer.
Author: Matt D’Aquino
Matt D’Aquino is the founder of Beyond Grappling fitness and conditioning. He is a 2008 Beijing Judo Olympian as well as nationally ranked freestyle wrestler and National Champion in Brazilian Jujitsu. Matt has a passion for teaching all forms of grappling and is on the journey to qualify for his 2nd Olympic Games. To learn more about Matt and his fitness and conditioning training visit http://www.workoutsforjudo.com
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Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Matt_D’Aquino/1108856
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