fciwomenswrestling.com article, wikimedia photo
When exotic Zsuzsa of DWW fame wrestles, she always saturates your imagination.

Blessed with exotic looks, a mysterious persona and a model’s shapely form, Zsuzsa of DWW lore continues to attract attention where ever she competes.
In our life crossroads, have you ever wondered who you would have evolved into had you finished that college education, married your true love instead of settling, taken the job overseas when young instead of playing it safe, acquired additional schooling in another field or like the travel star Adventurous Kate, drop out of the 9-5 routine and pursue your passion fulltime with all the risks involved without knowing for certain where your next check will come from?
If that applies in your case, we have a question for you.
Who would you be now?
When a woman is as sensuous as Zsuzsa, I can’t help but wonder who she would have evolved into if she left everything and became a successful actress? What would be her best work?
A femmes fatales no doubt.
Don’t get me wrong. Everything I’ve read and heard speaks to her being a nice person but again we’re speaking of acting.
The site wikihow.com says it well. “Femme fatale literally means “fatal woman” in French. According to the movie Mildred Pierce, it can be defined as “the kind of woman men want…but shouldn’t have!” Ever seen females who are seductive and alluring, yet clever, a bit evil, and mysterious? Like Poison Ivy or Cat Woman? Allure, mystery, and classy, dark glamour embody the femme fatale.”
Femmes Fatales?
So far, so good. Zsuzsa is very classy.
They continue with a sense of humor. “Accessorize like a femme fatale. The right accessories can go a long way if you want to be a femme fatale. You don’t have to overdo it, but you should find one or two signature items that you’re known for so you can rock the most seductive, mysterious look out there. Here are some accessories that you can try to complete your femme fatale look:”
- 1940s sunglasses
- A hat with a veil
- Black gloves
- Fedoras
- Fur collars
- A vintage compact for applying lipstick
- Classic diamond or pearl earrings
I can just see Zsuzsa now ready to deliver the next line with panting breath.
So much of how we view beautiful people is in our mind isn’t it? We see someone we like from a distance, go by the little information that we know and then fill in the blanks.
When it comes to Zsuzsa’s wrestling, I had one perception pacing into her project but after going online and viewing fan comments it seems I was guilty of falling prey to the usual infatuation behavior.
Were her results as inconsistent as they were stating?
I decided it was time to review her matches. Part of my weakness with the DWW maidens is that I attribute greatness to all of them simply because they were part of arguably the greatest female wrestling troupe in modern history and while sensational skills may hold true for many it doesn’t necessarily apply to all.
In summary here is my FCI scouting report on Zsuzsa.
“As I’ve researched and examined many of the online comments about Zsuzsa, there are a number of fans who seem to be under the impression Zsuzsa is a jobber. The reason given is that she tries extremely hard but always loses.
First off, that isn’t true. Zsuzsa has won a number of matches.
Too, my experience in watching the jobbers in our industry who shall remain nameless is that even if they have a competent skill level, they don’t take submission wrestling seriously. They do it for fun and typically see it as another fetish revenue generator.
To them wrestling is no different than muscle worship, foot tickling or role playing as long as it pays well.
If you watch them for some time, even with more experience, their results are mediocre at best because they are not striving to improve. They tend to giggle and converse during the matches and are the happy loser at the end ready to give their conqueror a big hug.
At one point this writer viewed Penny Barber from San Francisco as a jobber (See article FCI Penny Mom Wrestler). It’s my perception that Penny began to take the craft more seriously, wrestle more often and clearly is not a jobber now. She has greatly improved and this writer views her as a tough competitor who will virtually always defeat the people she should.
Still, despite her strong skill level, I would concede that Zsuzsa’s loss total is fairly substantial.
I was ready to sing her praises until I visited a non DWW site and saw she lost every match there where as in most cases, if a DWW soldier travels outside the pond, she typically dominates the competition.
I would say the scouting report on Zsuzsa is that she is a mid-level fighter that is staying fairly stationary.
She defeats the people she should but virtually never the ones she’s not supposed to. Upsets propel you to the next level. Zsuzsa seems to have very few upsets and more importantly seems content to keep it that way. If Zsuzsa wants to compete at the next level, she needs to accept that she must participate in basic MMA training.
Her weakness seems to be that her arsenal is limited, primarily focusing on head locks and smothers with moderately effective body scissors. While other female competitors have upped their game though martial arts training or pounding away on the thigh machine or engaging in strenuous squats to build crunch monster thighs, this does not seem to be Zsuzsa’s approach.”
An extreme compliment to Zsuzsa is that she has taken on many tough opponents and is rarely dominated as can be seen in her matches with Viktoria, Jenny, Timea, Orsola, Antcha, and Caroline.
My favorite match is when she went back and forth in a tightly contested affair with the shapely Canadian beauty Mutiny in an all-out ground struggle in England. Like most female wrestlers, Zsuzsa has traveled the globe and wrestled for many companies and always gives her best.
Give her credit. Every match she performs in is full tilt.
The power of a great actress is not only do they entertain for the moment but depending upon the story told, can impact your emotions for years to come. I can honestly say that I was so impressed when I saw Zsuzsa in her early years at DWW that her memorable moments on the mats stayed imbedded in my brain for years.
Thankfully Zsuzsa continues to compete and when she does, make no mistake about it, you don’t need to read the script to know that this exotic beauty has your complete attention.
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