fciwomenswrestling.com article, Wikimedia photo
It was just another day on a beautiful sun splashed Greek playground by the beach.
There were beautiful women from all regions of the world wrestling and competing outdoors. One of the emerging top stars in the competitive female grappling community named Julie Ginther (Julie Squeeze) was wrestling this slender, tall, shapely European beauty and as often the case, Julie was in complete control of the match.
At one point after submitting to another of Julie’s submissions, the cute girl almost childlike in demeanor stood over Julie and with her finger pointing out like a stern school teacher and expressed in a slightly high pitched voice, “NO CHOKE!”
Julie was polite, apologetic and then proceeded to dominate Sofia further.
That was my introduction to Sofia C. of DWW fame and I have followed her with a smile ever since.
She was so cute you could just kiss her on the forehead.

I would later see and arm wrestle Julie at a small women’s wrestling event in Los Angeles and was curious what happened between her and Sofia? Julie surprised me in explaining that actually she and Sofia were good friends.
Sofia has many friends and fans in the women’s wrestling community.
She was trained by the best women’s wrestling team in the world at DWW and her career there appeared to span from 2007-2009.
Her credentials include competing against Zsuzsa, Tekla, Patricia, Orsi S, and Norita, the visiting German wrestler Katharina, Anastasia, Leslie, Kata, Kimbra, Miriam, the French wrestler Irene, Jenny, Orsi K, Viki A, Angie and Kinga among others.
Sofia’s matches can also be found at Female Wrestling Zone where she has wrestled Lilach, a newer girl named Eve, Timea going by the name Linda, Kira and Orsolya T.
Simply put, Sofia has traveled extensively to hone her craft.
She has trained with DWW legend Viktoria and was part of the Hungarian Women’s Wrestling team under her guidance.
In terms of her fighting style, she seems to enjoy the slow, methodical breakdown of her opponents and tends to do well in the ground wars.
When I first began to research Sofia, I had lower expectations, especially after watching her match with Julie. The further I delved into her wrestling career; I was a little surprised that she actually possesses a very impressive won lost record. I was also impressed how against tough opponents, she has a tendency to make them grind out their victories.
Every rising star has a signature match and for me it was when she defeated a very solid Anastasia (https://femcompetitor.com/?p=2306 DWW’s Anastasia, A Downhill Skier At The Top Of The Mountain), not once but twice. As one reviewer expressed, physically Sofia was much weaker than Anastasia but she could hold her own against Anastasia by using her superior skills and experience.
Sofia has clearly progressed and even when she controls and dominates an opponent that she should, as she did with the newer wrestler Eva, to me that’s a sign of progress.
A soft, understated beauty, understandably Sofia has legions of fans and in reviewing what they express about her, the compliments range from being beautiful to tall, strong and skilled.
Like many beautiful, young modern Hungarian girls, she lives a varied life and her taste in music includes enjoying the great American singer Beyoncé. Her hobbies enjoyed are cycling, basketball, reading books and dining on pizza and ice tea.
When thinking about the beautiful female wrestlers of Hungary, we’ve been fortunate to enjoy reading and writing about the beauty of the country; the most notable asset being their wonderful hot springs and natural spas (https://femcompetitor.com/?p=1370 DWW Wrestler Viktoria M. Skilled, Beautiful, Spa Laid Back).
Thanks to Sofia, it’s time to travel to Hungary once more.
Have you ever heard of the Human Development Index?
Here is what it means as explained by the great information source Wikipedia.
“The Human Development Index (HDI) is a comparative measure of life expectancy, literacy, education, standards of living, and quality of life for countries worldwide. It is a standard means of measuring well-being, especially child welfare. It is used to distinguish whether the country is a developed, a developing or an underdeveloped country, and also to measure the impact of economic policies on quality of life. The index was developed in 1990 by Pakistani economist Mahbub ul Haq and Indian economist Amartya Sen.
Countries fall into four broad human development categories, each of which comprises 47 countries: Very High Human Development, High Human Development, Medium Human Development and Low Human Development (46 countries in this category).”
Where does Hungary rate on the global scale?
According to the most recent published index, a spa sizzling number 43 in the world and that’s considered very good. The economy of Hungary is a medium-sized, upper-middle-income, structurally, politically and institutionally open economy.
Wikipedia adds, “Hungary is famous for its excellent mathematics education which has trained numerous outstanding scientists. Famous Hungarian mathematicians include father Farkas Bolyai and son János Bolyai, who was one of the founders of non-Euclidean geometry; Paul Erdős, famed for publishing in over forty languages and whose Erdős numbers are still tracked; and John von Neumann, a key contributor in the fields of quantum mechanics and game theory, a pioneer of digital computing, and the chief mathematician in the Manhattan Project. Many Hungarian scientists, including Erdős, von Neumann, Leó Szilárd, Eugene Wigner, Rudolf E. Kálmán and Edward Teller emigrated to the US.
Thirteen Hungarian or Hungarian-born scientists have received the Nobel Prize.”
That’s good to know. No wonder Sofia is such a bright girl. The well respected travel site www.lonelyplanet.com sums it up well. “Hungary has always marched to a different drummer – speaking a language, preparing dishes and drinking wines like no others. It’s Europe at its most exotic.”
Sofia’s exotic name has a powerful meaning. According to the premier naming site www.sheknows.com, the name Sofia in American, Greek and Spanish means wise.
Our beauty certainly made a wise choice to wrestle.
It has helped her travel the world, have global fans, get great exercise, meet interesting people and have a memory that lives into the future. How many life endeavors can create that for you? How many women work just as hard in their field of interest but toil in obscurity?
Sofia certainly brought a smile to my face and I’m sure to the faces of many others. In a modern world filled with strife and sadness, I don’t think we should ever under estimate the power of that.
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Some may find other women’s wrestling sites erotic in nature. If you are offended by depictions of women wrestling in erotic situations, please exercise caution in visiting women’s wrestling sites.
Femcompetitor.com subscribes to fciwomenswrestling.com news source, no affiliation.
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, https://femcompetitor.com, dwwgalaxy.com, www.sheknows.com, www.lonelyplanet.com, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.