fciwomenswrestling.com article, dwwgalaxy.com photo
Desperate times called for desperate measures.
World War II may have been won by the Allies because of what British code-breakers accomplished at a countryside retreat named Bletchley Park.
There they broke, and broke again, the German code named “Enigma,” which was thought to be unbreakable, and was used by the Nazis to direct their submarine convoys in the North Atlantic. Enigma was decoded with the help of a machine, educated guesses, brilliant minds and courage.
DWW’s former star competitor Orsi S. is currently an enigma.

Currently is the operative word because she wasn’t always.
She now fits the classic profile as a wrestler of someone that is mysterious, puzzling and, or difficult to understand.
Female wrestling tradition has it that you start out as an amateur, learn the ropes through good mentors, gain experience and continue to get better.
If you are a fan of Orsi, and I am, clearly our Hungarian starlit is not following that pattern at all.
Her DWW resume includes mat wars against Kimbra, Pamela, Antscha, Viktoria M, Zsuzsa, Sofia C, Reni, Antonia, Vladka, Leslie, Miriam, Viktoria, Sofia B, Kati K, Giulia, Nici, Karine, Bea S, Angie and the blonde Orsi.
In the real sports world where we are from, a sign that someone is ascending into championship status is that they fit a different pattern. They always defeat the people they are supposed to and hope to upset the champion at least once.
Then you are on your way to a championship season.
Orsi certainly got off to a good start. She defeated the girls she was supposed to beat like Pamela, Miriam, Leslie, Giulia and Angie, often by lopsided scores of 9 or 8 to nothing.
She defeated a sound journey level warrior in Sofia C. and achieves ascending status by defeating German super star Karine 3-2. Even losing to champion Kimbra 3-2 in what was described as the match of the event does a lot for your reputation.
Leslie once underestimated Orsi and got walloped for as a result.
Here is how one reviewer described her match against super tough Antscha. “The match between Antscha and Orsi S. is to determine who’s the best wrestler amongst the smaller women of the HWW team. They’re both absolutely skilled wrestlers with powerful legs and arms.”
This is how her masterpiece against Kimbra is described. “This was one of the best matches of this event and probably one of the best matches of the last 24 months. Both Orsi S. and Kimbra gave their very best wrestling performance ever.
There’s top skills, incredible power, aggression, ambition, stamina, unbelievable endurance and activity in this match, something you’d hardly ever seen before. The ups and downs of each wrestler are changing permanently and once you’d strongly believe that there would be no other option for the poor struggling victim than to submit immediately, she can suddenly turn the tables and the aggressor is in immediate serious trouble, and it turns again and again and again. You’ll be excited when watching this very long match since there won’t be a single minute when you’ll be bored.”
Granted, her victories were not carved out against the likes of Luzia, Hana, Dagmar, Daniela and Petra but still, you have to start somewhere. As long as she battled within the DWW compound, Orsi looked like a Fem Competitor with a championship future. Once she left DWW?
It’s as though she fell down the rabbit hole.
Her more recent battles at APL can’t really be called competitive matches. Like Alice in Wonderland, she has fallen into the fantasy world. Unlike Alice, she seems to have no desire to leave.
When you are trapped in the fantasy world, I thought the whole idea was to try to find endless and creative pathways, often laced with danger, to escape. In The Wizard of Oz, all Dorothy had to do was click her heels and she would soon be back in Kansas.
Orsi seems to be content to forever play with the Munchkins.
The words she utters the most in her new fantasy world are, “Stop, stop, stop!” or “I submit, I submit!” Then she stands, combs her fingers through her beautiful soft brown hair, discards the excess, gets into a battle stance and soon says……….. “I submit!!!”
Zahra completely dominated and humiliated her twice in what were dubbed mother, daughter matches. If they truly were mother, daughter matches then someone should call Protective Services and arrest Zahra for child abuse.
During those drubbings there was a change in venue. Instead of saying Orsi exclaiming “I submit!” she screamed, “Let me go!! And Stop it!”
Her DWW alum must be rolling over in their bikinis.
Star was too strong for her and submitted Orsi with body scissors, bear hugs, woman hugs and huggies. The score was lopsided and I think you can guess won by whom.
Against another Sophie, a complete newbie, Sophie applied one grapevine after another. Ah, there Orsi screamed, “I give up!” Nothing like variety.
Fortunately for our Hungarian Princess, her match against the formidable Klaudia was semi-competitive with an emphasis on slow and semi.
Then she went up against an industry newbie in a competitor called Lourdes who hadn’t defeated anyone else at APL, fantasy or real, but promptly took or former DWW Assassin to task and soundly defeated her.
I know what you’re probably thinking but I do like Orsi and am mildly obsessed with her curves, feminine form and voluptuousness but it is her wrestling that puzzles me and disappoints.
Ultimately when someone is angry about something, even a little, doesn’t life teach us it’s often about self?
Why am I so frustrated? It’s because I as a producer who has shot numerous fem vs fem matches can’t seem to come up with enough money to keep our industry stars in the competitive game. The other producers, mostly former, aren’t coming up with the money either. So if the expression still holds true and I think it does, money talks.
This is the part where I slowly stop talking.
The fantasy money is the easiest to take. Why push yourself and work hard when you don’t have to. I get that. I was a customer at APL and asked the management why do they have so many fantasy matches compared to fully competitive ones? They promptly and professionally replied that the girls prefer the fantasy matches.
Where does pride come into play?
Trust me, Orsi is not alone. Some of her former DWW sisters like Viktoria M and Zsuzsa heavily stay in the fantasy world as well, labeling the match “competitive”.
All said and done, I guess I should count my blessings. I’m glad that Orsi is still wrestling and if we don’t come up with more events or money, in the not too distant future, like so many others, she may not.
One thing about Orsi that is not an enigma is that she is super talented. If she stops wrestling, that truly would be a loss for all of us.

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Some may find other women’s wrestling sites erotic in nature. If you are offended by depictions of women wrestling in erotic situations, please exercise caution in visiting women’s wrestling sites.
Femcompetitor.com subscribes to fciwomenswrestling.com news source, no affiliation.
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, https://femcompetitor.com, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.