fciwomenswrestling.com article, DWW photo
One of history’s greatest generals, Napoleon Bonaparte was quoted as saying:
“Great ambition is the passion of a great character. Those endowed with it may perform very good or very bad acts. All depends on the principles which direct them.”
Given how societies around the world view the connection between ambition and women, when Napoleon expressed that, he was mostly likely talking about a man.
A negative view of women and ambition persists to this day.
In an insightful article written by Josephine Fairley in www.telegraph.co.uk/, she expressed “When in my 20s someone called me ‘the most ambitious woman in London’ (I was then the country’s youngest magazine editor), I was hurt and stung. I didn’t even think it was true. I hadn’t applied for a job since the age of 19 – and surely ambition has to be proactive? Yet several decades on, on this side of the Atlantic, ambition is still a dirty word – as if, somehow, it’s invariably prefaced, invisibly, by the adjective ‘ruthless’.”
In a special report to CNN, writer Kathleen Gerson stated, “In a headline that calls out for attention — “A Gender Reversal on Career Aspirations” — the Pew Research Center reports that two-thirds of young women now say “being successful in a high-paying career or profession” is one of the most important goals in their lives.
Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.…..Bill Bradley
While it may not be surprising that these women express more ambition than their mothers and grandmothers, it is surprising when they also display more ambition than their male peers.”
FCI reported on this trend on June 30, 2013 in the article entitled Gender Reversal Trend. (fciwomenswrestling.com/huge-gender–reversal/)
Aspiring, goal oriented and purposeful, DWW’s Orsi B, was a young blonde beauty who wrestled with determination, often with a knee support.
Her match in the ring against German super star Karine was a testament to determination as the two engaged in a grueling battle where screams of pain could be heard throughout the crowded gym. The rolled, toiled, crunched and scissored one another until each of them screamed in agony over a submission. It seemed Orsi tried to distract her by wearing the brightest Orange Sherbet colored shorts I’ve ever seen.
Here is a fan description. “This was one of the best fights in 2006 between Karine and Orsi. One would believe that Karine is better and stronger, but Orsi improves step by step and this match was not one sided at all, it was so evenly matched that you will watch it with an open mouth if you like the sports and the competitiveness. These are non-topless matches and fans of sexy shorts will love those matches. The girls give everything and they are quite aggressive. A wonderful wrestling match between two beauties that actually are both strong and know how to wrestle!”
Our ambition should be to rule ourselves, the true kingdom for each one of us; and true progress is to know more, and be more, and to do more.…….Oscar Wilde
Her resume with an exclamation point at DWW included meeting Tekla, Orsi S, Zsuzsa, Giulia, Reni, Angie, Timea, Szilvia, Vladka, Suparni, Sofia C, Katki K, Karine, Nargis, Viktoria M, Antscha and others in Danube battle.
Her reviews from varied sources speak to her determination, including coming back out of retirement to wrestle. “This is the comeback of Orsi on the wrestling mat in competitive wrestling matches. She decided that she would like to begin her second career with one of the “weaker” girls and that was fitness instructor Tekla. She’s a strong, athletic built and muscular young woman. However, blonde Orsi is the stronger and more the more skilled woman. Due to her knee injury, Orsi does no longer like to start a real match from the standing position and therefore they started their wrestling from their knees. This is a most recommended wrestling match for all fans of beautiful Orsi and also for fans who like watching a muscular and fit dark haired woman fighting a muscular and fit blonde woman.”
This is how Orsi fared with an experienced and more mature wrestler. “Szilvia is older and taller than Orsi. But Orsi has no problem with this. She is better than Szilvia and she enjoys it. She has no problem to straddle Szilvia leaving her to try not to lose. She sits full weight on Szilvia who spends her energy bridging Orsi. Szilvia makes impressive bridges but in the end slams in the mat with Orsi still sitting on her. It is not dominating but it is clearly one sided.”
What this writer enjoyed about Orsi’s matches is that along with being a young striking beauty, she actually could wrestle very well with an intensity of spirit reserved for the elite.
Orsi made Team HWW, led by Viktoria M, and is from Hungary.
She and her team certainly impressed one aficionado who smiles, “Orsi is an intelligent, pretty, strong teenager with a tremendous sense of humor and fun. In the first match here she wrestles buxom Kati K. who is backed up by two mature girls in a tag team. They wrestle for real and with so much joie-de-vivre you can feel how intensely they compete and with what dedication and amusement Orsi accepts this considerable tag challenge. During the breaks, Orsi and Viktoria give ad hoc interviews which reveal the lively and funny aspects of these delightful ladies.”
The world famous artist Salvador Dali who admitted to loving luxury and everything that is passionate and excessive which included his outstanding success as an artist was quoted as expressing, “Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings.”
Our blonde sensation Orsi was passionate, intelligent and determined. This is why when it came to her DWW wrestling career, this beautiful bird spread her wings and soared to great heights.
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Some may find other women’s wrestling sites erotic in nature. If you are offended by depictions of women wrestling in erotic situations, please exercise caution in visiting women’s wrestling sites.
Femcompetitor.com subscribes to fciwomenswrestling.com news source, no affiliation.
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, https://femcompetitor.com, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.