fciwomenswrestling.com article, Wikimedia photo
Comparisons to Luzia The Great were inevitable. Both competitors are slender, shapely, blonde and strikingly beautiful. They wrestled with the DWW elite and made great names for themselves. They had reputations that were admired in and outside of their unique combative circle. Their tenacity and ability to escape holds are legend.
There is one category however where I sense they do differ.
Unlike Lucille, I don’t think I ever saw Luzia wrestle someone called her sister in oil.
What? You don’t want to talk about that?
Well I do!!!!!!
Hopefully sexy Lucille has a sense of humor because I gotta tell ya; this scenario raises a lot of questions in the minds of males who are not professional writers like me. As a professional I’m just speaking for them. Okay? I’m just a conduit. What are those questions you ask?
Well, did the sisters share the same room together? Put on the same makeup? Wear the same dresses? Sleep in the same bed? Wear the same underwear (at different times of course, although they could have switched them at break between classes)?
Talk about having close family ties.
It’s a centuries old admonition passed down by parents from generation to generation to be close to your sister but when I saw Lucille wrestling her older sister Pamela, I could be wrong but I’m not sure that’s what they had in mind.
There are many traditions to be handed down from the mountain top, but I sense Lucille created a new one.
That is one slippery slope.
Okay, enough of teasing Lucille.
Let’s get back to the prime directive and give Lucille the appreciation (and oil rub down) she deserves.
For starters, Lucille is truly a great competitor. When interviewed she is very likable and down to earth. She’s the type of person that you root for. She’s admirable in that she has found the balance in being confident and not arrogant.

There was a match where she completely dominated Emanuella and instead of gloating afterwards, Lucille re-explained the match in a very calm, frank and professional manner.
She is the newer DWW Generation and her resume speaks to high achievements. She’s competed against Nikita, Pamela, Jana N, Mary Ann, Gloria, Dani, Luna, Anastasia, Emanuella, Marketa K, Nina, Antonia, Leslie, Yvonne, Miriam, Mel, Mariella, Kendra, Patricia and others.
Lucille has some accomplishments on her history list that do stand out. There clearly was a rivalry going on between her and Marketa as they wrestled at least five times. She also was adept at blanking opponents in her victory march, often by the scores of 6-0. In terms of style she seemed to excel and favor the school girl pins and roll around ground wars with intensity. During her matches I rarely saw her smile, which I find commendable. The competitors are not there for a social outing in that DWW theater.
Here is proof.
One reviewer explains the pressure that Lucille and others who aspire to be DWW gladiators are under. “The pre-match interview is very revealing. Lucille acknowledges that many will view this match as her audition. Depending on her performance, Lucille may or may not be invited back to continue wrestling. That puts a lot pressure on a wrestler, but Lucille will prove that she can handle this pressure.”
That was against the very tough Anastasia (https://femcompetitor.com/?p=2306 DWW’s Anastasia, A Downhill Skier At The Top Of The Mountain).
Her signature win was over one of the DWW old guard in defeating an always tough and experienced Ingrid. A competitor always has a chance to compete at a championship level if she can pull off even just a few upsets. If her success is entirely composed of victories over opponents she is expected to defeat, it speaks to consistency, but not greatness.
Another DWW older generation warrior, Antonia clearly kept that in mind when she met Lucille. She was determined not to take Lucille lightly.
Lucille’s career spanned primarily from 2008-2010.
The name Lucille in English, Latin and French means light. Our favorite naming site www.sheknows.com adds to Lucille’s legacy. “People with this name have a deep inner desire to lead, organize, supervise, and to achieve status, power and wealth. People with this name tend to be idealistic, highly imaginative, intuitive, and spiritual. They seek after spiritual truth and often find it. They tend to be visionary and may inspire others. If they fail to develop their potential, they may become dreamers, or misuse power.”
Let’s take a peek into the family life of the Czech Republic as seen through the eyes of the site www.euraxess.cz.
“Traditional family roles are still fairly strong in Czech society, with men primarily responsible for securing family income and women more likely to take charge of household duties and childcare. The Czech Republic has some of the most generous parental leave in Europe, with up to four years optional paid parental leave for either parent in addition to six months’ initial maternity leave. In practice, this is most often taken by the mother. Only 5% of employees in the Czech Republic work part-time, compared with an average 18% across the EU as a whole.
Looking at European divorce statistics the Czech Republic ranks relatively high, with more than one marriage in three ending in divorce. In 2013, 45% of children were born out of wedlock. For many couples, it is the birth of their first child or its entry into the educational system that represents the cue for marriage.”
Now let’s get a second opinion. The group family.jrank.org explains, “In the Czech Republic the family is considered in both the private and the public sphere as an irreplaceable structure ascribed with the highest values and significance. Biological reproduction—having children and raising them— and the related participation in the demographic renewal of society, is still viewed as the basic function of the family.”
Three times is a charm. The reputable site www.my-prague-sights.com adds, “Family is a key element of Czech Republic culture and is generally placed ahead of work. Traditional families are quite the norm with mothers cooking and raising the children while fathers work. It’s common to see fathers pushing strollers on the weekend giving mom a break.
Extended Czech families are fascinating. They have an incredible range of experiences. For example, many grandparents have stories of war and very hard times while their children grew up solely behind the Iron Curtain. Meanwhile, younger generations have experienced only capitalism and free speech.”
Lucille is a modern Czech girl living in changing times and has managed to capture the fascination of Older and Newer DWW Generation fans. The more I saw her, the more I respected her abilities and enjoyed her matches.
Lucille survived the initial test, evolved and became one of the DWW great ones.
For a blonde, athletic beauty like Lucille who competed at a high level, comparisons to the legend Luzia are inevitable, understandable and rightly earned.
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Some may find other women’s wrestling sites erotic in nature. If you are offended by depictions of women wrestling in erotic situations, please exercise caution in visiting women’s wrestling sites.
Femcompetitor.com subscribes to fciwomenswrestling.com news source, no affiliation.
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, www.euraxess.cz, https://femcompetitor.com, www.sheknows.com, dwwgalaxy.com, www.my-prague-sights.com, family.jrank.org, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.
http://sils.unc.edu/programs/international/prague cover photo credit