fciwomenswrestling.com article, DWW photo
Lara of DWW fame has achieved what so many desire but seldom attain. What is that? It’s in her name meaning.
According to scientificamerican.com in their article “Why Do You Want to Be Famous?” in 2012, a study found that a desire for fame solely for the sake of being famous was the most popular future goal among a group of 10-12 year olds, overshadowing hopes for financial success, achievement, and a sense of community.
The desire to be seen as valued was the biggest perceived appeal of fame, followed by the desire for status, followed by a pro social motivation.
We all want to be famous people, and the moment we want to be something we are no longer free.……Jiddu Krishnamurti
Lara achieved a measure of fame and strong fan support due to her energetic and passionate efforts on the mats.

Her resume includes efforts against Pia, Anni, Jenny, Sarina and Luisa.
Here are some reviews that support that view.
“This is a great and an aggressive wrestling match from our recent event between two of the smaller and less experienced girls. Pia, however, is a real fighter and many women are already really afraid of young Pia because they know that she’s always giving 100% and they also know that she doesn’t care about who her opponents are. This girl is fighting every match like she would fight her biggest rival in the school yard.
She’s never showing any mercy with other women and Lara learns quickly that she’s in a real fight here.
However, she doesn’t accept being humiliated in front of a crowd of male spectators by that younger and smaller girl. She’s fighting back as much as she can. That’s a real fight! Soon both girls are trying to humiliate each other by using the SGPIN. They’re in the “I can do this better than you” – mood! This match truly is a festival for our SGPIN fans with some of the hardest, toughest and most brutal SGPINs ever. However, there are also some strong scissors submissions in this match. This is a very entertaining and tough match if you don’t really insist to see a lot of technical wrestling skills. That’s a great “old” vs “young” as well as a “blonde” vs “brunette” struggle.”
As intense as that sounds, this fan reviewer shows how her match against Sarina was even more intense.

“Sarina is another new wrestler and we believe that she has great potential because she’s aggressive and she has fun doing “crazy things” she had told us. She’s a real tomboy, but a beautiful one.
However, as always it will be our customers who will decide with downloads if Sarina really has got sufficient potential for DWW.
This is her first wrestling match while her smaller opponent Lara has already had several matches before. Surprisingly this is an even match, although unskilled, but full of aggressive attacks and ambition. For Lara’s future it would be disastrous if she’d lose against that newcomer, too, and she definitely knew that. There are numerous falls on both sides, both by pins and by submissions. Sarina has a very strong pair of long legs. Doesn’t she look like Nina’s young sister?
Near to the end, things are getting a bit out of hand with both girls calling each other names. Never call Lara an idiot! However, due to their aggression there was a bad movement and one girl got an accident but very hard kick into her face what did consequently end this match immediately.”
Now that sounds exciting but painful. One thing is for certain. If your matches are that intense, within the DWW compound it will gain you notoriety and fame.
I always want to say to people who want to be rich and famous: ‘try being rich first’. See if that doesn’t cover most of it. There’s not much downside to being rich, other than paying taxes and having your relatives ask you for money. But when you become famous, you end up with a 24-hour job.……..Bill Murray
In my opinion it was Lara’s multiple matches against Anni that propelled her to get noticed. Femcompetitor Magazine certainly fell in love with Anni who made the grade with high marks.
DWW’s Anni, A Sexy Wrestler Who Survived And Thrived https://femcompetitor.com/?p=2225
Anni left, Lara right

Lara’s unknown strength was that she was used to getting into some serious fights at school and while many DWW Maidens are athletes, professional women and company trained wrestlers, few of them are street fighters. This gave Lara a supreme edge.
“Lara is a very strong newcomer showing us her first match for DWW. Anni is an ideal opponent for newcomers as she’s also strong, confident and she’s always giving 100% until complete exhaustion in her matches.
Anni has had some matches before but for Lara this was the first match on our DWW mats.
However, in the interview before the match Lara confirmed us that she has had fights at school. After a few seconds in this match you’ll definitely know that she isn’t a liar and that this beautiful young woman definitely knows how to fight in the streets. Anni is in trouble from the very first second. Although there was everything allowed in this match (both pins and submissions), it is obvious that especially Lara was using exactly what she had previously learned in her fights at school.
If you’re a fan of SGPINs then you’ll love this match. If you’re a fan of strong and fit novice girls fighting both with 100% ambition for winning this match, then this wrestling match will definitely become some great wrestling entertainment for you.
Lara is definitely a great talent and we hope that our fans would like to support her wrestling future by watching her matches. She’s very strong, she’s got the heart of a fighter.
Lara is a pretty girl and she knows how to fight and besides that she’s ruthless and reckless in a match. At some point you’ll feel pity for Anni that she was the unfortunate one having been elected for being the first opponent of strong newcomer Lara who’s a natural born fighter and who obviously loves fighting and who also enjoys hearing her opponent moaning and groaning in despair while she’s sitting on her. We believe that Lara could be a great addition to the DWW wrestlers in the future.”

High praise indeed.
At DWW, Lara certainly expanded upon her name and so does the famous naming site sheknows.com. Regarding Lara’s name they express, “People with this name are excited by change, adventure, and excitement. They are dynamic, visionary and versatile, able to make constructive use of freedom. They fight being restricted by rules and conventions. They tend to be optimistic, energetic, intelligent, and to make friends easily. They may be changeable, restless, untidy, and rebellious.”
Hmm, rebellious. That explains the fighting skills.
Most of the DWW beauties are from Eastern Europe but according to our research the only Lara we documented at DWW hails from Italy where she participated in matches by a group named LMN. At any rate, it’s always fun to visit magnificent Italy.
She’s such a beautiful tanned girl, I can imagine her lying on the beach. The nice travel site italia.it agrees. Italy is a historic country blessed with natural gems such as recreational water related activities.
“With its approximately 4,660 mi of coastline, Italy is the ideal place for water lovers. The wide variety of its beaches makes it perfect for every type of vacationer in search of nature, fun, and rest and relaxation. The Italian coast, with its countless gulfs, coves and inlets, touristic ports and long, sandy beaches, is truly adapted to the water lover’s every demand. It is chock-full of fishing villages, and coastal cities with sea resorts and day beaches – much of it easily reachable by car, train and planes, and vessels large and small.
From North to South, East to West, this mountainous land slopes into the rocky, indented coasts of the Tyrrhenian and Ionian Seas in the west and southeast respectively, and toward the softer, sandier shores of the Adriatic in the east. From these seas that wash up upon the “beautiful country” surge two magnificent islands – Sicily and Sardinia – in addition to numerous tiny. archipelagos. These include the Tuscan Archipelago, to which Elba belongs; the Archipelago of the Maddalena in Sardinia; the Campanian Archipelago with Ischia and Capri; and finally the Pontine Islands off the southern shores of Lazio. Between the coasts of Tunisia and Sicily, we also find the Pelagian (Lampedusa) Islands and, to Sicily’s north, the Aeolians – with two active volcanoes, Stromboli and Vulcano – and the Egadi Islands, a natural reserve. Last but not least, in Puglia, there are the splendid Islands of Tremiti.
Italy has many lakes; in fact, there are over a thousand, renowned for their incomparable beauty and each is characterized by distinct features. Lakes Garda, Maggiore, and Como, now well-known throughout the world, have become ideal destinations for spending some time in the sun and in close contact with nature. Italy’s major lakes are fully equipped and offer a range of accommodation facilities. The beaches provide all the comforts and are suitable for bathing.”
I never wanted to be famous. I only wanted to be great.…….Ray Charles
It’s easy to love everything you observe about the exotic DWW beauty Lara. As of this writing it appears she still competes with the team that embraces many former DWW Gladiators at Fighting Dolls.

I’ve never read anywhere that Lara stated she wanted to be famous. That’s often the beauty in life is that good things come to people when they don’t seek it but deserve it. In Lara’s case she achieved fame the old fashion way.
She earned it.
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Some may find other women’s wrestling sites erotic in nature. If you are offended by depictions of women wrestling in erotic situations, please exercise caution in visiting women’s wrestling sites.
Femcompetitor.com subscribes to fciwomenswrestling.com news source, no affiliation.
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, https://femcompetitor.com, WB270.com, dwwgalaxy.com, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.