fciwomenswrestling.com article, DWW photo
An essential element to the equation that impresses upon us how precious something is can be its value of giving to us while alive and how much we miss it once it’s gone.
Time and health are two precious assets that we don’t recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted.…..Denis Waitley
Enjoying DWW’s sultry European beauty Katka wrestle during the early years was something we all should have appreciated more since she was on the endangered species list fairly quickly and exited before we could properly say good bye.
I sure enjoyed her while she was on the scene.

Katka fell into the sexy big girl category and what I loved about her was her dark Eastern European exotic look, the extremely feminine persona she displayed and the curves of her sensuous form.
She struggled in battle but our position has always been and still is that we feel every day women should consider wrestling in an environment that they feel comfortable in, even if they don’t aspire to be a champion.
Katka tried her best and her reviews of appreciation reflect that.
“This match had been released in DWW-94 but it is an old match from 1997 and it has never been good technical quality. Today with better software we are able to enhance the quality of old matches and therefore we did re edit this match for the fans of Barbara. Both Katka and Barbara had a great match.”
Here is another review that speaks to Katka’s fine efforts.

“Find out how the young women had wrestled more than 10 years ago. Michaela was an Olympic style wrestler and she used her skills and techniques, particularly her pin techniques, to take control of strong and struggling Katka. But Katka knew much better as how to use her strong legs! This is a match for fans of sporting and heavier and very strong young women.”
The last review speaks to how though inexperienced and moderately skilled, Katka was willing to take on one of DWW’s elite in Denise.
“The title of this video is “Oldies but Goodies” and this match certainly qualifies on both counts. The two beautiful brunettes put on a marvelous show featuring some great fast-paced action. Close in size, weight and overall build, Denise and Katka are a well-matched pair. A highlight of the match is plenty of nice body scissors from both wrestlers, and there’s some good pin action as well. Looking at the match-up, one might be tempted to think that Katka might be overmatched by the more experienced (or well-known, anyway) Denise. That assumption would be quite wrong, as each girl spends time as both aggressor and victim. One aspect of this match that I liked that you don’t see all that often in a straight wrestling match is that both girls left their long dark hair loose.”
Well, that’s what we liked but what did Katka like? What were her interests in life?
When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.….Marcus Aurelius
While many of our DWW maidens loved straight, simple and hard submission wrestling our Euro beauty Katka freely admits that she loved catfights and had a sadistic side to her personality. In terms of foods she enjoys Wiener Schnitzel and her favorite drink is water. Like most beautiful girls, she loves to dance and the 1970s would have been a special time for her since she loves disco.
In life it’s important to have a conscience and Katka is blessed with one and she manifests its application in her appreciation of nature and animals. No one exemplified the appreciation of animals on film any better than her favorite actor, Robert Redford in The Horse Whisperer.
One of the finest movie reviewers of all time, Roger Ebert enlightens, “The Horse Whisperer is about a man of great patience, faced with a woman, a child and a horse in great need of it. It evokes the healing serenity of wide-open spaces.”
Katka’s Czech Republic is a country of vast spaces blessed with nature and magnificent animals. Fortunately they are a society with a conscience as well in terms of protecting precious animals who like Katka’s wrestling may not last for long.
The foundation is laid by the Ministry of Agriculture in their informative site eagri.cz which states, ““Animals, like humans, are living beings and are capable of experiencing various degrees of pain and suffering, and hence they deserve attention, care and protection by man”.
This is the preamble to Act No 246/1992 Coll., on the protection of animals against cruelty, the basic law related to animal protection governing the activities of all the state authorities of animal protection in the Czech Republic, such as the Ministry of Agriculture, including the Central Commission for Animal Welfare, and the veterinary administration authorities.
The Act prohibits the cruelty to animals as well as all forms of promoting cruelty to animals. The purpose of this Act is to protect animals, which are living beings capable of experiencing pain and suffering, against cruelty, damage to their health and killing without any reason whatsoever, if caused by man, even if by negligence.
The Act defines the activities which are considered to constitute cruelty to animals, the reasons for killing an animal; it regulates the protection of animals during killing, the use of anesthesia, the protection of animals at a public performance and the obligations of organizers of such events, the protection of animals during transport. The Act lays down the conditions which shall be met in breeding farm animals and companion animals, the conditions of breeding and protection of experimental animals and requirements for the protection of wild animals. The Act also defines the animal protection authorities and their sphere of competence as well as the administrative delicts and infractions in the field of animal protection.”
It’s good to know that they have help.
“The Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic (NCA CR) is a governmental body established by the Ministry of the Environment. It was established on March 1st 1995 as a successor of the former Czech Institute for Nature Conservation. The main aim of NCA CR is to protect and conserve nature and landscape on the whole territory of the Czech Republic.”
As of this June 2015 writing, according to earthsendangered.com the Czech Republic has 52 plants, mammals and birds on the endangered species list.
One such precious animal that has roamed Europe for years may not be around much longer. The educational site animalinfo.org explains, “The European mink is smaller than its American relative, weighing up to 740 g (1.6 lb.). It inhabits the densely vegetated banks of creeks, rivers and lakes. Its diet includes small mammals, frogs, mollusks, crabs, fish and insects. All mink species are mainly crepuscular and nocturnal. They are semiaquatic and swim and dive well. Their partly webbed feet are useful for hunting underwater.
Mink species are solitary and territorial. A mink may excavate its own burrow, take one from a water hole or establish a den in a sheltered location. The female usually has 4 or 5 young per litter.
A century ago the European mink could be found throughout the European continent. It has declined due to hunting, habitat loss, water pollution and competition with the American mink, which was introduced into Europe in 1926 for fur farming. Currently, it is declining rapidly in Eastern Europe and probably exists in small populations in Spain and France.”
The fully competitive women’s wrestling industry takes us around the globe and teaches important life lessons in the process.
It was my father who taught me to value myself. He told me that I was uncommonly beautiful and that I was the most precious thing in his life.…..Dawn French
The beautiful Katka is now a wrestler of the past.
Currently we have so many female wrestlers today that deserve our appreciation by not only cheering them on but financially supporting their products and services while they are here right now. It is a way of demonstrating in real terms that they are precious and we want to extend their wrestling stay.
Katka was not here long but with her elegant beauty and love of her wrestling craft, she reminds us to demonstrate our appreciation in the present before the precious gift retires.
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Some may find other women’s wrestling sites erotic in nature. If you are offended by depictions of women wrestling in erotic situations, please exercise caution in visiting women’s wrestling sites.
Femcompetitor.com subscribes to fciwomenswrestling.com news source, no affiliation.
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, https://femcompetitor.com, WB270.com, dwwgalaxy.com, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.