fciwomenswrestling.com article, DWW photo
Film car crashes, cops searching for criminals in night clubs with pulsating music that end in brawls or shootouts along with violence strategically inserted may result in a temporary jolt of entertainment for the viewer but it’s value and impact is mostly short lived.
Dreams fulfilled designed to entertainment with intelligence will last as long as civilization. The “Getty” is such a creation.
The J. Paul Getty Museum, commonly referred to as the Getty, is an art museum in California housed on two campuses: the Getty Center and Getty Villa.
The J. Paul Getty Museum seeks to inspire curiosity about, and enjoyment and understanding of, the visual arts by collecting, conserving, exhibiting and interpreting works of art of outstanding quality and historical importance.
Mission accomplished.
When watching DWW Fem competitor Dana N. contested, there was often intelligence at play during her wrestling. It’s not surprising. Her name meaning conveys as much.
The well-researched naming site sheknows.com explains, “The name Dana is a Muslim baby name. In Muslim the meaning of the name Dana is: Wise. Intelligent.
People with this name have a deep inner desire for love and companionship, and want to work with others to achieve peace and harmony. People with this name tend to be idealistic, highly imaginative, intuitive, and spiritual. They seek after spiritual truth and often find it. They tend to be visionary and may inspire others. If they fail to develop their potential, they may become dreamers, or misuse power.”
It sounds complex…….and intelligent.
Dana wrestled during the edge of the DWW early years so she had a chance to meet some of the greats in engagement. Her resume is a DWW who’s who list comprised of Luzia, Lenka, Renata B, Renate K, Monika N, Ingrid, Simona, Petra, Monika T, Denise, Laila, Hajnal, Karine, Vladka and Petulla. She also boxed against Jana N and Laila.
She is blonde and beautiful but clearly no shrinking violet.

The reviewers confirm this scouting report.
Let’s see how she fared against some of DWW’s well-known elite, first starting with Ingrid.
“Ingrid and Dana. If you see them you might say: Ingrid will pulverize Dana easily, but be careful, you might be wrong. Ingrid might be heavier than Dana, but both girls are equally skilled and Dana moves faster. So, the match is very even and emotional with good wrestling holds from both sides. If you’d see then on the street, you’d never believe that so beautiful women could fight this way.”
The next review is about her tangling with long-time DWW favorite, the slim wrestler with model looks, Denise.
“Denise and Dana were rivals from the minute they met. Most girls are rivals of women who, like Denise, come back after a pause, because they fear for their position, attention and appreciation. So this was not an affair of pride but status. Smaller, lighter Dana had to fight or be found wanting. She tried to demolish Denise by kicking her butt before our eyes. But Denise never backs down from a fight.”
How did Dana fare against DWW super star Laila.
“This is one of my favorite videos, and made Dana a star in my book. What starts out as a very competitive wrestling match turns rough. Laila starts it, apparently not too happy that her protégé is keeping up with her. The girls look incredibly hot in this one. Dana gives Laila everything she can handle over two incredibly long falls. Dana gives it as good as she gets it, and Laila has her hands full.”
When the slender and striking emotional German Fighting Karine is on your resume, you can claim to have a Bio complete with the elite. This is what is described when Karine came to visit.
“Karine is a very pretty, athletic German wrestler, currently trained by well-known German wrestler Susanne, who made many visits to DWW in the past. This is Karine’s first visit to DWW and we believe that this won’t be her last. We hope our customers will like her as much as we do. This was the first time in her life to have really tough opponents who knew how to wrestle. She was so excited and confident as she stepped on to the mat for her first match against Antscha.
Later in the day Karine tried her luck with Laila, who is more slender, but tall and very aggressive. Then Laila’s sunny friend Dana took on Karine in a long thriller of classic beauty.”
Well done Dana.
A compartment of the intelligence package is that when it comes to other theaters, it inspires thinking.
A movie filmed not far from the Getty that inspired much confusion, discussion and analysis due to it being intelligently made was David Lynch’s art house classic, Mulholland Drive.
When this writer first viewed the film well over a decade ago, I didn’t understand it but that didn’t matter because I thoroughly enjoyed it and was mesmerized by it from beginning to end.
The key was how it made me felt, which by the way, I didn’t understand that either.
It’s often enlightening to compare one’s thoughts to that of others especially in terms of comprehension of the brilliant film’s meaning.
I’ll start with my favorite reviewer, Roger Ebert. “It tells the story of . . . well, there’s no way to finish that sentence. There are two characters named Betty and Rita who the movie follows through mysterious plot loops, but by the end of the film we aren’t even sure they’re different characters.
The movie is hypnotic; we’re drawn along as if one thing leads to another–but nothing leads anywhere, and that’s even before the characters start to fracture and recombine like flesh caught in a kaleidoscope.
There have been countless dream sequences in the movies, almost all of them conceived with Freudian literalism to show the characters having nightmares about the plot. “Mulholland Drive” is all dreams. There is nothing that is intended to be a waking moment. Like real dreams, it does not explain, does not complete its sequences, lingers over what it finds fascinating, and dismisses unpromising plotlines. If you want an explanation for the last half hour of the film, think of it as the dreamer rising slowly to consciousness, as threads from the dream fight for space with recent memories from real life, and with fragments of other dreams–old ones and those still in development.”
I loved his review but other professional Critics seemed to interpret the story another way.
This review is exchanged by an intelligent reviewer at movies.stackexchange.com. “When the box is opened, the perspective changes. Although the viewer may not realize it, he is now in the real world, the waking world of Diane/Betty. The entire first part of the film, up to the opening of the box, has been in Diane/Betty’s dream. Betty has ultimately come into contact with all of the various people (in real life) that she has seen in her dream, and (as is typical with our dreams) faces / events are re-arranged, mixed up, and re-associated to form bizarre stories.
The opening of the box symbolizes Diane/Betty waking up.
The order of events are re-arranged so the we, the viewer, are able to piece together the puzzle (i.e. Betty coming into contact with a person in real-life…who then becomes a face –but an entirely different person with different motives–in her dream).”
Unlike Mr. Ebert, that reviewer did not see the movie as a continual dream.
Before I give my two cents, let’s get a dollar’s worth from the reviewer at theguardian.com. “Although to me it was clear that the film was divided between Betty’s dream world and her reality, I think it is counterproductive to keep analyzing it. It could be a drug-induced fantasy, or even a personal reinterpretation of someone’s life before they die, but it is a viewer-created film where you discover only what it means to you.
As much as I hate films where everything is neatly tied up, my only criticism was that there seemed to be a few storylines set up that went nowhere. Perhaps these were leftovers from the pilot it was originally intended to be, or perhaps these things are the non-sequiturs and subconscious of dreams. It is a breathtakingly bold movie, and it was far more interesting than 90% of the films I have to watch.”
Okay, I agree with the foundation of all of the above but given the odd life that I have lived which often feels surreal, I viewed it from another pathway consistent with the extreme successes and massive failures of my own life.
I’m a firm believer that if you are willing to take risks, life begins to spin a circular yarn for you. The more risks you take, the more it engages your brain to be presented with opportunities of the intersections where you can eventually cross at least four street corners whose concrete stepping stones will take your life down alternative pathways.
The road not taken becomes huge.
For those who tend to play life safe, it’s as though life partially opened the doors for them early on and when they kept closing them or walking away, the initial portals became less and less. This is why when I examine a friend or family member’s lives that played it safe, it tends to be very linear with few ups and downs. They have the nice material things in the end but it’s as though they never realized the epitome of who they could have become because they took few risks.
On the other hand with risk-takers they build world champions, great companies, inspire global movements and experience the ups and downs that go with it. Like that pathway or not, it is my opinion that if you have any chance of evolving into the epitome of who you can before your time is up, this is the road you must take which can be littered with streams of other pathways along the route that require intelligent decision making.
This to me is the essence of Mulholland Dive.
Yes beautiful blonde Betty (Naomi Watts) is a risk taker. She left the safety of her hometown and moved to the big city to pursue her dreams. She meets and falls in love with the gorgeous actress Rita.
When Betty has a chance to burst through the door of opportunity after nailing the audition and catches the eye of the director, engaging in eye to eye lovemaking, instead of creating more energy between the two of them, even if it is career motivated (so what, go for it), she makes the mind boggling decision to put Rita’s interest’s first and leaves the audition so they can make an appointment that centered around Rita.
After that, it’s all down-hill for our heroine Betty who now wakes up as the failed actress Diane and all that goes with it.
The irony is that moments later at a dinner party, it’s clear Rita would have never made that sacrifice for her.
So after all of that, I say when life’s opportunities open up for you, run through them like your hair is on fire and never look back.
Whew, I’m winded and that’s not easy to do.
This is what intelligent women’s wrestling can inspire.
Dana was a courageous artist that took on some pretty tough customers with intelligent flair. She inspired and captivated with her sound and passionate wrestling.
Yes, through wrestling matches intelligently fought, she inspires thought provoking conversations that leap to other theaters as well.
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Some may find other women’s wrestling sites erotic in nature. If you are offended by depictions of women wrestling in erotic situations, please exercise caution in visiting women’s wrestling sites.
Femcompetitor.com subscribes to fciwomenswrestling.com news source, no affiliation.
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, https://femcompetitor.com, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.