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Anna was a DWW wrestler with a soft face and a hard headlock.

Never underestimate the power of being underestimated. It’s easier to extract victories when you possess a cute baby face and an iron will.
With the face of a young girl, the beauty of a princess and the determination to make other female competitors submit to her will, during her tenure at DWW, Anna was a quiet force. She explains this herself when quoted from a fan page.
“I’ve just realized that I enjoy the physical competition versus another girl. Yes, I really like being better than another girl. I enjoy hearing those words from her when she tells me that I’m stronger. I enjoy DOMINATING my opponent. I enjoy the feeling when she’s helplessly struggling under my body and when I can sit on her and show her that I’m better and stronger than her.”
Who would have thought?
Some of her opponents probably didn’t. She faced a laundry list of DWW warriors including Jana, Eva and Hajnal for starters but it was when an American star named Amy O. traveled across the globe to meet Anna in engagement that the respect meter soared.
She continues, “For me it’s much more natural when I can pin my opponent for a long time, when I can feel her strength while she tries to escape and when I can show her my superior strength when I’m pinning her down again and pressing my body into hers. If you want to win convincingly then I believe that you need to pin or flatten your opponent to the floor and fix her there. As I’ve said, I do enjoy the feeling when my opponent is unsuccessfully trying to escape, when she’s struggling or when she’s flexing her muscles but when she’s finally unable to escape from my pin at all. Only this does show me that I’m the stronger woman because she has to accept it. Otherwise I won’t let her go.”
The combination of all of her efforts landed her in the prestigious DWW Hall of Fame.
A respected fan glows, “A true story from the last time I saw her, at 2003 Summer Event: she was dominating a blond Czech girl since may be 15-20 minutes. It was a pin only match, and Anna was unable to score. To end the fight, the referee decided that submissions were allowed too. What happened? Anna scored … a pin, and won the fight. This is Anna Wow. And this is why I/we miss her.”
Well said.
So what does a baby faced hired gun do to relax when she’s not dominating?
Have a beer of course. Its Austria after all and there is so much to choose from. It’s Anna’s favorite drink.
“Give me a woman who loves beer and I will conquer the world”…..Kaiser Wilhelm
The priceless information source Wikipedia enlightens, “Austrian beers comes in a wide variety of styles, and many small breweries are scattered across the country, though a few larger breweries dominate markets. Austrian brewers were never subject to the tight restrictions of the Reinheitsgebot, and as a result more variety remains here than in Germany. The most common style of beer is similar to the German Märzen, though the Austrian style is distinct.
The Reinheitsgebot, sometimes called the “German Beer Purity Law” or the “Bavarian Purity Law” in English, is a regulation concerning the production of beer in the Holy Roman Empire and its successor state, Germany. In the original text, the only ingredients that could be used in the production of beer were water, barley and hops.”
The European Beer Consumers Union, ebcu.org, now guides through the next part of our smooth journey. “If you order beer in Austria you most probably will get a “Märzen”. Austria’s traditional beer style originated in the 19th century when brewing lager beers was revolutionized by Austria’s legendary brewer Anton Dreher.
During the 20th century the Märzen style was – like its Bavarian counterpart – more and more adapted towards international (American style) Lagers to keep up with the rising competition in the industrial mass beer market.
What you can expect from an industrial Märzen today is a hoppier version of the “Bavarian Helles”. Compared with international Lager and Pils it still exhibits more color, body and strength (5-5.5% ABV). In general, Märzen beers brewed in higher volumes tend towards “uniformity Lagers” while those brewed by middle class and craft breweries for the regional market are more traditional – fuller bodied, sometimes hoppier and deep golden to light amber in color.
Austrian Beer Garden
Lagers derived from the classic Märzen style account for more than 80% of inland sales.”
That was very helpful and delicious. Ahhh, my thirst has been quenched.
Now for one more taste. The informative site tastings.com adds, “Austria is a confirmed beer-drinking nation, although the Austrians do not drink with quite the enthusiasm of the Germans. Still, they consume on average approximately 200 pints a year for every man, woman, and child. It is logical that Austria should have a long and noble brewing history, as they have had the essential prerequisite since the dawn of time: pure alpine water. Currently, 73 Austrian breweries turn out about 400 brands of beer, and like Austrian wines, most of these do not find their way into the export market.
Austria gave rise to the Vienna-style lager, though the Bavarians popularized the style with their Oktoberfest beers. Austrians still produce classic Vienna lager, but nowadays a US consumer will more easily find a Vienna lager from Mexico than from Austria. While there is a diverse range of beer available to the consumer within Austria, most exports are pale lagers or pilsners and feature a clean, malty character that make them close cousins to Bavarian lagers. The largest exporter of beer is the Styrian brewer, Gosser, which exports a pilsner-style beer of the same name. In the United States, Stiegl beers from the Stiegl brewery in Salzburg are the next-best-known Austrian brands.”
“He was a wise man who invented beer”……..Plato
No wonder the DWW group; originally formed in Vienna near the Danube, were such a happy bunch!
Anna further explains her relentless pursuit to dominate. “I enjoy winning. I will always give 100% therefore. I always enjoy pinning my opponent and sitting on her while holding her arms down and feeling her being helpless under my body.”
This fun girl also loves running, jogging, reading and Russell Crowe’s acting.

When this powerful wrestling company surged to prominence in the 1990’s, the fully competitive women’s wrestling world would never be the same. With stars like Anna, they propelled the industry to an entirely different level.
As the women’s wrestling industry continues to evolve and reshape, constantly swirling in cultural shifts, it’s always an honor to take a moment, smell the flowers and reflect on the body of work of now retired competitors like Anna who in their pursuit of excellence brought us something very special, timeless and unique.
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Some may find the site DWW erotic in nature. If you are offended by depictions of women wrestling in erotic situations, please exercise caution in visiting women’s wrestling sites.
Femcompetitor.com subscribes to fciwomenswrestling.com news source. No affiliation.
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, dwwgalaxy.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, tastings.com, ebcu.org, thank you Wikimedia Commons for your exceptional photos