fciwomenswrestling.com article, linkedin.com photo
Beginning with a horrifying scene of a forceful tornado that rips through Kansas, the Wizard of Oz is a classic tale of those seeking something personally vital with primarily an inanimate yellow brick road as their only guide.
It exemplifies the lengths many of us are willing to go to in an attempt to change our lives for the better.
Nowhere is this needed more in America than in the area of personal fitness.
According to the governmental site fitness.gov, “More than 80% of adults do not meet the guidelines for both aerobic and muscle-strengthening activities, and more than 80% of adolescents do not do enough aerobic physical activity to meet the guidelines for youth.”
Being in control of your life and having realistic expectations about your day-to-day challenges are the keys to stress management, which is perhaps the most important ingredient to living a happy, healthy and rewarding life.……..Marilu Henner
If you are someone seeking an expert and trained authority in the area of fitness, one of the finest around is Draga Michelle who applies her expertise in the San Jose, California area.
She explains on her Social Media, “I have worked in the Fitness Industry for over 15 years and have worked with a wide range of Clientele, some with Chronic Illness and Injuries others dealing with weight issues and some who just want to get fit. In this time I have been privileged to work with the San Jose Police and Fire Departments assisting in their Wellness Programs as well as Fitness Testing.”
That’s very impressive.
The people you surround yourself with influence your behaviors, so choose friends who have healthy habits.………Dan Buettner
Here is what a customer shares about her experience with our fitness star. “Draga Michelle is dedicated, focused and goal oriented. She has a great understanding of bringing balance into the body, mind and spirit.
I met Draga many years ago and I have watched as she has gone through many health challenges and always bounces back stronger than ever. I had a huge health challenge of my own four and half years. Ago.
I was at the lowest point of my life, wondering if I would ever fully recover. I ran into Draga and told her of my challenge, she was very encouraging and sensitive to my needs. I have regained much of my strength, stamina and balance with Draga’s guidance and encouragement.
Thank you, Draga. You will never know how much your help means to me.”
That is a tremendous testimonial.
Draga specializes in Bodybuilding, Cardio Workouts, Family Fitness, Flexibility, Personal Training, Plyometrics, Postnatal Fitness, Prenatal Fitness, Toning, General Fitness and Weight Training.
Draga has also wrestled competitively as well.
Femcompetitor first met Draga at a 2012 East Bay female wrestling event in an Oakland Dojo. She acted as the referee. Even though she didn’t wrestle that evening, given her goddess like statuesque frame, wonderful feminine muscles and perfectly fit body, we knew she would be a natural.
Her great personality and sense of humor was a plus as well.
Here is Femcompetitor Magazine’s review of her wrestling abilities.
“Draga is built like an action star out of a Marvel Comics Hollywood movie. At 6ft, she is statuesque, firmly muscled, nicely proportioned with very strong upper thighs.
Since she was brand new to wrestling, it was understandable that she had a huge mountain to climb in facing San Jose super star Isamar so it wouldn’t be fair to judge her based upon that match.
Having said that, her signature matches were against Nor Cal beauties Evadne and Rain DeGrey.
Femcompetitor Magazine had the privilege of previously covering Rain at an Oakland Dojo wrestling shoot and knew she was a tough customer. Evadne was new so we we’re intrigued how she would do against Draga who had never wrestled before except for Isamar.
At this stage of Evadne’s career she was this very shapely Marilyn Monroe type pretty girl with gorgeous Nordic blonde looks. She initially was going to compete in bicycle styled shorts but our writer spoke to someone, who spoke to someone, who spoke to someone else (very Hollywood like) and convinced Evadne to wear a power blue bathing suit.
As the match began it was clear that sweet Evadne was over matched against Thor’s possible partner in battle. Draga clasped Evadne, sat on her, scissored her, smothered her, head locked her and completely dominated the Nor Cal Nordic beauty. Evadne was a good sport and kept commenting about Draga’s powerful legs.
I of course felt very bad for Evadne, getting dominated and all with those gorgeous, thick feminine porcelain thighs struggling to escape.
During the match Rain was continually coaching.
I luv Rain DeGrey (right) massively.

We sat against the wall earlier and had a really nice private conversation.
However…….whenever someone does a lot of coaching during someone else’s match I always salivate to see them wrestle the same opponent themselves and apply all of that wonderful “advice”.
Rain would get her chance.
After we picked up and scraped off what was left of Evadne from the mats; Rain came out to play.
When interviewed by the producer, Rain acknowledged that she had been wrestling for 2-1/2 years, practiced with a Nor Cal group and loved scissors, scarf chokes and side control headlocks.
Well since Draga had not wrestled before, this should be easy, right?
Rain cleared her throat and pointed to Draga. “Look at that body”. She conceded that Draga stood a chance because her body was strong and intimidating.
Excuses, excuses.
Draga’s favorite holds are the triangle hold with the legs and choke holds.
The match began with Draga using her overwhelming power and had “Super Coach” Rain DeGrey in trouble from the get go.
As the great Mike Tyson once said, everyone has a plan until they get hit the mouth.
Fortunately Draga did not hit Rain in the mouth but she was squeezing and tossing her around pretty good.
Hmm. I guess it’s the philosophy of do as I say and not as I do.
I had seen Rain wrestle before and knew that even though temporarily she might be in trouble but this kid never gives up.
Rain didn’t give up and began to take control of the match.
Both girls did exactly as they said they would and applied their favorite holds to crank out submissions on one another. As the match became more intense as usual people in the audience started coaching (except for me).
Bryn Blaine was chattering up a storm; coaching here, suggesting there, admonishing this and pronouncing that. Even Isamar got into the conversation and screamed, “Don’t give up your back!”
I can understand the excitement as the match was super tight and came down to one deciding submission.
That day, our Fitness Princess Draga certainly earned her wrestling stripes.”
Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.……John F. Kennedy
Draga is very passionate about her vocation and also shares why she has had so much success. “It has been my experience, in working with so many great people that has made me realize the one thing we all have in common: Regardless of our fitness levels or where we are in our lives, we all want to feel good. Fitness is a huge part of feeling good; mentally as well as physically. It is my Mission to help those who are ready to commit to a more Positive Lifestyle.”
We agree.
One of the interesting aspects of summarizing the Wizard of Oz is that much of what Dorothy, The Scarecrow, Tin Man and The Lion desired was already on or in them.
Often real life is like that. Many of the limits in life are only the ones we put upon ourselves.
Having said that, at least once in life, most of need help from someone.
In the area of fitness, when you review the statistics, many need help attaining a healthy lifestyle.
In our quest for a healthy mind, body and soul, we’re fortunate to have talented professionals like Draga who can help guide us down the fitness yellow brick road.

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Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.