fciwomenswrestling.com article, fightpulse.com photo
Life becomes a harmonious arrangement when we put things in perspective and find equilibrium in our pursuits of business, recreation, faith, friends and family.
Some would describe that as balance.
When we research and read about the accomplishments of the Czech beauty Diana, she seems to have a life in balance. Not too serious and not too slight.
You’re going to die. You’re going to be dead. It could be 20 years, it could be tomorrow, anytime. So am I. I mean, we’re just going to be gone. The world’s going to go on without us. All right now. You do your job in the face of that, and how seriously you take yourself you decide for yourself.……….Bob Dylan
We take seriously Diana’s wrestling because she takes it seriously.
Diana, A Blonde Beauty On Top

Her profile at WB270 educates us that Diana is a black belt with more than ten years of experience in Judo and kickboxing.
That’s serious.
Yet she does engage in mixed-wrestling in a semi-competitive or fully competitive fashion.
Her matches can be found at the dynamic site https://www.fightpulse.com/tag/diana/

That’s fun. Lots of fun.
A description of her matches at fightpulse.com educates us that Diana is a superior grappler. When she faces the respected wrestler Xena here is how one reviewer describes the match.
“There is no doubt that this is Xena’s toughest match to date, as she is facing our top wrestler, Diana, in her most comfortable outfit – a Judo Gi. The effort put forward by Xena is spectacular. Unfortunately, it is not enough. Diana decisively takes the match in her hands with an amazing number of tight schoolgirl pins – both front or reverse. Xena loses control of her aggression, and in one of the rounds even land an unintentional kick to Diana’s face. But this only distract Diana for a split second from her merciless onslaught.
If you like the schoolgirl pin hold, and if you love seeing one woman dominating another despite the latter’s best effort, this is the video you will not regret watching.”
She also faces industry great VeVe Lane and it’s clear there is serious tension in the air.
“For the first time in underground wrestling a BJJ expert faces a judoka in a competitive submission wrestling match. In this interdisciplinary match-up BJJ purple belt VeVe Lane is pitted against Diana, a black belt in Judo. The display of technical skill from both opponents is outstanding. Skip this match if you like quick submissions and one-sided matches. However, if you like watching two beautiful ladies, experts in two different martial arts, display their top-notch grappling skills in an absolutely competitive and extremely close match, long exhaustive attempts to gain advantage, escapes from excruciating and seemingly inescapable holds, then you don’t want to miss this video.
VeVe and Diana talk about differences between their disciplines in the interviews before and after the match. In the closing interview the opponents analyze the various holds and remark on different moments of the match, as well as talk about how their background affected the match, and ultimately, the outcome.”
Diana sessions out of Prague in the scenic Czech Republic.
Femcompetitor Magazine has electronically taken its readers to this wonderful part of the world numerous times when we’ve written about the legendary DWW Gladiators who once wrestled near the Danube in Vienna. Many of them were gorgeous Czech Princesses.
Let’s please travel there again because we are certain at some point having a session with Diana will one day be on your to do list.
What do most of us want to do after a session? This writer loves to socialize and treat them to lunch if they agree.
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.…….Elbert Hubbard
Having said that, when researching when to have a nice lunch in Prague, as you can guess, that search can take longer than standing in line at the DMV. In fact, at one site there were over 4,200 restaurants listed.
One did catch our eye however so we’d like to invite you to sit down with us. It has a very earthy feel to it. The Gem of today is Restaurace Mlejnice.
The entertaining site pragueeventscalendar.com has agreed to wait on our table and share some insights. “Restaurants in Skin Mlejnice Street is located in close proximity Old Town Square in Prague.
This is a stylish restaurant with a smaller home environment and spirit, whose interior is made up of contemporary peasant tools and completed the original advertising signs from the distant past.
The restaurant comprises 50 seats at the table with possible draft position at the bar. In the kitchen cooking favorite specialty of potatoes and roasted pork knee or ribs and meats.”
At the respected travel site tripadvisor.com a previous patron shares their opinion with us. “We found this place by an accident while exploring narrow streets around Old Town Square. It was in the evening and the place was full which is always a good sign of a decent cuisine. We took a card and the next day we tried to book a table by phone but nobody ever answered. Later we were told by one of our tour guides that it is quite normal in this place, they hardly ever pick up a phone… However, we managed to get seats there around lunch time and it was well worth it! The place is really cozy with lots of wooden rural decoration hanging from the ceilings and walls, wooden chairs and tables.”
They concluded by highly recommending it.
If you session with Diana it might be a good place to check out.
The female submission wrestling industry has provided us a new star from a very old part of the world that we’ve become so familiar with.

Diana is super sexy, talented, MMA skilled and at 5 foot 9 and 150 pounds, very solid. If you session with her, we sense you are going to have a very fun time.
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Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.