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Being productive is a desirable propulsion as long as the finished product is both effective and successful.
At a very young age, CrossFit extraordinaire Brooke Wells, a student at the University of Missouri in Columbia, is a hard and smart worker whose productivity is both effective and very successful.
The innovative athletic group npgl.com explains why they were impressed enough with Brooke to draft her on their team. “At just 19 years old, Brooke Wells can say she has used social media in a more productive way than most people her age. A former high school track star, Wells began training in CrossFit in high school and posting videos to her Instagram. This caught the eye of the Miami Surge and led to her being drafted fourth overall in 2015. Wells is a full-time student at the University of Missouri where her twin sister, Sydney, is on the track team. Wells is a barbell mover on the GRID with a 250-lb clean and jerk, 200-lb snatch and 370-lb deadlift. She recently won the Central Regional.”
Brooke made her debut at the CrossFit Games in 2015.
Which raises a question. Who is the NPGL and what do they do? What did young Brooke get herself drafted into?
We’re just meeting them so let’s procure a definition from someone familiar with them.
The informative site mensjournal.com is very helpful. “If CrossFit bore the “sport of fitness,” the National Pro Grid League gave it a professional season. The new athletic league launched its inaugural year this fall with eight teams competing in head-to-head matches of short, fast feats-of-strength races. It’s a little bit indoor track and field, strongman, American Gladiators, and, of course, the CrossFit Games.”
Thanks for the help. It’s one thing to see how others see you. It’s another to see how NPGL sees themselves.
They define, “Grid is the world’s first professional spectator sport with co-ed teams that compete in strategic athletics racing. It’s a mainstream sporting league that is fan, TV and sponsor friendly. Each two-hour match features two 14-person teams (7 men, 7 women, one of each being over 40 years old) going head to head in 11 fast races. Grid races are easy to follow and are played with pre-set rules and unlimited substitutions designed to force teams to strategize.”
Very interesting. Have you ever heard of this intriguing spectator sport? NBC liked it enough to air the product.
With intense, beautiful young stars like Brooke Wells, it’s understandably a success.
Brooke’s work outs are clearly paying off.
One look at her gorgeous strong legs is a testament to her productivity. Since we described her team, here is how Brooke describes herself at her Facebook. She’s a CrossFit Games Athlete & NPGL Miami Surge Athlete.
I turned down a scholarship to Yale. The problem with college is that there’s a tendency to mistake preparation for productivity. You can prepare all you want, but if you never roll the dice you’ll never be successful.……Shia LaBeouf
The well-read sports site crossfitfringe.com shares some of Brooke’s many accomplishments. In some of her recent competitions she achieved:
2014 CrossFit North Central Regional, 4th place Team
2015 Shredfest 1st Place
2015 CrossFit Super Central Regional 1st Place
2015 CrossFit Games (July 2015)
Very impressive. Let’s visit Columbia, Missouri.
Columbia is a city of 116,906 people in the state of Missouri.
Founded in 1820 as the county seat of Boone County and home to the University of Missouri, it is the principal municipality of the Columbia Metropolitan Area, and the fourth most populous urban area in Missouri.
As a mid-western college town, the city has a reputation for progressive politics, public art, and powerful journalism. The tripartite establishment of Stephens College (1833), The University of Missouri (1839), and Columbia College (1851) has long made the city a center of education, culture, and athletic competition.
Columbia, located in northern mid-Missouri, is 120 miles away from both St. Louis and Kansas City, and 29 miles north of the state capital Jefferson City.
The warm city site visitcolumbiamo.com invites you for a visit and here is why. “Time and time again, visitors are delightfully surprised by what Columbia has to offer.
From picturesque parks and clever cuisine to amazing art and superb shopping, visitors find that Columbia is ‘more than a college town’ and ‘surprisingly sophisticated.’ We like to think of Columbia as a cool neighborhood in a big city, with a young vibe, an active buzz and an engaged community. We’re also a friendly and welcoming community, with a thriving downtown and an abundance of cultural opportunities.”
Sounds great doesn’t it?
If you’re adventurous like Brooke and are willing to take a scenic 204 mile drive and stay within the state of Missouri, you can visit one of the most enjoyable, family oriented tourist theme towns on the earth; Branson, Missouri.
Branson is an Ozark town in southwest Missouri known as a family vacation destination.
Its 76 Country Boulevard is famously lined with theaters, which once hosted mostly country music performers but today present diverse entertainment. Also along the strip are Silver Dollar City, an 1800s-themed amusement park with live music, the landmark Marvel Cave and Dolly Parton’s Wild West-style Dixie Stampede dinner theater.
That’s the basics.
Who better to explain with love than the travel experts at lonelyplanet.com, “Hokey Branson is a cheerfully shameless tourist resort. The main attractions are the more than 50 theaters hosting 100-plus country music, magic and comedy shows. The neon-lit ’76 Strip’ (Hwy 76) packs in miles of motels, restaurants, wax museums, shopping malls, fun parks and theaters. A campaign to beautify the strip began in 2015.”
Profitability comes from loyalty, productivity, and having a character base from which to work……….Zig Ziglar
As the world of CrossFit continues to explode with very young beautiful girls like Brooke as the featured stars, a new culture is clearly immerging.
What is it about CrossFit that makes it so popular & effective?
The positive progressive CrossFit community and strong beautiful girls like Brooke are what make it so popular!
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Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.