fciwomenswrestling.com article, Wikimedia photo
The information surrounding an industry legend who is not only alive and kicking but continuing to kick substantial tail, can be a little overwhelming.
Where do you start? What do you write about that hasn’t already been written? How do you do a great star like Ariel justice by not writing the same thing that you see in endless interviews with and about her?
Possible answer?
You take a risk and speak from your personal experiences.
About six years ago I first became aware of Ariel with her resume at two Nor Cal companies. Being a lover of fully competitive women’s submission wrestling and just escaping a very conservative lifestyle, I would say my FvF binoculars were naïve and limited.
I knew that she was good but also felt that she had plied her trade at companies that engaged in behavior where the wrestling was secondary at one and a scripted sister fight at the other. So when I found out that Ariel would perform at Femwin’s Los Angeles event, I was looking forward to meeting with her, pontificating and talking a little philosophy.
When we met at a mid-sized Dojo not far from the beach, I quietly watched her at a distance. The subject I decided to approach was a polite discussion about her work with the sisterhood up in the pines at Placerville.
I introduced myself as a fan and found her to be very down to earth, easy to talk too and not displaying a public persona. There are so many female wrestlers that I have met who are strongly in character that it’s difficult to tell who they really are once the walls and masks are removed.
Ariel is Ariel. Simple enough.
Previously I had lived a corporate, religious right private life which combined with raising teenaged children was incredibly stressful so when I went into the women’s wrestling world, in a strange way I wore my own mask which was to let my hair down, have fun and be silly.
That doesn’t always go over well.
There was an incredible line up of matches that evening.
Let’s start with the newbies.
There was one super sweet girl, a slender brunette who was very friendly and then another shapely dark haired beauty who was snooty and sarcastic. The latter clearly felt superior to us male pervs and it bled through. Still, she was incredibly good looking.
It came through in her wrestling too and she gave the sweet brunette a sound, thorough and extremely erotic girlie whipping. I was later told the sweetie would not return after her significant other saw her bruises and felt enough is enough. As far as I know she would never wrestle again.
Cheyenne Jewel, Julie Ginther, Dia Zerva and Sammy Squeeze were also there. Given how in today’s women’s wrestling environment it’s extremely difficult to deliver a blockbuster card like that, we fans in attendance didn’t know how good we had it.
Ariel would take on Julie that weekend and I felt it would be Julie in an Oregon cake walk. Not so fast. Ariel even back then was clearly much better than I had thought. She and Julie went toe to toe and Julie did have a previous injury but impairments aside, Ariel was clearly the star of the event.
Needless to say, I would never underestimate her again.
It would be in 2012 that I would see Ariel at an evening wrestling event at a Dojo in Oakland where Femwin would shoot matches. I did my apprenticeship with Femwin often shooting some of their camera work so at this competition I would do that again.
On the card that day would be Bay Area talents like Audrey Rose, Katy Cherry, Bryn Blayne, FeFe, CiCi Rhodes and San Jose super star Isamar Gutierrez.
As expected Ariel and Isamar would end up in the final and like the warriors they are, battled toe to toe until there was a winner.
As is the custom with our group, we treated the female wrestlers to lunch and I got a chance to sit across from Ariel and we talked about the industry problem of down load pirating. The Thai food was great and hanging out with Ariel was even better.
According to IMDb, the world’s most popular and authoritative source for movie, TV and celebrity content, they had this to say about our beautiful champion. “Sexy and slender brunette Ariel X. was born Crystal Tracy on May 15, 1980 in Granada Hills, California. She’s of mixed Irish, Polish, and Russian descent. Ariel grew up in a Mormon household with five brothers and two sisters.
A great student in grade school, Ariel received a scholarship for college, where she studied business marketing and got an AA. She started out in the adult entertainment industry as an amateur fetish model in 2003. She has modeled for such major companies as Playboy.”
Ah, Granada Hills.
As a football fan, the high school teams in or around Granada Hills are legend. Wikipedia shares Hall of Fame quarterback John Elway starred there.
The respected information site also shares, “Granada Hills is a lightly populated, highly diverse and high-income neighborhood in the San Fernando Valley region of the city of Los Angeles. Formerly agricultural, it is now mostly residential, with three-quarters of the living units being occupied by their owners. The percentage of married people is among the county’s highest.
There is an active sports program and a range of city recreation centers. The neighborhood has fourteen public and seven private schools.
Granada Hills is a hot spot of mid-century architecture which returned to vogue in the 1990s, known as Mid-Century modern. The most notable tract is “Balboa Highlands”, a small tract designed by iconic architect Joseph Eichler. Many of these homes, which are North of Rinaldi/West of Balboa, have been featured in movies, commercials, magazine pictorials and often pop up in books both on Eichler and classic examples of mid-century architecture.”
A Beautiful Granada Hills Eichler Home
This is the sunny village that raised Ariel.
I love Southern California so much. Just sitting at a side walk café and watching life unfold has a special feel to it like nowhere else. It’s as though important life altering projects are silently unfolding as you sip your exotic coffee. There is always a sense you are right in the middle of magic.
At wb270.com the Granada Hills Maiden speaks for herself. “I have been wrestling and training in BJJ for years. I have some boxing and other martial art experience but I would not say those are my forte. I am interested in fully clothed semi competitive, competitive, fantasy scissor sessions, lift and carry. Although I may appear small, do not let it fool you, I am very strong and have extremely high stamina.”
Like most female submission wrestlers, Ariel travels the globe and participates in sessions where in a non-sexual way she wrestles male customers. Here is what one satisfied customer had to say.
“The first time we met when Ariel came into the room, she had an amazing air of confidence – which really surprised me given her size. Within the first few moments on the mat – two things became very obvious very quickly. Ariel has terrific technique – she countered any move and was able to very quickly find an opening and quickly apply any of her arsenal of very effective submission holds. The second surprise was that her strength is completely shocking given her size and appearance.”
The female submission wrestling producer Femwin has this to say. “Pound-for-pound, Ariel’s one of the best wrestler’s in the world! She’s very, very strong and her fitness level is off the charts! She’s been wrestling since 2007, has BJJ training and some boxing experience. Ariel does sessions in the Los Angeles area.”
Ariel is involved with in many aspects of women’s wrestling that her legend continues to grow. Female Competition International hopes to one day build and form a Female Submission Wrestling Hall Of Fame.
I think we all know who one of the first inductees will be.
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Some may find other women’s wrestling sites erotic in nature. If you are offended by depictions of women wrestling in erotic situations, please exercise caution in visiting women’s wrestling sites.
Femcompetitor.com subscribes to fciwomenswrestling.com news source, no affiliation.
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, https://femcompetitor.com, femwin.com, WB270.com, IMDB.com, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.