grapplingstars.com, femcompetitor.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, fcielitecompetitor.com fciwomenswrestling2.com articles, pexels.com Cedric-Lim-Ah-Tock.
Captivation with watching Alyssa Loughran working out is common and understandable. We certainly love to do it.
If you are going to do it, and we are certain that you will, we have one major suggestion.
Please bring a napkin because you will need to dab from drooling and excessively salivating watching this gorgeous Pennsylvania Princess.
The muscular website greatestphysiques.com introduces us to her. “From party-loving student to bikini athlete, Alyssa Loughran worked hard to transform her lifestyle and physique to become a fitness icon.
She began her journey while still in college after becoming unhappy with her appearance. She’s since won and placed highly in various competitions, alongside an appearance in a short-film.
Born and raised in Pennsylvania, America, Alyssa was very active growing up. She participated in many different sports, such as soccer and netball, keeping fit and lean.
However, during high school and college, she began leading a party lifestyle. At this point, Alyssa became very unhealthy after drinking alcohol and eating junk food on a regular basis.
Start of Fitness Journey”
We are extremely happy to follow her on her dynamic journey.
Here is her Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alyssaloughran/?hl=en
Alyssa’s accomplishments are extremely impressive.
2010 Kumite Classic Bikini America Competition, 2nd
2010 Kumite Classic Model America Competition, 1st
2013 NPC Pennsylvania State Championships, 5th
2014 Kumite Classic Bikini America Competition, 1st
Her affiliations published on her Instagram are intriguing. We would like to introduce them to you. At www.americanmadenutrition.com they announce……..
We are American Made Nutrition (AMN). Our goal is to build a company that makes the world a better place one product at a time!
“American Made Nutrition was founded in 2016. While the brand may be new to the market our experience in manufacturing high quality nutritional supplements is not. Our goal is to make every person that comes in contact with our company a better person for doing so. We want to help you reach all your fitness goals and create the best version of yourself. This is not only obtained through our NSF/cGMP certified quality supplements, but it’s accomplished by becoming a partner with our company and creating a team atmosphere where every person motivates the next.
We are passionate about health and fitness. That is how we operate as a company, and that’s how we operate with every delivery of our goods. Good enough isn’t enough for us! It takes discipline and commitment to live healthier and train harder day in and day out. Making great supplements is no exception.
One thing every customer can be sure of, when they order a product from us is that with the research and dedication we’ve put into these formulas. We have done absolutely everything we could possibly do to help you build the best version of yourself that you can possibly be. Life is too short to not maximize your potential.”
As with any supplement that you plan to consume, please consult with your physician first.
Now that you are inspired by Alyssa (salivating is okay, but please stop drooling) isn’t it easy to imagine what she looks like in all types of athletic attire including leggings?
We know that you have a great imagination.

She is also cooperative with an apparel company that has their eye and designs on fantastic and sexy women’s athletic wear.
At builtapparel.net they pronounce, “BUILT was created on February 1st, 2015 with an idea to produce reliable fitness content that our community can trust. The fitness and health industry have many influential icons and our goal is to share their journeys to inspire building your own. BUILT Apparel division promises to deliver contemporary fashion designs for active lifestyle. When you look good–you feel good.”
Wow, we are liking what we are hearing. We want to hear more.
“The mission with BUILT is to connect and motivate athletes around the world. We believe that if you have the appetite to grow, then you have the ability for greatness. The mind simply cannot be bought; it is BUILT through life experiences. Be bold, be healthy, be you.”
We are so excited about Alyssa that we are contemplating working out more often. We love her total package including her gorgeous bottom.
Are you inspired yet? If you are a female athlete or aspiring Fitness Model we have a visiting female speaker with a message for you regarding that sexy butt that you have been hiding.
Come on. It’s summer. Make the most of it.
Top 12 Exercises To Get a Tight Booty!

Do you want to get a tight tush like J.Lo or a bootylicious back side like Beyonce? Let it be known that these women have great assets because they work for them. Even Latifah loves her new booty that she developed from doing booty specific exercises. I have watched many women transform their back sides by doing booty specific exercises and following a healthy meal plan. If you want to create a Bikini Bottom like Cameron Diaz then do these exercises 3 times a week!
These are the most effective exercises that I always include in a workout designed to tighten your tush:
Standing Exercises 1-2 sets, 15-25 reps
1) Single Leg Squats – bodyweight: Start standing with feet hip distance apart. Lift your left foot 1inch off of the floor and put all of your bodyweight onto your right leg. Send your hips back as if you were going to sit into a chair. Make sure your right knee does not push over your right toe. Drive through your right heel, carrying all of your weight on your right leg and squeeze your right tush at the top. Repeat for 15-25 reps and then do the other leg.
2) Reverse Lunges- 3lb-8lb dumbbells: Start standing wit feet hip distance apart. Step back 3-4 feet with your right leg and land on the ball of your right foot. Lower your right knee towards the floor until your left thigh is parallel to the floor. Drive through your left heel, carrying all of your weight on your left leg and return your standing position squeezing your left tush. Repeat 15-25reps and then do the other leg.
3) Squats- 5lb-10lb dumbbells: Place dumbbells on your shoulders and start standing with feet shoulder width apart. Send your hips back as if you are going to sit in a chair. Go as low as you can without pushing your knees over your toes. Push back up to a standing position by driving through your heels and your hips and then squeeze your booty when you get to the top. Repeat for 15-25 reps.
4) Side Kicks, Round House Kicks and Back Kicks: Do 15-25 reps of each kick. If you are a beginner then I recommend that you ask a kickboxing instructor to teach you how to safely execute these kicks with good form and technique.
Floor Exercises 1-2 sets, 15-25 reps
1) Back Kicks on all fours- Start on a mat on your hands and knees. Pull your abdominals in tight to support your back then push your right leg towards the ceiling, creating a 45 degree angle. Squeeze your buttocks when your leg is fully extended and then return your knee to directly under your hip. Repeat this movement for 15-25reps and then switch to the other leg.
2) Fire Hydrant on all fours- Start on a mat on your hands and knees. Pull your abdominals in tight to support your lower back and lift your right knee out to the side like a dog lifting there leg to go to the bathroom. Squeeze the outside of your buttocks and then lower your leg. Repeat this movement 15-25reps and then switch to the other leg.
3) Shoulder bridge butt squeezes: Start on your back with arms facing down on the ground, knees bent and feet placed about one foot in front of your knees. Drive your hips into the air by pushing through your heels and squeeze your buttocks. Lower your hips about two inches and then press back up squeezing your buttocks. Repeat this motion for 15-25reps
4) Single leg shoulder bridge butt squeezes: Use the same form as the regular shoulder bridge above except on slight change. Lift your left foot 2 inches off of the ground and balance all of your weight on the right leg, squeezing the right buttocks each time you lift the hips. Repeat for 15-25reps then change legs.
Cardio Exercises 20-45minutes
1) Hiking or Treadmill Walking on an Incline of 5.0-10.0
2) Climbing Stairs or Stair climber Machine
3) Ice Skating, Rollerblading or Skating Machine
4) Jogging or 5 sets of 30-90second Sprint Intervals with 2-3minutes of recovery
I have designed a twenty minute Butt and Thigh Blast Workout DVD specifically designed to tighten your tush and it has been hailed by many as their favorite workout. To check out “The Hollywood Trainer Butt and Thigh Blast Workout” that includes all of the standing and floor exercises listed above go to http://www.thehollywoodtrainer.com .
Jeanette Jenkins, founder and president of The Hollywood Trainer(tm), is a Nike Elite Athlete and the official spokesperson for BET Foundation’s “A Healthy BET.” Her expertise as a fitness and nutritional consultant has been featured on Oprah.com, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Extra, Access Hollywood, MSNBC.com, EDiets.com, ivillage.com, The Tyra Banks Show, the Food Network, VH1, and on the BET network. Her work has been profiled in People, O Magazine, InStyle, Fitness, Shape, Self, Redbook, Glamour, CosmoStyle, and Essence, among other magazines. She writes regular columns for the Los Angeles Daily News, Urban Influence Magazine, Precious Times and MSNBC.com just to name a few. She has worked with many celebrities including Queen Latifah, actress Taryn Manning, swimsuit model Amy Weber, and several NFL and NBA athletes. Jenkins studied human kinetics at the University of Ottawa, Canada, and holds more than seventeen international certifications covering nutrition and various fitness training methods. [http://www.thehollywoodtrianer.com]
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